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24th September 2020 at 6:37 pm in reply to: 7 month losing streak followed by 9 month winning streak! #103959
Sometimes winning is worse than losing for some people.
Best run I had was running 500 up to around 12k in cashouts over a month. Paid debts off etc, learned to drive, bought myself some stuff. Problem was my method was terrible, I basically kept upping the stake till I won my money back or made profit on whatever game I played. One night I was ill and couldn’t sleep so fired up the laptop. Ended up dropping my last 7k on some game I can’t even remember. Was doing £60 spins at the end. Worst was I got 3 features at that stake and none paid over 10x. Finally fell asleep and woke up feeling dreadful.
This was about 8 years ago. I couldnt drop stakes after that so I lost a log of money on line until Gamston came in and ive not been on since. Sadly I doubt I could have done it today, I literally signed up to the casino the day I sounded the 7k, hopefully customer protection would have stepped in.
Maybe, maybe not, but at least he’s earned kudos points back from somebody, every point helps in this game
I’m sure he doesnt care about kudos from one person, its the voice of many that can damage his reputation and business.
I respect that he showed up and addressed it but think no differently about the channel and his actions, only thing that will change that is if the channel changes.
I’ll say this, fair play to chip, he came on and addressed the questions i asked him.
I might not agree with his reasoning but at least he engaged it so repect to him.
He did make a distinct point in his latest high stake video to say dont try and copy him so hopefully that’s a step in the right direction.
Chip has “ chipped “ in on a few threads here, I think by now he’s using biam as a yard stick of his popularity or wether he said something stupid and needs to address it in a future videos
i personally don’t watch chip, he isn’t the kind of content created that I find engaging, which is fine, he’s not make videos for me… but as an outsider, I remember talks of chip on here being quite positive not really that long ago. I seem to recall him having a break( ?) and lots of “ top lad” comments, but something change in how he was perceived and because I don’t follow him I’m not quite sure what ( or if anything) happened…but like many have said above( from a revenue point of view,) he obviously has an idea that something isn’t right in how he’s been seen, and addressing that could draw him more viewers, so these responses are nothing but positives for him,( if sincere ) but ultimately it’s wether people believe The answer are legit, or wether the answer he gave are generic a)b)c) responses that you could have predicted…..
I actually think he answered enough to confirm most suspicions people have. It might have been vague but there was enough acknowledgment and conjecture there. Hes basically admitted to a video fee or something being used to fund the streams and admitted he only uses those casinos because no one else does, that is scary considering they are not the best casinos.
I’ll repeat myself, fair play to him for answering. I’m guessing he hopes it will put the gossip mill to bed but I dont think it will bring about the positive reaction with those admissions.
1I’ll say this, fair play to chip, he came on and addressed the questions i asked him.
I might not agree with his reasoning but at least he engaged it so repect to him.
He did make a distinct point in his latest high stake video to say dont try and copy him so hopefully that’s a step in the right direction.
Hi thanks for the questions answers below.
Im happy to do this once but i do not wish this to turn into a Q and A as its not my forum.
Just a few questions I have,
Why do you glamorize gambling so much? Specifically inconsistencies around stakes, contradiction about how often you do it. Posting ‘forgotten’ compilations of max stake wins is highly suspicious.
The forgotten big win video was a one off and a genuinely forgot i had the footage.
I don’t glamorize gambling intentionally I always warn of the dangers each video plus I do a wide range of stakes from 20p to max stakes to try and cater to everyone.
Why do you clickbait video titles so much? They are vastly inconsistent. Everything is huge win or high stake when its actually not. This looks like a simple attempt to gain views and sign ups.
Its marketing and i do what a lot of other channels do when it comes to titles and thumbnails.
If it says big win its a big win but thats always down to you do decide if you feel it is indeed worthy to be classed as big.
Do you get a fixed fee per video you put up? If you do then your videos are casino funded so removing risk and authenticity.
All of my casino offers are not able to be discussed as they are under an NDA.
I will say back to you if someone earns £500 from affiliation and makes a video with that money is it any different?
Why do you promote the casinos you do? They are not the most well known ones and some have questionable bonus terms it has been reported.
