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  • in reply to: Bandit’s biggest Fruit Warp win #17858
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Okay well that didn’t work, why did it change my link to the generic big win link?

    Anyway it’s this one…

    This has been infuriating to post guys by the way, I’ve had to wait to make this post as well as all of the other issues!

    in reply to: The current STATE of Slots Today! NO JOKE! #17657
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Just don’t play those slots then if you’re looking for a bonus! Those two slots are renowned for being two of the hardest slots to bonus.

    As Seedy said, if you’re just after a bonus then try Netents as they’re fairly easy to bonus most of the time!

    Good luck.

    in reply to: Video slots Bonanza #17569
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Dozzy wrote:

    Oh and also bandit (Steven)     <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>what you are doing is doing more harm than good and the thing is you just don’t see it and that why all the slot channels are closed down hang your head in shame</span>

    It’s hilarious how people like you try and blame other people for their own stupidity. Someone is clearly just bitter about losing their money, but here’s a shocker for you – YOU spent that money, no one else.

    Steve has referenced the downfalls of gambling several times in basically every video he has ever made. It should be seen as a hobby, and when it stops being fun or you’re spending too much you should stop. It’s really not that complicated.

    There are a lot of people with problems, but it’s hardly like Steve tries to encourage this path. Stop looking for other people to blame and start to take accountability for your actions – you will be a lot happier in the long run.

    in reply to: Slot theories #17235
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Argyl and babyface are spot on here.

    To your point, Nostromo, you only increase your chance of a bonus within £x and not x spins. And even then that’s only if you keep the stake per line the same as when you play one line or ten lines. But you could make that point about anything, just reduce your stake to 1p per line if your goal is achieving a bonus within a set budget. It’s certainly not a strategy as it has absolutely zero impact on your overall RTP. It may just mean on that particular session that you hit a few bonuses opposed to zero if you’re on a higher stake and bust sooner.

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Bud, I feel for you here, I really do.

    I remember a while back, I used to play a lot of roulette with Ladbrokes. I used to bet on the cold numbers, then increase the bet after 35 spins of the wheel if the number(s) hadn’t come in. The amount of times when one of my big numbers came in and it then rejected my bet and voided the game, it was so frustrating. I’d spent hours back and forth with customer service but never managed a resolution with it.

    It’s hard not to feel desperate/hopeless with this sort of thing, and it will dwell on your mind for a while. Try and fight it as much as you can (I certainly would), but there may be a point when you just have to give it up and move on. And whatever you do, don’t try and chase for that jackpot again.

    Good luck mate!

    in reply to: latest video #13510
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Messi wrote:

    Would have loved you to have tried “turn it up” on a bigger stake as it’s paid great in the past, or to have tried to force top feature on the DOND blueprint with the huge balance! Either way brilliant video, only downside of no YouTube is that I can’t laugh at all the haters lol

    That top feature on Blueprint DOND is the most tilting thing ever. I spent a lot of money trying to force to the top – finally managed it after thousands of spins and it gave me like 40p on a £4 bet (the lowest box, whatever it was). It even tells you before you enter the game to always press no deal as it’s better RTP. Yeah, not in my case :’)

    in reply to: Video slots Bonanza #13480
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    The Bandit wrote:

    Soxdog7 wrote:

    The whole industry is a farce and as corrupt as the bandits tax bills.

    The internet is changing these days, it is a lot easier to sue someone for libel/slander so you need to be very careful in what you say you see. This is utter bollocks yet again and all i have to do is prove that my tax bills aren’t corrupt and then that is you in some hot water.


    Don’t bite, Bandit! This guy is just after a reaction.

    in reply to: Book of ra magic #13479
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Geordiemark42 wrote:

    I played my first magic mirror at weekend, got a bonus and 3 retriggers so I don’t think it is as hard as ra magic.


    Hardly a large enough sample size to make that sort of aspersion haha! I’ve struggled to bonus both of these over hundreds and hundreds of spins in the past.

