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  • in reply to: F1 this year! #111302
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Can’t stand Verstappen, seems to think he can do what he wants and never takes any responsibility. Some of the stuff he’s done on the track has been so reckless and I think he regularly gets let off lightly.

    I really hope Hamilton wins but I just dont think he’ll get it done. I wouldn’t put it past Verstappen to take him out in the last race of the season if he has any sort of lead. He just seems that kind of person. Mo denying he’s talented but a horrible little boy at the same time.

    On a side note, was nice to see Alonso do well at the weekend.

    in reply to: Gold. Britain’s got… erm, something ? #110535
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Xbobmad wrote:

    I’ve played LOTS of this on the BTG test site, the win exchange seems quite fair but it rarely gives a retrigger.

    It’ll be interesting to see if rocknrolla gets the same kind of trolling all the other BTG launch partners get when he does the launch tomorrow.

    The comments on his video are people assuming he got paid for the video or saying he uses funny money as he’s now doing the same promotion as hideous. Kinda branded by association.

    in reply to: Harsh reality again, but a serious question… #110483
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Bookies really frustrate me in terms of self exclusion. They refuse to do it unless you provide a photo. Few times over the years I’ve done my balls and been refused exclusion because I dont have a photo, been told to get one when I’ve literally just pissed away every penny I have.

    Let’s be real, the bookies are not interested in people self excluding. If they were it would be easier to do so and an easy way to do that would be to provide each shop with a basic tablet that can take a customers photo, record their details and then be distributed to other shops and stored on a central database. This is what a lot of arcades do now and would be such an effective and easily implemented solution.

    in reply to: Be careful who you follow! #110312
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Ah come on, this is just rinse n repeat. I’m Chips biggest critic, can’t stand the guy but do we have to do this conversation again, it’s been done to death.

    in reply to: Fake vs Real : An FYI for Bandit and Co #110003
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Unless its done by an official body like the UKGC it is an utterly pointless venture. From what I have seen there is far too much room to bend the truth and get around the requirements. Christ I think you only need to prove deposits/withdrawals for one stream to be bronze verified. If you’re in bed with the casino and any good with photo shop then that’s a doddle to bosh out. It also doesn’t highlight streamers who might use a 5x bonus to allow them to spin much higher than normal but risk nothing knowing their affiliate income will far outweigh the loss and they stay relevant. Technically they’ve deposited their own money and if they beat wagering can withdraw but its not the same deal we all get, not the same risk and so they shouldn’t be verified, but they will be.

    Lovely idea but not one I see working. If dubious streamers are able to verify and then say they are legit then I’d say its actually counter productive. Only way of working is full auditing of lots of accounts which won’t happen.

    in reply to: Rhyker Hackarry claims fake streamers #109778
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Its all just the same old conjecture.

    I think we all know casino grounds dont care about fake money unless like in that one case its been admitted. Someone questioned them on about him the other day and they replied with war n peace about how wrong fake funds are and why they had to sack him off. I replied to that and asked if that’s their stance, why are they showing wins from other highly dubious streamers such as chip n hideous? Obviously no reply.

    in reply to: BREAKING NEWS #109699
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    The problem with you tube comments is lots of people just take them at face value. The accounts show as at September 2020, there’s 138k debt but we don’t actually know where to. For all we know 90k that’s quoted as other creditors could be bandit himself. People will use whatever they can if they can make it suit their agenda. The problem is People who read it and take it at face value. Let’s be realistic, if bandit was in the hole hes supposedly in he wouldn’t be dropping 50k playing reel king at £80 spins.

    in reply to: what a week #109340
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    GameRoom wrote:

    a lot of UK streamers play on a casino called LordPing casino as an affiliation stream cant play on real money (Boboslots,Azzigambling,Spinit,Angry slots) all stream from this casino

    <iframe title=”Showing my Deposits & the Truth and Lies of Affiliation” src=”; width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>

    This is old news and has been done to death on old posts. Apologies if that seems rude but this entire thread is becoming a regurgitation of things we all know, think or have discussed. Im sure you’ve even been on those threads.

