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- Town Status : Outlaw
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Maybe his bankroll is much bigger than yours? Maybe he’s playing with gambling profit? Maybe he won the lottery? It’s disappointing that people immediately go to asking if a streamer is funded by a casino
Do you sleep at night after being this much of a shill?
PROOF has been posted of Chip. The reason Chip isn’t phased by dropping £5 or 10 or £50k is because he didn’t lose it. The casino is paying him per video and he deposits that exact amount often with a bonus. Chip isn’t even gambling which explains why he ain’t bothered. It’s Kylie Jenner with zero social worth but buy this make-up that will save you 30 seconds from your filtering and photoshop
You can look at the economics and understand how it’s fake. Dudes like Chip are averaging > £1K per day. I’m assuming even the shills here can do the math of how much per year. One must consider at those levels the 40% tax and NI, so to lose £1K per day you need a genuine £1,000,000 per year salary, minus tax. Not even in this crazy world will someone pay chip £1 million, so no, clearly he is not playing with his own money. Goes from crying over 60p to playing £40 spins without giving a fuck and people even question if this is real? LOL
The world would be a better place without Chip on YouTube/Twitch trying to deceive people into clicking his links to earn Pokemon cards. Someone needs to hogtie that little bitch and shove those Pokemon cards down his throat
What is the proof? I have my strong suspicions. I’ve even called chip out here and he’s vaguely alluded to it but I haven’t seem any definitive proof. If you have it I’d love to see it.
We are all aware of the contradictions between what he supposedly can afford to gamble and the fact for example he recently got his first mortgage ever. It doesn’t add up I agree but until streamers are fully regulated we will never really know. All I can hope is more and more people see him for the charlatan he is and stop watching him and call him out.
1I don’t uderstand how someone can deposit 2000 a day and not get a cash out for a while but still be not phased by it, it all doesn’t add up what so ever
Oh I think its pretty easy to understand/suspect. We just can’t do anything about it.
Im his biggest critic and think he epitomises everything wrong with streaming and his personality aint much better. With that said though, this topic has been done to death and until there is some sort of regulation on streamers forcing transparency nothing will change.
21I have a debt collection company chasing me for 2 money shop loans that I paid off 5 years ago. Despite telling them this and providing proof of payment and they are ignoring it and keep saying they will settle if I pay XYZ. Have told them to take me to court and I’ll bring the proof with me and then ask for compo for harassment. Scary because if I had paid these in cash I would have nothing to prove they were paid. Absolute parasites.
Had the same thing happen with two lending stream loans that were paid off as part of a settlement from them. Had to get a copy of a letter from the financial ombudsman to send them, took 6 months for them to accept the loans were paid.
Hey all
This is Kevin at Secular Slots here – i posted the video last week.. I understand the conflict this video could have caused but i felt it was very important for me to share it. I can tell you right now it is 1000% true and there is 2 or 3 more channels have already posted videos backing me up as they were offered the same deal. Of course everyone is free to believe it or not.
From my end, transparency is the most important thing in casino streaming/content making. Not only with the UKGC coming down hard on us, but the fact that affiliates are asking people to use their own money to sign up to casinos, the least they should expect from us is to use our own money to play.
I am happy to show any more info on DM, so you can get me on Twitter @Gamblerkev
Kevin you are new stream, making a stream is not easy, need to invest till you start getting pay back, I watch Bandit and Rolla both are very old players they invest time and money for years, I also watch some new stream I see them jump from 0.20 0.50 bets to £10 bet so fast, like chip or hideouts not long ago they bet from 0.80 to max £2 now both they doing min bet £5 and lot of time they go up to £40 a bet, if you add up how much they lose every week they need to earn over £1m a year to keep up with lost, and I dont even see they make that much money from affiliation to cover there lost, chip he try to show sometimes cashout from one casino, but he change casinos on stream 4-5 different casino and he never show what his doing on other casino, you watch Bandit and Rolla they only play at same casino and they hid nothing, they dont even take bonus to play.. I watch other day hideouts testing some new BTG game on stream he lost £2k he redeposit another £500 just to test a game? losing £2500 in 1 hrs is a lot most of the ppl in UK cant even earn £2500pm working 50 hrs a week, special now what is happen with all covi19, a lot of Bs deal are happen with casino streams now
Yeah I agree with this, I asked hideous how he was on his arse a year ago looking at having to stop but can drop 2k now without batting an eyelid. His response, affiliation revenue. Its ridiculous to expect us to believe its this simple, especially when you consider in the video above secular explains how one big winning player can wipe out the profit from all of the other sign ups, you’d need tens of thousand of sign ups to consistenly make the money needed to play to that level, someone will always win big and it will need to be absorbed. Granted there will be other deals out there but when a channel only had 9k subs but can drop that level of cash you do question it.
