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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $47
  • Topics Started : 5
  • Replies Created : 117

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Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 117 total)
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  • in reply to: at rock bottom #99516
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    mattowl1867 wrote:

    Guess ya not interested in all the good advice that’s come your way now Ben?

    Threads gone dead. Did you action anyone’s suggestions such as stepchange or other long term solution help lines? Or is that it now Universal Credits landed?

    Couldn’t stop telling us the BP last week or have enough credit for a call so i can only assume this was a big attempt of a beg disguised as not a beg….



    Yes he’s been given good advice and how do you know he isnt too busy doing all these things trying to get his shit in order? Or worse in hospital?

    If things are as bad as he claims then keeping this thread updated is not a priority. You’ve asked for 3 updates now, you’re not concerned, you’re enjoying the drama and want more.

    It might be fishy but it might also be real so give him a break.


    in reply to: cancelation on free give away #86812
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Gecksy wrote:

    bigbucks1983 wrote:

    Personally i couldnt give a shit that the draw isnt happening, i entered but never expected to win.

    Seems to me like the majority of the people whinging about the draw being cancelled are new users/contributors, who then spout off that anyone who defends the bandit is a fanboy if anyone disagrees…. Blah blah blah.

    Listen while i dont doubt the bandit is doing extremely well off affiliation, he’s not really a business or anything. He just seems a normal fella that decided to do a giveaway on his website, it went wrong and he cancelled it. Stop with the conspiracy theories, especially as it seems these are used to justify the bitterness being posted.

    Id say that this draw certainly attracted new sign ups/contributors but dont think they’re really much more than chancers who wont be around in a months time.




    hahahaha not a business or anything? Bandit was recently in Vegas all paid for meeting slot game providers, you are very naive

    Sorry if i wasnt clear enough. What i meant by that is, i doubt he has a proper payroll, hr dept, people who can give advice. Its effectively a one man band with seedy, so my choice of words might not have been correct. He is very successful at what he does but i think people’s expectations are slightly off. But i think he effectively makes a lot of it up as he goes along and sometimed will get it wrong.

    in reply to: cancelation on free give away #86707
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Personally i couldnt give a shit that the draw isnt happening, i entered but never expected to win.

    Seems to me like the majority of the people whinging about the draw being cancelled are new users/contributors, who then spout off that anyone who defends the bandit is a fanboy if anyone disagrees…. Blah blah blah.

    Listen while i dont doubt the bandit is doing extremely well off affiliation, he’s not really a business or anything. He just seems a normal fella that decided to do a giveaway on his website, it went wrong and he cancelled it. Stop with the conspiracy theories, especially as it seems these are used to justify the bitterness being posted.

    Id say that this draw certainly attracted new sign ups/contributors but dont think they’re really much more than chancers who wont be around in a months time.




    in reply to: Update #85427
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Rather than jump on the band wagon and bash you fella i really hope things turn around for you in 2020.

    If you’re begging or venting (i dont care which), things must be sad and desperate for you to do either to a bunch of strangers on the interweb. Its literally one step above sitting outside your local Greggs.

    So here is hoping that this time next year you will be able to post about how you have a job and things have turned around… if they havent id probably not post anything though.

    in reply to: Done my balls in #81549
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    ?????? dude dont care if it’s fake but is proper desperate for the money.

    If it doesnt matter if its fake then i think bandit should donate the 400 Appleman or charity.

    in reply to: Casumo – Opening an account issue when won #81548
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    I can only assume its just your address that is wrong since all your other details should have to be the same, ie date of birth, name etc.

    I know you have said you’ve ironed out the mistakes at the outset but it may be worth providing proof that you lived at the previous address again. Also i would ask for the chat logs where you already resolved this historically. I would ask why it was acceptable then and not now. If it simply was your address its out of line but should be resolvable.

    in reply to: Alright Calm Down. #80311
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    There are a whole load of issues here.

    What he did before the ban was ignorant at very best and horribly destructve at worst. I think its a combination of the two to be honest.

    A lot of people place a great amount of personal value and investment on these forums which builds a community and support system. The problem is that in reality its a faceless forum on the internet about which a lot of people dont care or see it as something they can bulldoze through thoughtlessly.

    This chap is someone who doesnt value the site, his lack of remorse for his actions and his comments yesterday prove that. The fact seedy tried to garner him a little support by possibly elaborating a bit on his request to return and he then shot him down says it all.

    He doesn’t overly care about the site or what anyone thinks of him so with that its pointless arguing with him or kicking off. The absolute best thing anyone could do is ignore him. It will soon get boring trying to be like that if no one acknowledges youre even here.

    Seedy did the right thing giving him a second chance but i think the way it all quickly degenerated shows how it will continue though. Just ignore n crack on, nothing can be changed about what has happened only thing you can decide is what will.

    in reply to: Streamer promoting dodgy casino #78133
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    So my first guess as to who it was proved correct which is kind of says enough to me. Personally i dont overly like the person, i think that they attempt to appear genuine and a good person but something just doesnt sit right for me, i just get this subtle whiff of greed underlying everything. Personally i think they whacked that casino up as they thought they would get a monoply on the affiliation there and they have only taken it down (probably to put back up later) since people called them out on it.

    in reply to: £2,000 Bonus Hunt Giveaway (36 bonuses!) #76845
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47


    Cancer research

    in reply to: Forum giveaway open to every member. #75276
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    26th at 10pm

    If i win can you send them vouchers for boots or mother care for me please.

    in reply to: Crippling depression from gambling #71370
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Sorry seedy, just seen your post, delete my comment if its gonna incite anything.

    in reply to: Crippling depression from gambling #71361
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Is this the same guy who lost it over someone saying he begged for money for his teeth when he didn’t?


    in reply to: Crippling depression from gambling #71312
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Been there mate on numerous occasions, wages went in at 12am, by 3am i had nothing left.

    Get on gamstop asap its saved me a fortune. Then speak to family/friends to see if they can help tide you over till you sell some shit. Things will get better, they always do so dont do anything daft.

    If you do end up with a large amount of cash through selling bits i would advise paying it into family members bank and get them to just transfer what you need to avoid the temptation of spunking that cash.

    Hope it all sorts itself out, that feeling of self loathing is awful after you do it. If you have friends id suggest seeing them today so youre not on your own over thinking things.

    in reply to: Mission Completed! #71311
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    I think JB realised it got out of hand and has held his hands up in this thread so no point vilifying him anymore.

    Hopefully he learnt his lesson. He also created a thread on TGC apologising for his actions which i think was genuine. He took a bit of flak over there in it which i guess is understandable but fair play to him for doing it.

    Probably best to draw a line under it all now.

    in reply to: Mission Completed! #71230
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Just Basics wrote:

    Yeah maybe your right mate. I didn’t look before I jumped in.

    But you seriously can’t be put me in the position of being only to blame.

    Yeah I started something. But the rest is everyone else.



    Im not blaming you for anything anyone on either side said or did bud, thats their choices.

    I just think you started the chain of events. I like your loyalty and i think your actual intentions were all for BIAM in a skewed way.

    I just didnt like it came across as bragging in this thread when there was a lot of negativity and bad blood created.

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 117 total)