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  • Wanted Reward: $6
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  • in reply to: The Beast #89896
    BeMyAngel WANTED $6

    I was referring to the World’s Strongest Man and only human to ever lift 500kg thanking all of his viewers and supporters, telling us that he couldn’t have done what he did, without us, without you and me

    If this guy has the attitude that despite his individual feats of strength he still relies on his viewership and audience, what planet is the Bandit from when he says he owes us all nothing? The Bandit owes us, his viewership and those who followed his signup links, everything that he has, by in large. He sees it the other way round that we owe HIM for him going out of his way “to be bothered to find 6 hours to gamble on slot machines”. Uh huh, don’t stress yourself too much mate, wouldn’t wanna blow a head gasket like The Beast pulling 500kg

    in reply to: Awwwwww poo #89840
    BeMyAngel WANTED $6

    At least Lil Devil can pay. I’ve had shit heartstoppers paying like 10x or less but I’ve also had a few go 500x +

    Compare to Holy Diver or Monopoly Megaways or even Wild Swarm or similar games, all can take the piss to give the best feature but it seems that only Lil Devil pays both regularly (100x +) and has the potential for huge (10,000x +) wins

    in reply to: Avoid Videoslots!! RTP Rip off! #89826
    BeMyAngel WANTED $6

    You’re wasting your breath

    I provided Bandit with a clear enough explanation of the RTP difference and why videoslots are scumbags. He laughed in my face, called me full of shit and continues to plug videoslots. Just btw I’m a quant (physics + finance) and it really annoyed me when layman Bandit called me full of shit for posting scientific proof. Bandit is a shill for Videoslots because he doesn’t care if you sign up and play their shit RTP versions. I find it totally unacceptable from both Bandit and videoslots. It’s a real scumbag move from both

    in reply to: RTP of slots and why it matters (VideoSlots) #84123
    BeMyAngel WANTED $6

    @argyl53 – thank you, a sensible comment. The point I’m making is that to notice the difference between 96% and 92% RTP you only have to play about 40 spins, statistically.

    TheBandit broadcast to thousands of people that it makes no difference at all unless playing a large sample. That is FALSE and people playing those games should know the truth. After 40 spins you are losing money compared to a higher RTP version of the same slot. I’m angry that 2/3 people disagree with that, like wtaf? You disagree with maths? LOL

    in reply to: RTP of slots and why it matters (VideoSlots) #84121
    BeMyAngel WANTED $6

    @seyahkram1977 – I discussed a bit of that at the end of my OP

    It doesn’t surprise me you agree with Bandit or that most people will agree with Bandit. What use is maths and science in the face of celebrity?

    I’ve given you guys the theory and the facts, which are not disputed amongst statisticians, casinos and those who designed the slot machines. If you want to have your own opinions, that’s fine, I can’t argue with people who disagree with maths. I’m not gonna reply any more


    in reply to: RTP of slots and why it matters (VideoSlots) #84120
    BeMyAngel WANTED $6

    And just to add to the above example – From a random sample of 40 you won’t get the person in the UK with the smallest feet or the tallest man in the UK, just like you won’t get the most extreme results on a slot machine out of a random 40 spins (unless mega lucky), but the shape of the graph, the peak and the tails that make a normal distribution, will become clear.

    You annoyed me enough with your comments in the video but your condescendence here towards the evidence and universal maths is staggering.

    in reply to: RTP of slots and why it matters (VideoSlots) #84117
    BeMyAngel WANTED $6

    That’s fine but it’s not my opinion – if you read the links you will see it’s pretty easy to understand

    IF you already know the characteristics of the distribution, then yes quite obviously you can take a sample (play a slot) and see how that compares to expectations. Then if you take a sufficiently large sample (trillions of spins) you will know everything about the distribution. Still with me? Good mate. Now the maths just happens to work out that a sample size of 30-40 spins is enough to approximate the normal distribution (the characteristics of the slot)

    Just FYI you make videos shilling for casinos and I’m a quant (physics + finance).  Fuck me. Talk about ignorant. I give you the theory and the facts and you call me full of shit. FAKE NEWS lolol

    Want an example maybe you can get your tiny brain around?

    Take 40 random people on the street and ask them what shoe size they are and what height they are. Try this in forum if you think you are right and I am wrong. Then compare those 40 random results with the known characteristics of the distribution (the stats from the UK population for height and shoe size). Again wow, you will see your sample of a random 40 matches the normal distribution of millions of people! How is this possible? Black magic? No it’s just relatively simple maths, a Gaussian or normal distribution, same as a slot machine!!!

    in reply to: Back at it!!! #82586
    BeMyAngel WANTED $6

    @seedy – dodgy VPN? Not sure about that mate VPNs aren’t dodgy they are common sense in today’s world

    Any chance of getting those comments removed from the spam folder or perhaps sending them to me so I can re post not using a VPN? Cheers

    I see my profile has a +2 but none of my comments have any thumbs up. Did I get +2 for making 2 comments or were my comments posted and then removed from the VPN incident?

    in reply to: Back at it!!! #82550
    BeMyAngel WANTED $6

    Why are my posts not approved and not even showing up on my profile @seedy?

    in reply to: Where does it all come from ? #82533
    BeMyAngel WANTED $6

    I made a couple of comments yesterday and I don’t see them on my profile or on the forum. What happened? Did I get censored or what?

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