Good question and the answer is I feel most of the bigger casinos have now been well promoted and leaves little chance for people like me to make this successful.
The casinos i work with all have pros and cons like most do.
Lastly if the ukgc do limit quick spins etc would you move to streaming on curaçao casinos like you reported the Swedish streamers have in a recent video.
I wont be doing this no
Cheers Chip, appreciate the time to answer them.
I’ll just leave my thoughts on your comments.
Glamorising gambling, this ties in with the titles of vid. The titles nearly always say big win or something to that effect but when they aren’t really, either by monetary terms or x of stake its essentially false advertising. Further more when you say, I only play high stakes occasionally but actually it is a weekly or daily occurance. I think that is more insulting than anything. You do mix the stakes up, which i see jord mostly plays but they are rarely titled big win. I just think there are inconsistencies that lean to the big wins high stakes taking the fore.
In actual regards to the clickbait titles. So it may say huge win but its actually only 70x of stake or high stake when its £5. Now £5 has become your normal stake though, high stake cannot cover £5-£40 to suit your video. Yes its down to interpretation but that is an easy out. Youve been gambling long enough to know whats a big win or high stake, the only people who fall for those titles are those unaware of gambling and probably need the more knowledge than potentially ending up signing up from naivety.
In regards to fees, totally appreciate it cant be discussed but theres a huge difference if youre using a payment for a video to gamble or affiliation money. Let’s say you put a video out and your loss is covered by the payment for the video, you have zero risk. However you no doubtedly still have revenue coming in from affiliation at other casinos. Its like using casino A and B to create videos and making affiliation money off c-z.
And fair enough I guessed you use those since they aren’t covered by other streamers but I find that a little unscrupulous, you get all the sign ups but the players get a potentially bad casino.
Anyway appreciate the answers. Take care.
Hi just wanted to jump in and clarify this for you.
My pokemon channel is a separate entity in itself and has 0 links to my gambling channel.
The only way you would be offered a video about gambling is if you as a viewer already watch gambling content.
Youtubes algorithm does not know i have a second channel as they are not linked in any way.
Most viewers on my pokemon channel are my age believe it or not as most big collectors are older.
My intention is not to garner people to watch my gambling content its merely a hobby for me that i enjoy a lot and wanted to share as the pokemon community is very big.
I dont have an angle to do anything other than have fun with the second channel.
Hope this clears it up for you Cheers
Hi chip,
Respect for coming on. Reading all the pages I do not think the pokemon side of things has really been brought up much, mostly its s bit obscure. I think there’s only one comment that insinuates you want your pokemon viewers to end up as your gambling stream viewers which i think the majority of people will agree is far fetched.
I think the general feel to the thread has more been regarding your representation of gambling and the skewed view it can give off along with some of the casinos you represent and their bonus terms along with paying you a fee per video.
Just a few questions I have,
Why do you glamorize gambling so much? Specifically inconsistencies around stakes, contradiction about how often you do it. Posting ‘forgotten’ compilations of max stake wins is highly suspicious.
Why do you clickbait video titles so much? They are vastly inconsistent. Everything is huge win or high stake when its actually not. This looks like a simple attempt to gain views and sign ups.
Do you get a fixed fee per video you put up? If you do then your videos are casino funded so removing risk and authenticity.
Why do you promote the casinos you do? They are not the most well known ones and some have questionable bonus terms it has been reported.
Lastly if the ukgc do limit quick spins etc would you move to streaming on curaçao casinos like you reported the Swedish streamers have in a recent video.
Appreciate you coming on. Most of the issues that have been raised are due to where the channel has gone over the last year. Even if you don’t want to answer the questions on here, at least have a think about whats been raised.
1Agree there’s no need for Saville jokes or insinuations, you invalidate any points you raise by doing that.
Im guilty myself at stating my observations regarding his personality changes but I would say if the thread continues, try just discussing concerns over his actions/channel set up. Some concerns will be wrong no doubt but with this many people voicing similar views some will be fair and correct. Chip has seen this thread and spoke about it in one of his latest streams/videos. He’s said its all nonesense and exaggerated some claims to play the victim, granted he probably does feel a bit got at even if some of its valid. I left a comment and said maybe he should use this as an opportunity to address people’s concerns or improve his channel, id certainly respect him for that. I think the only way to expect that though is to keep it relevant and not personal.