    Repeatedly raising the same whinge for the few remaining souls on the forum is more detrimental than anything as people get bored of it.

    So many people get outraged by what goes on but I’ve never seen anyone post anything about any action being taken or petition to sign. Theres no new information confirming the use of fake money, its all rinse and repeat. Yes chip, hideous etc are shysters most likely on fake money and moved to Ireland to get around the ukgc. Rosh is faker than a £9 note. All stuff we know but nothing changes.

    in reply to: what a week #109321
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    igc-rm wrote:

    bigbucks1983 wrote:

    I think one thing missed when discussing streamers, more so the questionable ones, is that on a website such as this most people were hardened gamblers before streaming really took off. With that it was easier for us to see the bullshit and know the reality of what life online is like. Now you take a naive 18 year old who stumbles across xyz streamer and starts watching them and in turn becomes conditioned to thinking its easy to win online and £10 spins are the norm. They don’t see the obvious fakeness of a queer hat raving over £100,000,000 wins, the insincerity of a middle aged man playing the same slots over and over with zero emotion to the wins. To them thats all they know, when they dip their toes in to the online world using xyz affiliate code for a free £100 they don’t know 100x wagering is damn near impossible. They might win, they might lose a lot, they might get addicted, they might not. The point is we are in a far more advantageous position than them from the outset.

    So, with this in mind, when we discuss fake streamers, their actions to line their own pockets are far more insidious than a gambling advert on TV. Granted the advert reaches a wider audience.

    The thing is this topic can be done to death im afraid but until there is some sort of regulation on streamers nothing will change, they answer to no one. At least gambling adverts with be regulated by the advertising standards and the casino by the ukgc.

    If it were proven, the direct correlation between genuinely fake streamers and the damage possible, then the UKGC could be urged by the public (via mps and petitions etc) to make serious amends via rules policies etc to stop it from happening.

    But then, how to stop foreign frauds where our laws have no effect. Age gating happens, how is that enforced ?

    What if streamers were ordered to show complete transparency to be able to ADVERTISE a casino ?

    How about the fact that if you work in “x” casino or bookie, you are NOT allowed to gamble there ? Is that a company policy or the law ? I am looking for that knowledge atm. If it’s the law, then how can a person be promoting a casino as work or business and be part of the clientele.. surely they are breaking the law ? Isn’t that a massive catch 22 ?


    I think you’d struggle to prove any correlation between only fake streamers and the possible damage because the risk would still be there with genuine streamers.

    What would be needed is absolute transparency through regulation. For instance if a casino funds in any way a players bank roll then that needs to be visible. If a player can’t withdraw the money won, that needs to be known, what a player has won and lost for the year/session be shown and lastly independent audits done to validate everything. What could be done is the legislation placed on UK casinos that streamers advertise along with the streamers. Any casino in the UK market cannot have an affiliate on you tube who doesn’t adhere to xyz. That should at least plug a large part of the hole.

    <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>The problem is that the amount of regulation and work that involves would be huge so there would need to be a lot of evidence presented and people petitioning for it just to get the ball rolling. </span>

    I think fake foreign streamers will always be a problem and I dony know how you combat them. The same applies for dodgy UK streamers, even if there is regulation they will find a way around it. They’ll just move further abroad like a couple of the more questionable ones have done by going go Ireland to circumvent bonus buys etc.

    Sadly though this isn’t a problem that is going away anytime soon, I think eventually it will die down a bit as there becomes less sign ups available and less need to stream and get sign ups.