    For a long time Magic Mirror was one of my lowest RTP slots, I have had one big win since then that has changed that. Yet to have one on Ra Magic but I’m sure the time will come – the RTP has to balance out eventually!

    in reply to: Videoslots RTP #13429
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    I guess the only ones who are posting are the ones with high RTP :’). In fairness, I wouldn’t have even thought of this thread if I wasn’t either doing particularly well or particularly poorly!

    in reply to: Videoslots RTP #13417
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    benq99 wrote:


    Wow, that’s insanely high. How active are you? How many spins would that RTP be over (roughly)?

    As an example, my 100% would be over literally hundreds of thousands of spins.

    Xbobmad wrote:

    101.05% At the moment the donuts base game seems to provide wins and Danger seems to take it away again ? 1.5x bonuses mean it’s going on the banned list ?

    Excellent RTP for you also then! Yeah I like Donuts a lot, I love the music! DHV has gone nothing but downhill for me too, struggle to bonus it, and when I do the bonus is normally trash.

    in reply to: Worst and best slots to watch bandit play #13403
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    This just shows how everyone is different – my least favourite slots to watch are probably Montazooma and Reel King. Just find them really boring, Reel King can be exciting when it’s high stakes or when he gets close to the top (e.g. his last video!) but outside of that it’s just a bit dull. Not complaining, I’ll watch any of it, but in comparison to some other slots!

    I really enjoy watching Laser Fruit, DHV, Secret of the Stones and Golden Fish Tank. Most Red Tiger games too! Really enjoying Donuts at the moment also.

    I like seeing him play slots like Dead or Alive and Terminator 2 every now and again also, just for the potential of the wild line/hot mode! That’s exciting for me as a viewer.

    in reply to: are the bonuses random generated #13080
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Reelsoffun wrote:

    Spidermint wrote:

    Picking games are predetermined, they have to be to obey the rules of the RNG as set out by the Gambling commission.

    It doesn’t matter what you pick, it is already decided. The fact that they show you what you could have picked is sailing very close to the legal wind as it suggests you could have made a better losing decision, but this is not the case. I believe these slots could actually be banned/forced to be modified by the Gambling commission if people complained enough. They are deceptive and mislead the player. IMO the question is asked often enough in gambling circles to constitute a “reasonable” misunderstanding of how they work. At the very least slots should be clearer about the fact that the picks are predetermined.

    It is easy to see for yourself if you download a program like fiddler and examine the incoming json payload to the slot which in the majority of slots is unencrypted. It clearly identifies the picks you will make before you click any buttons. If the picks are also monetary amounts the total will also be in the data.

    This works slightly different in bonuses with free spins. Each spin is random as it must be so the total win amount is not predetermined. So in secret of the stones for example, the picks are predetermined but the outcome of the free spins is not. These are individual random spins based on the modifiers.

    Hope this helps


    You are incorrect and correct.

    It depends on the game, however as some have already said if your shown at the end it generally means it was a true pick if not it was pre determined.


    I have worked on slots as well as SIMs, and once before we even did one that learnt player behavior and it adjusted the picks before the first pick to try and guess where the player would pick, eg if they pick the same each time etc. As long as its done before the player picks its totally allowed, or it used to be not sure now with all the new rules  lol

    This is very concerning if true, as I always make the same picks each time no matter what (starting from top left). Surely nowadays with strict RTP regulation, this would breach that if the slot kept putting the worst picks behind the objects that the player picks the most?

    in reply to: HOW is this possible?! #12662
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Haha thanks guys! Yeah I was just in shock, so rare to get a 1000+x win (especially for me on Magic Mirror, which up until now was one of my lowest RTP slots), so getting that without even seeing it as I went to the toilet is just mental. Guess I got the top symbol and landed 4 of her 🙂

    Actually had some real good luck on my last session, was up and down a lot, but the ups consisted of very big wins (300x, 400x, 500x, 900x, 1100x etc.) – crazy! My overall RTP on Videoslots has now gone from 96% to 98.6%ish.

    in reply to: What the hell have they done to Book now?! #12177
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Looks like a bug on your end to me!

    Also @chaz41, that’s not Bandit’s channel.

    in reply to: Slot requests for the Bandit? #12113
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Thanks for playing Great Blue, Bandit!

    Colossus Fracpot if you can find it. Definitely one of the more interesting slots, with huge potential if you have the balls!

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