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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $47
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izattm, JoeHoldway and Smokingbeagle thanks for your input gents. I had no idea that existed and most definitely going to give it a call.
Kinda highlights the fucks given by the woman i spoke to since im sure she knew about this.
Anyway, cheers again. Enjoy your weekends.
Yeah i did it as soon as i got the car sorted. The lady in the bookies seemed a bit surprised at my return with a photo if im honest. There was still no conversation regarding responsible gambling etc.
The process that they adhere to in the shops is clearly sent from above which is why i question the integrity of it.
If they did make the exclusion digital then they could exclude you from all shops at once should you so wish and distibute your picture.
@mr b
Sorry bud my questioning was because you have provided a link to a google search of 10 articles. I have read the entirety of the thread and cant see where you have alluded to which article im to read.
Anyway thank you for answering my question. I guess if the article is something you were involved in/connected to you it explains the sensitivity to it.
For the record i 100% believe its a terrible situation, gambling like many addictions takes people to dark places i wish on no one. I do think people working in shops allow far too much to happen that they could prevent, for example allowing people who they have personally excluded to then do their balls in. Ultimately i know its still on the punter but the shops do have responsibility to them there.
My weekend starts now, just finished a 16 hour shift and up in 4 hours… : (
On the positive side of it, its mother’s day tomorrow and our little un is 3 months ol. Its the our first one so im taking them out with the pennies earned today, babiy’s first swim in the morning, taking them shopping after and then on to the Mrs favourite restaurant. Love seeing them happy and hopefully ive played my cards well enough to get my leg over : )
Hope everyone has a top day.
11Hi mr B, apologies for the delay. It looks like i wasnt logged in.
I did read the thread, what i saw was a link to a google search with ten article’s showing and i did not know which one you were referencing.
Anyway thank you for answering, i guess if the article you referenced somehow is connected to you and not just pulled from the internet then i appreciate your vigour on the subject.
For the record i totally agree that its a terrible situation, i wish no one would lose their life to any form of addiction. Ive been to some place i thought were bad but probably wouldn’t scratch the surface for others. Im not sure if CS online can be too unaccountable or do much more but 100% think in shops they fail punters at times. Best example i can relate to is someone barring themselves and then a week later losing their wages while the person who barred them watched, that one has happened to me. Should i have gone in, no. Was it my fault, yes. Should they have stopped me though, yes.
Anyway all the best.
So am i correct in thinking the original conversation was plucked from the internet? If so, what is to say it actually took place and someone with an agenda didnt create it. If so, then you chose to take it as fact because suited your argument. The thing is y<span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>ouve highlighted a situation i think most here are probably aware and agree with you on since we are on a gambling forum. If you know for a fact this happened with proof then totally different.</span>
<span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>Reading this thread from start to finish, not that my opinion will matter, but much of this thread is vague and cryptic. Again im not saying you are wrong but people cant agree with what isnt very clear. Please accept this as constructive from a neutral view point but you have come across as dismissive (possibly out of frustration) to those who havent grasped where you are coming from. I believe your intentions were good but maybe take a step back, even get a neutral to read the thread and ask what they think.</span>
30th March 2019 at 7:03 pm in reply to: Falling of the wagon and paying for the most expensive coffee in the world #58436The number of £500 shits ive had over the years is silly. Running in cos im busting and walking out with my bank account lighter also. We’ve all been there mate im sure. Hopefully the changes to the fobts are going to put off a lot of people. I for one dont fancy gambling just to try and spin roulette. I’ll no doubt have a go but cant see myself getting into it.
Bandit mate, reading your replies on here and Twitter i feel you’ve got a bit caught up trying to put across the possibility that had the game not thought it had retriggered then the retrigger may have actually still taken place but didn’t since it thought it was in the ‘super bonus’ as such. I see where you are coming from and im not saying it didnt happen but i think it is by far the less likely of the two options.