Yeah critique is a strange one, you’ve got a team behind you who support you and pay your bills, then you have a couple of people on the left making a noise ( not even on his site ) Even if the criticism is validated does “one” change what works for the team because of the few shouty ones, and fear losing support or do you tick the box of “ cant please anybody” and move on….I think by now chip believes that the members of biam just don’t like him, and that it’s part of the turf of having fans ( just like blur fans didn’t like oasis )…
No you can’t please everyone but the criticism he receives isn’t just isolated to this thread. I was merely stating if he is bothered by it which I think he is by bringing it up on stream then its a good opportunity to address things.
I do think he needs to pay attention to his critics though, not just ignore them (I dont mean just on this thread). Its easy to say oh its working so I’ll ignore the haters but a year ago he didn’t have many detractors at all but as time has gone on they have steadily increased as the channel has changed direction. It might be making money now but that doesn’t mean it will in the future. A lot of people who dislike how the channel operates now used to support his channel.
Personally I dont care if he doesn’t address anything directly to anyone if he starts being more responsible with how he portrays gambling.
Agree there’s no need for Saville jokes or insinuations, you invalidate any points you raise by doing that.
Im guilty myself at stating my observations regarding his personality changes but I would say if the thread continues, try just discussing concerns over his actions/channel set up. Some concerns will be wrong no doubt but with this many people voicing similar views some will be fair and correct. Chip has seen this thread and spoke about it in one of his latest streams/videos. He’s said its all nonesense and exaggerated some claims to play the victim, granted he probably does feel a bit got at even if some of its valid. I left a comment and said maybe he should use this as an opportunity to address people’s concerns or improve his channel, id certainly respect him for that. I think the only way to expect that though is to keep it relevant and not personal.
Wow the chip haters are proper bitches he wins and loses like every genuine streamer. Chip does gamble 1k to 2k a stream which he does 6 days a week which is 12k loss before wins. Bandit does that on one stream and plus he can lose 40k plus but you are on his forum calling someone else fake cus he loses less and stakes are lower than bandits.
Bandit would back up chip and tell you he is genuine like hideous, fruity and nick slots will but your all vulgar wankers who like to drag people down for trying to get success.
So let’s say you’re little sister is naive to drugs. A dealer tells her she’ll be fine trying crack etc, she gets hooked and ruins her life. It’s OK because he’s just trying to get success.
Nice contribution ???
1Like I’ve said many times before (and probably mirroring what @lifeslots is getting at but from a slightly different angle)
The people who have got a problem with another creator, I’ll use chip as an example because of what’s being said… If you’ve got a valid point, honestly take it up with them. Nearly every creator is active on twitter or have their own forum/website for comments.
This doesn’t mean go troll, if you’re just spreading bullshit, lies and hearsay then unsub and block them on YouTube/social media.
The internet is full of influencers. Pretty much everything you see is influenced. Either accept it or stay away from the internet
While I appreciate what you’re saying by taking it up with the content creator, looking at chip, he ignores or deletes any critical comments now, whereas before he engaged them even if he did get stroppy at times.
The tide of opinion has really changed regarding him over the last year to the point he is questioned in the comments more and more lately. He’s gone from an affable clutz to an arrogant braggish, thats not a character assassination thats just whats happened. If the content creator doesn’t engage with his critics what can you do? Unsubbing is an option but I feel really strongly about responsible gambling so I do question him in the comments sections regarding his practices. Its not expecting a reply but more to make others aware of some of the antics he pulls. If one of my comments stops one person trying to copy him then its worth it. Everyone here is probably pretty well versed in gambling but due to his other channels he will have naive younger viewers who might end up addicted and that’s not right.
Why chip? I guess because out of the UK streamers he is the worst for responsible gambling and just cares about lining his pockets (those ropey casinos he uses). I think to compound the issue he tries to portray himself as the nice guy, all for the people. To be fair I call that Ryan slots out all the time but he’s a lot smaller and I think not quite right.
Just my thoughts. Sorry for rambling.
