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Apart from a couple of fruity empties.
My best was on a bar x 7 electrocoin every press was a win until empty.
I got paid the coins of course but also got paid the remaining balance in the bank which was 60odd quid. In total it paid roughly £360.
I went back in the next day to try it after the engineer had apparently fixed it and it happned again. £320 ish this time.
I also got it a 3rd time but only squeezed about £190 out of it.
This happned 5 times while I was in nobles over the course of a week then they got rid. Machine just went mad
That had to have been something wrong with the machine to pay out every spin but those bar x 7s can be absolutely disgusting. I’ve been on the wrong and right side of them for large amounts, just depends what the person before you has done. Normally now it’s just 20-30 quid, see how its playing and get off. I also don’t like that the ones near me have now become digital, pay out with slips rather than coins so it always seems full.
1Few weeks back i was play El Torero on £2 spins, about £400 into the game and it was just doing its usual tease tease tease but no bonus. I set it off for 50 auto spins and about half way through wilds started sticking like they do in the bonus except it was still taking credits for spins. They stuck for the remaining auto spins and the balance was up at 1100. I didnt know whether the balance would correct itself or whether I could run it up higher however when the auto spins finished the wilds stopped sticking but I exited the game and was able to cash out the 1100. Result.
Has anyone else ever had a FOBT game glitch in any way for the favour? Always find them interesting.
Gosh man, that’s some wizard shit lucky luck there….. I’m not sure if In retrospect the owners of the game will report the glitch to the casino, and the casino “ ask” for it back, but if they do, close the account and tell em to kiss your arse…
It was in the bookies so no account to close thankfully, cash in my pocket and no one knows me.
Im kinda glad it sorted itself out though, eventually every spin would have been jackpot, how do you cash that out at the counter. Er here’s 20k I won on £2 a spin in 40 minutes
Was just nice to have a feeling of a bit of pay back in a sense for the times the machines have gone bonkers on the take.
Haha when I was a teen I used to play at the amusements as live in a seaside town. I got the jackpot on a game only £1.50 back then lol. And it kept paying out the cash but once empty it kept clicking. Could not reach plug to turn off so made my exit, only to be collered leaving the fair. I gave them £4.50 back saying that’s all it paid and got home and had about £27 which was massive as my paper round was £4.70 a week lol.
I love it, bet you thought you were loaded!
I like that sort of story, im not anti establishment but anything where someone gets a free pay out and no one suffers, no jobs are at risk etc im all for. I still love the amusements but when they crank the percentages down to like 70% it makes me smile that someone got a bit back at somw point.
I recently started slotting since this COVID business kicked off, and have maintained by playing of low stakes (20-60p spins) throughout.
Was just wondering what you people play with, sorry if it’s a bit nosey!
Bit of genuine advice, even if you enjoy slots, stop before you get too involved and forget you ever tried it. Honestly you might not realise it but you’ll be way better off in the long run, invest the money you were prepared to lose into a new hobby, golf, fishing whatever you fancy. Also don’t gamble just because you are bored/have nothing to do, you’ll just find yourself doing it more and more and it will become a habit.
If you really do want to gamble though, set deposit limits on all your casinos and don’t sign up to any others.
How can I make my deposit here? Want to earn some money!
Sounds like you want to go to a sperm bank or become a gay escort mate. Only way you’ll be able to make a deposit and earn some money.
Forgot to say I don’t these so maybe it was a one off just for you?
Ah mate, sorry i should have been more specific, unless you’re winding me up ? I dont know half the time.
It was just a one off, I’ve played the game loads before and after and it hasn’t happened before or again. Just think it spazzed out for a bit. Maybe thought it was playing a bonus for the remaining auto spins without the bonus actually having landed.
Few weeks back i was play El Torero on £2 spins, about £400 into the game and it was just doing its usual tease tease tease but no bonus. I set it off for 50 auto spins and about half way through wilds started sticking like they do in the bonus except it was still taking credits for spins. They stuck for the remaining auto spins and the balance was up at 1100. I didnt know whether the balance would correct itself or whether I could run it up higher however when the auto spins finished the wilds stopped sticking but I exited the game and was able to cash out the 1100. Result.
Has anyone else ever had a FOBT game glitch in any way for the favour? Always find them interesting.
Gosh man, that’s some wizard shit lucky luck there….. I’m not sure if In retrospect the owners of the game will report the glitch to the casino, and the casino “ ask” for it back, but if they do, close the account and tell em to kiss your arse…
It was in the bookies so no account to close thankfully, cash in my pocket and no one knows me.
Im kinda glad it sorted itself out though, eventually every spin would have been jackpot, how do you cash that out at the counter. Er here’s 20k I won on £2 a spin in 40 minutes ???
Was just nice to have a feeling of a bit of pay back in a sense for the times the machines have gone bonkers on the take.
