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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $47
- Topics Started : 5
- Replies Created : 117
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Resorting to name calling, please dont hurt my feelings.
What are you the self appointed people’s champion?
You literally stated at the start of this thread you saw they were acting like they were superior and you proved in one bash/troll they werent… that’s literally instigating it by admission. You set out to rile people up to prove they were no better and would retaliate. That is by definition creating negativity Dont change you intent to suit your argument.
I’ll give you that you said it kicked off more than you intended but dont brag about what you did if you know that.
Your experiment achieved nothing but instigating drama n negativity and hate.
Ohhhh TGC think they are better than us, i must avenge this and prove they arent. Get over the inferiority conplex.
You haven’t changed their opinion, you’ve worsened it. Neither forum showered themselves in glory but you instigated it on behalf of BIAM so i guess you proved them right to a degree.
You havent changed their opinion, they arent gonna think you showed yourself as equal so it didn’t really change anything. You created a lot of drama that upset people in the cross fire and you increased the divide between what should be two close forums.
All this because you didnt like one forum thinking they were better than another.
Yep well done. Glad you feel you made your point.
I think this entire thread has gotten pretty fucking childish. Just Basics made a thread saying how TGC slate BIAM so often and too many jumped on.
There are two recent threads on TGC, one discussing Bandits decent loss and one discussing Haz’s experience here about gamstop and trolls. I cant see anywhere in the one about Bandits loss where BIAM is slated. Bandit is discussed, rightly so as the thread subject. The second one does slate BIAM at times but that will happen when someone posts a thread about a bad experience. There are also some posts praising BIAM. How this is constant slating i dont know. You effectively have two forums with a common theme so of course there will be some differing opinions on each other but no where near what it has been made out to be.
To be honest i have tried posting on both forums but found TGC the more welcoming/engaging so i tend to post there. But with that i can also say Bandit had his share of supporters at TGC, me included previously.
Hotshots has only come here in retaliation after i think just basics and Brendan jumped over to TGC and were offensive. Whether he is right or wrong doing so he was goaded into it. No doubt brendan and just basics are getting shit now in the TGC thread.
This thread has hugely exaggerated a small number of posts at TGC and it’s gonna blow up out of proportion. It all needs to be stopped on both sides now before there is loads of time wasted with people arguing and disrupting each others sites.
Was like reading a Mr B thread…. careful no one gets called out now ???
How much have you already saved towards it bud? You said you’ve got a planned proposal you want to do so still do it and just get a promise ring. She should still be made up with that and explain you’ll get the real one in 2-3 months (based on when you said you could repay a loan by).
You’ve said she’s had a rough time and it would mean the world to her, i dunno how old you are but youre asking her to commit the rest of her life to you. It shouldn’t be a cheer you up moment, thats a weekend away or spa day.
I know you might have got your words/message mixed but take a step back, in ten years will it be the ring or moment you remember? Dont get too caught up about the ring.
2If i needed the cash myself id hope they might give me some but end of the day its their win. Would you have brought those tickets if they hadn’t asked you to? If not then youre not really missing out.
Nice main present you bought them though bud, very thoughtful.
A girl i was messing around with at work bought me one on my 30th birthday. I won £100 ? so said id get the first round with it later that night…. first round came to nearly 200 so think i tucked myself up there ??
Stop your carry on. Upload them on an alternative site and just embed them onto your forum. You get the most back from affiliates etc yet produce the least amount of content.
The kids right.
if the bandit wants to sack it off just tell people and they can go and join up to casinos with other streamers to a their channel.
Ha the bandit is doing the equivalent of ghosting,
things don’t last forever just have the balls to tell people your done.
What is stopping anyone joining other casinos with other streamers? Nothing. If you dont think bandit will carry on, then you go sign up elsewhere.
For all his replies to all the negative questioning he has received do you really think he wouldn’t just say im done if he was?
Bandit was down to one video a week so we aint exactly missing loads of content and its probably a testimony to him that he can just put out one video and get so much support and enthusiasm. If so many others are producing so much more then just watch them for the time being. If youve signed up through his links and deposit no doubt your in his prize draws. And before you counter, im not dick riding bandit, i actually think he has lost some interest in it all but i dont think he owes anyone anything. Let him be, enjoy his holiday and he might come back all enthused and put out more videos once all the problems are resolved.
1I think now is a good time to talk to her, the fact she asked if its wrong she wants to go back today means deep down she knows its getting out of control but also she was still looking for your permission to do so. Its probably given you a great opportunity to talk about it. Hope it all goes well and doesn’t end up as a full on barny.
11Good morning bud, i hope you are ok. Its a horrible situation your in tbh and worse when its your mrs. Ive been in similar situations with my best mate and my brother. Personally i think you need to do three things
1. talk to her, wont be a fun convo but you don’t sound too happy as it is. But you need to explain how you feel and try and get her to see what you’re seeing. Sounds like the gambling bug has got her at the monent and she isnt seeing the wood for the trees.
2. Bar yourself from all places she could drag you. If youre not bothered by them then it wont matter but it will really remove the we need not go to just be on her. Hopefully it will also deter her a bit when youre out together, if she must pop in then take her cards and only give her a bit of money.
3. Get her off those fooking communities. They are horrible creations that can rinse a grand for a 200 payout.
Im sure others will give better advice but keep your chin up bud and if you do anything, make sure you talk to her and be honest.
All the best.
21Daddy has spoken!! Nice one big man, hopefully that’s the end of it.
Personally im just trying to avoid having a punt Friday when i get paid. Can feel that nagging itch for the first time in a long time. Think it will be playing with the little one, trying to get down the driving range and leaving the bank card at home!!!
Hope everyone is good.
I would just ignore any comment he makes that is contentious. No one to argue with means no arguments ? Its clear trying to point out hypocrisy and double standards doesnt work so maybe the best action is to do nothing.
I dont really like this post, your enthusiasm for the bandit to do £600 spins seems a little warped. He pushes the boundaries with what he will stake per spin already to the extent that £40 spins can put him 100k in the hole, he wont always get out of it so imagine the damage £600 spins can do. Personally id discourage bandit from going too much higher not encourage it. Each to their own i know but i dont think you have his best interests here.
Says he wont reply… what odds will anyone give me that he does, unless thread gets locked ??????????