He does mention responsible gambling but does not do enough in my eyes. He should be hammering home not to try and copy him and that he plays and loses (when he shows it) within his means. I think I was probably getting more towards everything he does latelu misrepresents or hides the pitfalls of gambling so gives an absolutely bias view of winning which will lead people to copying him. The odd, gamble responsibly statement does nothing to balance everything else he does to contradict it.
He seems thoroughly disinterested now unless he’s playing high stakes, you’ll notice Jordan playing more n more on his own or chip in the background looking bored.
I might be wrong but i think he has developed a real problem with gambling though, he seems to do a lot of high stakes offline and he can’t be winning. He doesn’t strike me as being like Rolla or bandit who have always gambled how they do, on stream or off, and I think its gonna catch up with him.
I didn’t realise that Jordans Mrs was MDS… she’s always been lurking in various comments sections. Yeah I agree with you, call me cynical but I wouldnt be surprised if there was a motive there. All to convenient isn’t it.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who has this opinion of the channel.
1Chip now represents to me everything that is wrong with gambling videos. I literally only watch his videos to call him out on his BS and hopefully highlight to others the shysters he is.
Seems this year he has doubled down his antics but my biggest bug bear is how he misrepresents gambling,
*Throwing up video after video of high stakes wins. ‘Oh here’s ten grands worth of max stake wins i forgot about’, he’s full of rubbish.
*I only do high stakes once in a while when nearly every week he’s max staking something.
*Hardly ever mentions responsible gambling.
*Put up a staged loss video to make it seem balanced.
*Promotes any casino he can, especially if he’s the only one promoting it. I think one has a max 4x deposit cash out from bonus winnings
*Caught promoting dodgy casinos before and only took them down after public outcry.
*clickbaits nearly every video for views. ‘Monster win’, turns out to be 100x. Begs for likes.
Thats a few of the things I can remember off the top of my head, that’s not even starting on his personality which I just find needy and pathetic. He basically bullies Jordan who is a nice lad (thick as 2 short planks), they might be mates but chip gets a proper sulk on if he is the butt of the jokes. He also knows Jordans value since he’s got him on a contract for 5 years stopping him going on his own. He constantly brags about anything he’s doing, he’s a dumpy middle aged man but he goes on like he’s Ronaldo after starting playing football or Ali now he’s doing some boxing, zero humility. It’s insulting to think we’d believe him.
As you may have guessed I don’t like him, I think he’s an insecure man only fussed about money with zero care over his actions.
Sorry for the rant.
3Chip- contradictory bell end. Can’t stand him, he wants to be loved by everyone and have them feel sorry for him over whatever his latest sob story is, all while coining it in off the back of them. Associates with dodgy casinos but only distanced himself when people called him out. Hypocrite regarding stakes, i dont do this often being something he said daily while spinning at £40 a go for the 50th time. He cannot take criticism in any form and deletes comments to avoid bad press. Just a general charlatan. Tbf Jordan seems a good lad, im sure chip had him sign a contract saying he couldnt start streaming for himself for like 5 years.
Gabriel slots- He seemed ok to start with and i thought he was legit but as time has gone on he has avoided showing deposits and withdrawals and now has some clueless numpty putting videos out for him.
Low stake slots- Seem like nice lads although lets not pretend they are the robin hood of streamers, long or short term they are looking to make money from it. I also struggle with their desperation over losing 6 or 7 quid on a slot. Their money is real but i dont think its responsible gambling if it looks like you desperately cant afford to lose such small amounts. Personally find it uncomfortable at times.
Ryan slots- he’s the biggest con of all and id love for him to go broke. He bought pigs gambling channel which had 8k subs already, clickbaits his videos and its very clear he’s not a gambler or gambled before, he has no knowledge at all regarding how slots play. He has literally started putting out videos to take advantage of real gamblers and make money through affiliation. Pure scum in my eyes.
1Fair enough guys i didn’t mean to sound harsh or owt on him!
Guess i just feel quite a strong connection with the original posts.from the guy as i have been almost identical position before so was just hoping he has actually been on the right path now Uni Credit is coming and things may be getting better.
Bit like a naggin’ maa at times me when i sense people doing things I’ve done before with messing up
Fair play bud, no worries ?
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