Are you questioning them because you did your balls in and didn’t get many bonuses? Admiral are legit as been stated but they weren’t the most helpful when I used them a few years back.
In regards to the small wins not being added on, you could probably get a good idea what your balance should have been from looking at your game play history. The spins and wins should be listed there. Either a display glitch or if it looks like they weren’t being included contact support.
At the start of todays video Chip said tough times are ahead in making streaming work and he might have to scale down to survive. Probably means fewer vids, lower stakes and going ahead without Jordy, which would be a shame.
Its nothing about lower stakes or going ahead without Jordan. He was talking in regards to the changes being introduced by the ukgc, turbo spins being removed, a minimum of 2.5 seconds between spins, no more multi screening. Its a few things that will make it harder to stream, bonuses will take longer to get, only one game being played at a time etc. Its the same as having to age gate the content since there is a push to protect youngsters from exposure to gambling. Most of that will apply to the majority of streamers though.
The interesting points of his stream is when he said he would consider changing where he works from due to it. Im assuming that means stream from outside the ukgc juristriction. That would enable him to put videos out circumventing the ukgc requirements then have his affiliation all for uk casinos still. Shady as anything. I’ve never bothered with the full streams but watched that one, it was surprising how quick he was to ban people who were quite polite and respectful.
Completley understand your points and I’m nothing to do with chip so am on no ones side persay.
So if I give chip £500 to make a video and the deal is that he advertises my company logo on the banner does that make the £500 deposit fake ?
Its still real money even if he is getting paid £500 for putting the videos up, there’s nothing fake about it.
Whether it’s morally right or wrong or whether we all agree or not it allows him to create free content for us to watch and gives him a living.
Hes never earned a penny off me other than getting a ‘view’ on YouTube but then so has a bloke chopping an onion I watched last night.
If he was simply getting a fee to use a casinon in his videos and could withdraw anything he won off said deposit then no that wouldn’t be fake. But if there is any sort of withdrawal limits or conditions it 100% is. If we deposit our some of our wages we risk our money, if you make a that has no or less risk attached then I dont think that can be called gambling.
The thing is a casino is not going to risk funding someone for 10k real money to gamble with each week (half a mill per year) in return for simply producing a dozen videos advertising their casino. Their liability is far too big like that, one big hit and they will could be liable for a 100k payout. If that is the set up or something similar then there will definitely be withdrawal limitations or no withdrawals which is where its fake and misrepresents gambling. That way the casino get free advertising and traffic with no risk and chip can produce content with no risk. His revenue then comes from affiliation on the other 20 odd casinos he promotes.
His content volume, stakes and deposits all increased at a similar time but you’d have expected it to have been gradual as affiliation revenue increased if that’s what hes using. Rolla and bandit have both shown their affiliation amounts and there is no way that would sustain chips channel in its current form which further points to there being some arrangement that enables it even if its not a fee per video.
I use the fee for video as an obvious suggestion but there could be a different but similar arrangement in place. Its very clever, risk free to everyone but it enables him to show deposits and even withdrawals, they just aren’t paid or netted against fees, so everything on the face of it seems above board.
Its a stretch to imagine he is able to gamble, or willing, using his affiliation revenue. I highly doubt he’s earning enough in the first place but even so, why risk so much of your income.
The thing is we will never really know, my big issue is about the misrepresentation of gambling, everything else just feeds into that.
26th September 2020 at 9:59 am in reply to: 7 month losing streak followed by 9 month winning streak! #104006And there was me thinking we were about to have another “I did this because the bandit said” thread
I’m pretty sure the closest thing to do this the bandit has said is “don’t do this”
Nah, just a wind up merchant ?
26th September 2020 at 12:41 am in reply to: 7 month losing streak followed by 9 month winning streak! #103999I deposited £100 once and went on reel king on the bandits advice, I only topped it and took the family on holiday
When did he advise you to go on reel king ? Glad it paid off though
I’d imagine there is a degree of sarcasm or a dig when he’s saying that.
Top prize to you mate
Cheers bud ?
25th September 2020 at 8:17 pm in reply to: 7 month losing streak followed by 9 month winning streak! #103989I deposited £100 once and went on reel king on the bandits advice, I only topped it and took the family on holiday
When did he advise you to go on reel king ? Glad it paid off though
I’d imagine there is a degree of sarcasm or a dig when he’s saying that.
Chip said it himself on here “
All of my casino offers are not able to be discussed as they are under an NDA.
I will say back to you if someone earns £500 from affiliation and makes a video with that money is it any different?
He said It himself, earning money from affiliation and using it to stream?????
Nothing said about some fictional £500 cold hard cash per video to cover deposits, someone has made that up. He streams 6 times a week and @£500 a stream plus the other videos in between would nett him £5000+ a week!! Does that sound anywhere near realistic for videos with max 20k views and 40k subs for someone to be paid upwards of £1/4million a year.
