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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $47
  • Topics Started : 5
  • Replies Created : 117

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  • in reply to: pauls steam tonight what a harsh end !!! #41488
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Totally agree but to me it seemed the nob heads were dominating the chat at times. Problem is with his set up with the twitch messages down the side you can’t hide them.

    Him n bandit are my favourite streamers, just my thoughts on the chat yesterday and obviously a brutal ending.



    in reply to: pauls steam tonight what a harsh end !!! #41456
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Yeah I watched last night, real disappointing end to what was becoming an epic stream, blew a balance then won it all back and some. The tilt off sicbo was horrible, ‘I’ll bet small’ a minute later and a grand down goes full tilt. Thing is he plays in such a way he can win massive off a small deposit fast but lose a big balance just as fast. Last night was hard viewing though.

    One thing I will say is the chat in his streams is getting toxic. People wanting him to lose or urging big stakes so he does. Didn’t sit well with me at all and has started putting me off, definitely not such a fun view anymore. I think that’s why I’ve leaned more towards bandits way, videos with no dickhead comments but a busy forum which for the most part is constructive and friendly, you’ll always get the odd troll and chancer.

    in reply to: Why Have You Got The Username You Have? #40681
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Mine is my poker username… couldn’t be anymore the opposite these days ?

    in reply to: Getting hold of SuperLou #40527
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    If everything you say is true i think the first thing you need to do is get down the doctors regarding your mental health. You are so stuck feeling sorry for yourself you can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel, especislly if you have no support network. One payment being made is not going to fix things. There will be other hiccups, you might get tired of forever being in debt again and decide to gamble and you’re back here again.

    Lots of people are in debt, I have been for 17 years and for more than 9k. I know how despairing it can be but from where it sounds like you’re at, one payment being made isn’t fixing this. I’m lucky to have an amazing support network and worked my bollox off to live.

    I do believe this is mostly genuine but your coming across like a martyr and you will not get sympsthy if you do not listen to what people are saying or only provide the information you want, I think that is where a lot of the negativity is stemming from.

    Get down the doctors, sort yourself our first then tackle this.

    in reply to: Some nights….. I just can’t sleep… #39889
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Feel for you bud, regardless of how much you were up and still are that is one huge chunk to swallow. I’d say 99% of people will support you and respect your honesty. In a perverse way I wonder if part of you is please to post a loss, get the doubters off your back.

    Chin up though fella, you only had the money to lose by playing that way and hindsight of when to walk is all gamblers stick we beat ourselves with.

    Maybe dont drop tge stake but have a break from the game, reset yourself and come back  to it.

    Take care.


    in reply to: Anyone done a payday loan claim? #39564
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Got about 12k back off numerous companies a few years back but spunked most of it as I was still going degen.

    Follow the complaint advice and templates you send to the companies. You will 90% get rejected and then it’s off to the financial ombudsmen who up held 90% of my complaints.

    In all about 6 months for a complaint start to finish depending on how busy the financial ombudsmen is.

    in reply to: Comments on 14-1-19 on Nick Slots Stream. #39560
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    I’ve only just started posted on the forum but my two cents worth is, not meaning to be too dismissive, that it’s proper boring now when Bandit’s legitimacy is questioned. He’s done in my eyes everything he can to prove things numerous times. I open a thread and literally think ‘this shite again.’. Can only imagine how he feels.


    The OP has said he believes he is real but the post up is dressed up raising the topic again questioning him. Thing is, firstly it’s gotta be a huge conspiracy if he was fake considering  the giveaways, spot gifts etc he does let alone the gambling. Secondly, yes I would feel a bit let down if he did turn out to be fake as you become invested in him not just the subject but really n truly for all the entertainment he’s provided me for free who cares.

    Personally, just enjoy the vids n forum and don’t over think things.

    in reply to: Pub Fruit Machines #38664
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Think I’ve played fruities since I was about 6! Terrible i know.

    Started with one call 2p gambler I think, £2.40 jackpot and you could turbo gamble any win up to jackpot. At 7 I only collected jackpot or £1.20. If the old man took us to a pub he played them and I’d push start for him.

    Never played to win a fortune but I was that mate for a while that spent all night ploughing a fruitie…. didn’t want to feel beaten by it.

    Anyway like many people the best were up to £25 jps. Never really lost a lot and had fun. Now they are savage. Remember putting 200 odd in a 35 dond for nothing. What a mug.

    Fav machines were party time and golden game though not really pub fruits.

    Be good all.

    in reply to: Seedy’s Christmas Bonus! The Swear Jar! 10% Giveaway! #38655
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47


    in reply to: Trapped #38622
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Keep youre chin up bud, think a lot of us have been there.

    I had racked up 14k in debt by the time I was 21 due to gambling and living beyond my means. This was when credit cards and loan companies were throwing money at people. You are not the first and won’t be the last to win big and spunk it or get into debt.

    What’s done is done, don’t chase it and try not to dwell on it. At 19 you have forever ahead of you. Get on gamstop straight away and bar yourself anywhere nearby that you can gamble, bookies arcades etc. How you feel now will pass once you break the cycle.

    If you knuckle down and graft, 2k is manageable to repay and live your life still. Don’t put pressure on yourself to repay it all at once or too fast or you will look for ways beyond your means to do it, like a big win.

    Lastly if you can speak to your mum then do it, being open about it all will make it far easier.

    Well done speaking out, don’t get down on yourself though. You just need to be sensible now. I don’t know if you can pm on here but if you can n need a chat then holla me

    in reply to: Do videos help or hinder my gambling? #30519
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Morning All

    Its both for me, 18 months ago they probably didnt help since id see big wins and think i could do that… never did happen though and id invariably do my bollox two hours after getting paid.

    I knew i had to stop that so this year i started to take ownership. I have zero restraint once i start so i gamstopped to block online. I opened a bank account where ive blocked gambling transactions so i cant spunk 100s on the fobt roulette on my card so unless i have a lot of cash on me which i avoid carrying its far harder to do my balls in. I cant wait for the fobt stake reduction. Dont get me wrong, i am a gambler and occaisionally i still find ways to come off the rails, mostly spunking a big profit from a small stake.

    Back on topic, now i cant try to emulate what streamers win or gamble much in general now i find watching the videos help me not miss actually doing it. Plus people like the bandit and rolla seem like top blokes and i enjoy the content not just the punts.

    So there’s my two sides to the coin but no matter what the outcome is, whatever you do is your choice regardless of being inspired by a stranger online.



    in reply to: Fuming with my self #29026
    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Hi all,

    Have watched the vids for ages but never posted until now but i can relate to this in a different way.

    Was in the casino a year back playing 50p spins while killing some time, anyway change game and somehow start spinning £5 a go by accident, 2nd spin the bonus lands though so wasnt a balance killer. Realised im on the wrong stake by the values showing so of course my hopes went way up. Well the bonus proceeded to pay £9 something, i was gutted to say the least… went back to playing 50ps got the feature and won 60 odd from it. What might have been hey.

    Anyway lovely gesture there bandit. Sort the tinternet out n get some vids up. I am one of those for who they really help curb my urges to punt.



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