    The other problem is people like that thick Affiliates are fake guy on you tube. He just rants they are all fake and we are stupid if we belive them. If people want to prove streamers are fake or at least certain streamers then they need to present decent evidence not angry rants.

    in reply to: what a week #109302
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    I think one thing missed when discussing streamers, more so the questionable ones, is that on a website such as this most people were hardened gamblers before streaming really took off. With that it was easier for us to see the bullshit and know the reality of what life online is like. Now you take a naive 18 year old who stumbles across xyz streamer and starts watching them and in turn becomes conditioned to thinking its easy to win online and £10 spins are the norm. They don’t see the obvious fakeness of a queer hat raving over £100,000,000 wins, the insincerity of a middle aged man playing the same slots over and over with zero emotion to the wins. To them thats all they know, when they dip their toes in to the online world using xyz affiliate code for a free £100 they don’t know 100x wagering is damn near impossible. They might win, they might lose a lot, they might get addicted, they might not. The point is we are in a far more advantageous position than them from the outset.

    So, with this in mind, when we discuss fake streamers, their actions to line their own pockets are far more insidious than a gambling advert on TV. Granted the advert reaches a wider audience.

    The thing is this topic can be done to death im afraid but until there is some sort of regulation on streamers nothing will change, they answer to no one. At least gambling adverts with be regulated by the advertising standards and the casino by the ukgc.

    in reply to: So who’s left to watch now ? #107942
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    PsychicSnail wrote:

    Won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but I like watching the LowStakeSlots lads on YouTube. They are Scottish, work minimum wage and really shouldn’t be gambling at all, which makes the 20-50p spins and associated losses very meaningful. They post 2-3 videos a week and are highly entertaining.

    I like low stakes but occasionally find them a bit cringe. Getting overly excited of £20 wins or angry £10 losses with a £200 balance is a bit much along with the constant what ifs, if that landed it was huge. Aside from that though they are nice lads and its easy watching.

    in reply to: fake streamers #107892
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    The problem is we all have our suspicions as to who is fake and not but how do you actually prove it to then enforce any penalty?

    What there needs to be is transparency regarding how they fund their accounts. If the UKGC and advertising standards force streamers to declare this then you’d see the entire market change. Streamers who play with casino money or 500% deposit bonuses will really struggle for sign ups. How can you encourage someone to sign up to a casino you advertise and deposit money when you’re not even prepared to deposit there properly yourself. You’d also get a lot of people turn on the streamers who always claimed to play real money but actually didn’t so they’d lose out without having to ban them.

    Now if I had my way, I would say anyone who signed up to a streamer under the belief the streamer played with real funds when they actually didn’t should have the option of being removed from their affiliation pool due to false advertising. That would really sting a few of them.

    in reply to: Chipmonkz #107864
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    If anyone notices with chip, he will happily spunk 2k of supposed real money but then he does his pathetic scratch card videos and only spends £25. Hardly worth doing 5 cards but then when you have to spend real money I guess its not quite so enticing.

    in reply to: Chipmonkz #107474
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Seedy wrote:

    This has been talked about before and was out rightly refuted by chip so anything being said is conjecture. So I would like it if this could be kept civil no calling anyone a shill or any shit just because the opinion is different.

    If not I will just lock the thread and ban people being idiots.

    Lets keep this friendly.


    To be fair seedy it wasn’t our rightly refuted, he vaguely skirted around it. When asked about receiving a fee per video his response was ‘is it any different to using affiliation money?’ A lot of people took that as him saying he did but in reality he just left it open, which was pretty daft.

    Anyway can’t believe I let myself get suckered into talking about him. Its just rinse n repeat and I doubt we’ll ever know the truth.

    in reply to: Chipmonkz #107470
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Jimbo183 wrote:

    I don’t understand why people still watch him and even like him, the guy has the banter of a child and comes across as such a prick.

    He’s everything that is wrong with gambling streamers, SUPER BIG WIN… Turns out be a 50x win the guys an absolute joke

    If you notice and critism on his youtube comments he’s very quick to delete like I said he promotes problem gambling, some of the reviews on the sites he uses like awesome spins are unbelievable you’d have be mad to even deposit on there.

    Aye or if you question him he calls you a hater or blocks you from commenting.

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