I’ve just gotta laugh at that one
I cannot understand how you’re taking that statement as admission to using affiliation money. It 100% isnt, he posed a hypothetical alternative as a justification.
If he used affiliation money to stream, that would not be something to skirt around. Its straight forward, I earn x from affiliation and use it for my videos, like the example you used for shopping with your wages, that wouldn’t be under an NDA as it would be his money at that point. He only streams on a couple of casinos, but the affiliation money comes in from many casinos so it really would be just a deposit from earnings so no need for the secrecy.
He’s depositing around 10k a week in all fairness, let’s say he loses 6k of that, 25k a month loss. Which scenario sounds more likely,
1- he receives a fee per video or some other arrangement that reduces all risk to him and the casinos. Now the agreement for those casino(s) is he can’t withdraw or its capped. Suddenly the casino are not losing nor is chip and he can produce unlimited content. While doing this he keeps the affiliation money from all other casinos he promotes. He can argue its not play money because he’s depositing real funds, he just can’t withdraw or his fees are netted against withdrawals. Definitely can afford his losses like that as they aren’t real.
2- he uses his affiliation money to fund the videos. As you said, 20k views 40k subs so you realise how much money he needs to be making from affiliation to drop 25k of it in losses every month? Even with Deposit bonuses. If he was earning that sort of money do you really think just a few months ago he’d be talking about getting a mortgage. Damn you’d buy the house outright in 6 months.
Further considering the stakes and his admitted struggles only a year ago, his channel hasn’t increased in size enough to suddenly drop the money it is from affiliation, the growth isn’t there.
Which scenario sounds more likely?
Life slots, think you’ve taken what you want from everything n got carried away.
It was put to chip whether he gets a fee for putting out a video. He said he cant disclose but posed the question whether it is any different to using affiliation money, it 100% is. He can churn out lots more videos than without if relying affiliate money with zero risk if thats the agreement. That’s not gambling. Hypothetically he can have that set up with 2 casinos from where he produces content and then reap affiliation off every other casino he promotes. While its a clever set up its 100% misrepresenting gambling and disingenuous. Not sure where you got anyone saying he uses affiliation money, chip didnt even say he did.
The local landlord also should refuse to serve anyone who has drunk too much the same as they shouldn’t serve people who are underage, some do though and they get hammered with fines or license loss if caught. Its similarly to promoting responsibile gambling practices for streamers but there’s legislation yet. Chip freely admitted he uses the casinos he does since no one else does, the reason no one else does is that they are shite with iffy terms. Where is the responsibility in that? Its easy to say he’s running a business but with so little legislation regarding it people can be as unscrupulous as they want.
1I’ll say this, fair play to chip, he came on and addressed the questions i asked him.
I might not agree with his reasoning but at least he engaged it so repect to him.
He did make a distinct point in his latest high stake video to say dont try and copy him so hopefully that’s a step in the right direction.
Chip has “ chipped “ in on a few threads here, I think by now he’s using biam as a yard stick of his popularity or wether he said something stupid and needs to address it in a future videos
i personally don’t watch chip, he isn’t the kind of content created that I find engaging, which is fine, he’s not make videos for me… but as an outsider, I remember talks of chip on here being quite positive not really that long ago. I seem to recall him having a break( ?) and lots of “ top lad” comments, but something change in how he was perceived and because I don’t follow him I’m not quite sure what ( or if anything) happened…but like many have said above( from a revenue point of view,) he obviously has an idea that something isn’t right in how he’s been seen, and addressing that could draw him more viewers, so these responses are nothing but positives for him,( if sincere ) but ultimately it’s wether people believe The answer are legit, or wether the answer he gave are generic a)b)c) responses that you could have predicted…..
I actually think he answered enough to confirm most suspicions people have. It might have been vague but there was enough acknowledgment and conjecture there. Hes basically admitted to a video fee or something being used to fund the streams and admitted he only uses those casinos because no one else does, that is scary considering they are not the best casinos.
I’ll repeat myself, fair play to him for answering. I’m guessing he hopes it will put the gossip mill to bed but I dont think it will bring about the positive reaction with those admissions.
He stated on his stream today that he does not get a fee for each video. Don’t shoot the messenger
Anyway, that’s what he said. And I’m never clicking on this thread again….
Lol you’ll be back…
Ah I guess if he said on stream he doesnt a fee per video then he definitely doesn’t.
Nah to be fair thats why I said video fee or something else. If he used affiliation money im sure he would have said that not use it as a comparison for justification. If its not affiliation money then there is still some sort of set up/agreement in place. I think with a lot of things its just the lack of transparency, having any set up where his streams/videos are funded to take away any risk to him or minimise it detracts the authenticity of his videos. Then there’s the rabbit hole of responsible gambling by misrepresenting the funding of streams/videos.