With that said though, I’m being hypocritical because I don’t want to start the shit show of who is real or not. Its only the casinos in the video we’ve been told offer certain deals so anything else is conjecture. I just find it interesting that we’ve had it confirmed that this sort of practice does exist.
Tbf to secular, watching his video last night he’s doing his best to invest everything back into his streams, hes only made £280 i think he said from affiliation and given away far more than that. Everything is questionable, this could be a contrived ruse to gain exposure but I don’t think it is. Think hes a genuine streamer/gambler trying to build a channel the right way and had visibility to some of the issues that might muddy the transparency of streamers.
I can’t say I’ve watched the video, I’ll just give a few thoughts without.
Don’t believe everything you see on a single video. That’s how we get crackpot ideas such as covid being a Bill Gates 5G cluster fuck of bullshit.
Everything you search for on Google, every ad you see on Facebook that tempts you, every youtuber selling you the latest ridge wallet etc are affiliated. It’s not something new just to the casino space and it’s not some big scary greed monster.
Some streamers are fake, you can usually spot them a mile off because they are slotting on bullshit casinos such as bong slot casino or prime wolf casino etc etc etc. If they are playing at a casino you recognise as legit, I’m fairly confident they will be legit streamers.
Simply this, slot videos are for entertainment. If you aren’t entertained then find something else that does entertain you and don’t tar everyone with the shit brush.
Finally, Merry Christmas if that’s your thing
Pretty much what I said just put a bit better ?
Merry Christmas to you too bud.
1Because they’re fucking gimps.
Preach, this is my thinking.
I hoped someone whose done it might admit it and explain why.
That’s how it goes mate, thankfully the money I’d once spunk I save, all I ask for is one year across all devices to gamban, and blocked gambling transactions on your bank, if you can’t give that then clearly you don’t want help
You’re a good guy but the problem is even with everything online blocked there is still the bookies, casinos etc. If people wanna gamble they will gamble and they can only stop when they want to.
Lovely gesture to offer to help someone but you’ve been burned once before and think you would more often than not in these circumstances. Not saying op would but worth considering.
Sadly the more we gamblers can hide our losses the less likely we are to stop.
1Good luck buddy. Im sad you done your balls in after a big balance, I can relate to that as many of us probably can.
Unfortunately I think you’re kidding yourself about going back on gamban or else you would have done it already. Tbh its the best thing you could do, on fact go sign up to gamstop now for 5 years. You’ll probably regret it to start with but then you’ll start realising you have money in your pocket and your credit rating will go up. Dont try and get out of this hole by gambling, it will not work and if it does it is just a temporary fix leading to a deeper hole at a later date.
11Not sure what to make of the latest video. I really enjoyed when he stopped chasing reel king and went and played other slots on obscene stakes. Its not sustainable to do that but he hit some bonuses and I was praying to see something crazy like 2000x, imagine that on £40. That said when he went back on reel king and after getting back to nearly even it became very uncomfortable watching to see the balance slowly spunked. When he said he’d already written the balance off when depositing it i felt like while that is a good attitude when gambling but in this instance it was more a justification to go ham.
Dunno just seemed like I was watching someone with a real addiction for those last 15 minutes and it wasn’t easy to watch. I know its the bandits money and he probably only losea what he can afford but something doesn’t seem right. Maybe he puts out less videos now so he can play and lose when he does. Rather than risking 4k each week he uses it all at once then rebuilds the bank roll. Truthfully I’d be happy if reel king wasn’t played for a long while, it seems different and is biting back in a huge way.
1The thing is for there to be individual limits then everyone would have to complete an income and outgoings to determine exactly what they can afford to lose. That’s not practical, its too much administration so they’re throwing a blanket limit on. Its totally wrong but they are trying to cover themselves.
Its nonsense anyway. If they say I can only afford to lose £100 a month but I want to deposit more I will just do it across 5 sites, suddenly I’ve lost £500. Thankfully im on Gamstop for 2 more years minimum, it wouldn’t surprise me if by the time that ends there are hardly any casinos left for the UK online market.
1September the 19th was 3 weeks ago? Well not quite on the 9th.
Appreciate your frustration mate but if you’ve got logs saying bet accepted im sure it will get resolved, hopefully they’ll have a record of what numbers you bet on.
Really you’re only £312 out of pocket, if anything. If you’re balance had updated your next spin would have been a £300 loser. At which point you’d have repeated and possibly lost so its swings n roundabouts. I get your frustration at the lack of resolution but I’m sure it will get sorted, even if they reimburse the £300 you’re gonna be where you should be at. Hope it gets sorted for you.
Sadly you were playing with fire not signing up to gamstop in the first place. Its half pointless self excluding from active sites because you could easily sign up to others if you fancy a spin.
Get on gamstop now and do it for the maximum time you can.
Is the bike insured? You’ve had some decent advice, most companies are probably slightly more willing to give you a break because of the pandemic so at least thats something.
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