Firstly in the super bonus it reset the countdown to ten which would mean it could troll you with possibly 9 scatters and not retrigger, as we know slots love to troll. It didnt start at 2, the number you really needed i think? So i dont think its less likely to throw in one or two scatters.
Secondly as we know, the game paid x amount at the end after all the glitches and what not. That amount paid was determined before the bonus started, whether it retriggered, didnt retrigger or glitched like in this case, thats the amount you were getting. You just lost the experience of the bonus. Had the slot intended a retrigger but you didnt see it due to the glitch, the final amount paid would have been that the retrigger amount (still might not have been much). For instance you could have glitched into the retrigger bit and kicked out by the glitch but a real retrigger had played behind the scenes and your balance said 5k for example when it reset to 6 spins.
Hope you see where im coming from, just playing devils advocate. Regardless its a bull shit situation and makes the slot look stupid.
I think something needs to be done about this situation, i dont know what but in my mind it is ruining the forum. I have always lurked, i probably checked the site 4-5 times a day and had just started to post but now i hardly look in. Its a totally different vibe.
There are some amazing people on here and i commend their generosity and willingness to help but some of the chancers trying to take advantage of them are in my mind scum, piggy backing off those who genuinely need help.
The lad with the phone situation just took the biscuit. Id have asked to see a police report or something as who knows if it really was stolen. I cant believe the audacity to make that post.
Anyway rant over, i sympathise with many of you and hope some sort of solution is found and the forum returns to where it was.
Yeah, from what i can tell he was/is which i find hypocritical. I watched a lot of his content as i love the fruits and never knew any tricks and some of his stories were interesting. Then he started on the affiliation hype and comes across a bit bitter and high n mighty.
I kind of like some of his vids how he used to empty fruities but ive stopped watching so much after his anti streamer crusade. Yes he has raised some valid points and some not so valid points in the past. I don’t like his vendetta against bandit though.
He tries to come across as the people’s champion and hates seeing people lose and it lining streamers pockets. How fucking hypocritical when he spent however long rinsing fruities which in turn would rape jo bloggs as the rtp had beem fucked until he then did it again. Now i dont really mind streamers earning a crust through affiliation if done correctly or someone making money on fruit machines becsuse they know how but wind your fucking neck in.
I think a lot of us would continue hank, maybe not continuously at the same stake.
If/when it does burst, what will you do? Withdraw if its decent, go on tilt if its shite? That’s the scary thing chasing sonething you think is due and are heavily invested in, if it doesnt pan out or youre gonna spunk whatever you win then is it worth the chase?!
1Firstly if what has been said is true then i feel very sorry for you mate, sign up to gamstop and treat it is as an expansive experience not to be repeated. If its the first time you have gambled then thankfully i doubt you are addicted but still do everything you can to prevent it happening again. You will get through the month, you might have to tell your family but you will get through.
With that said, while you may not like some of the comments you’ve received ragarding this seeming iffy, those people are reasonably entitled to think so. You state you’ve been on the forum so you should be aware that there have been a lot of chancers trying to blag a hand out from the bandits generosity. Accompanied with the fact that your post does seem to blame the bandit whether you meant it to or not, you immediately referenced reel king which is a subject he takes flak for. Lastly if im correct you said you’d never gambled before but suddenly you’re upping stakes and cleaning yourself out which is not something a person who doesnt gamble would do, they have more respect for money. So don’t take it to heart that you’ve been questioned but just wanna show there are reasons why.
Whatever has happened i wish you all the best and hope it all gets sorted.
1I gave my views on this on another thread. Paul seems like a properly nice guy, think him n bandit would be a great pair to go on the piss with.
In regards to his chat, some people are blatant trolls but some are just dick heads, there also seems to be a weird clique of regular commenters who think they own/run chat. That combination though makes for some really unsavoury chat. Im not mr pc or easily offended, it just seems toxic there sometimes. There are some though who i think are hilarious like Freddy_from_the_hood. Hes like listening to my younger brother.