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Ahhhhhh I see! Come to think of it, I do remember seeing a post like that. Didn’t think it was him though!
Sorry to hear this Haz. I’ve never been in this situation personally, where the person in question is someone close to me, so I don’t have much advice to offer outside of what has already been offered!
You’ve had problems yourself, and you know this person better than anyone, it sounds to me like you’re the one best placed to help her. What works, or has worked for you?
Hope you both get past this. All the best!
11Sorry to hear what you’re going through Eightblack. As I’m sure you’re aware, and certainly gathered from this thread, that you’re not alone! Most of us have been in that position at one time or another, many still there now.
Gambling is great when it’s good, and disgustingly awful when it’s bad. Unfortunately, the latter is the most common outcome by a mile.
Don’t beat yourself up too much about the borrowing and all of that, you know it was wrong, but the bug took over and that’s just the way it went. What’s done is done, rather than punish yourself, look to learn from it.
I hope you manage to get past this bud, there’s a road ahead, but it’s certainly doable. We’re always here to chat! 🙂
I give you this:Â
The only one in that list that is actual clear of evidence of wrongdoing in some form is the BetOnline blackjack one. And even this one may be a little more complicated than it looks at face value. This link below explains it pretty well:
I’m curious as to what point is being made here, because it almost feels like when we clutch onto these very rare examples of corruption, that we are making an incredibly vast generalisation against the industry. Just because someone, somewhere has done wrong, doesn’t mean that every single other person or entity in the same category has done wrong also.
As has been said, you ask for this inrefutable evidence that they are not rigged, how about you provide the evidence that they are?
Thought not.
just have a quick look at the deal or no deal live vid thats floating about i mean thats super dodgy ?
That has already been discussed in length…
What actually about it to you appears dodgy?
Naturally things are going to go wrong with any process, in this case one of the briefcases opened ahead of time. They use screens because an automated process makes a lot more sense for a business than a manual inconsistent approach, particularly when utilising a small turnaround window. And the reason why the open briefcase was blank until later in the round is, as @Xbobmad called out, a contingency to ensure that players don’t gain an advantage when choosing to deal or no deal in the earlier stages.
rigged as f* * * k which is why since the day i realized I was on the look out for way to f*ck them up… rob them then switch and rob rhem again ?  Currently working on BLACK/RED GAMBLE… im working on my method of cashing big bucks this way ans so far i can nominate like 12 blacks in a row :))) basically tapping callor i want to come out of the gamble. Success so far 70-30 i wod say.  ?
What ??????
Oh wow!!!!  so obvious too hahahaha!!!! im sure all the slots are rigged too… why ppl always ending up depositing 2-3 times more than their last withdrawal – just to get silly bonus game on any and i mean ANY game within the same provider!!!!??? its its they have slider button and from move it left or right in accordance to deposited money….
Mr X WINNING ————————[  x  ] —- Mr X LOSING
Funny thing is if u complain to customer service thst u feel games are rigged after Ll bullshit that they are licensed casino and so on you magically start having good luck and bonuses are coming from every game u play…..
Once i realized i used this tactic this with virgin games…. deposited…lost… complained… deposited more ….won big and withdraw then stay underr for a month.
That is actually the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read on this forum.
Next level strats right there
We’re stuck living in 2019, while he’s living in 3019.
Even the name JB atached to a thread causes shit.
I enjoyed that ??
2You still playing Donuts then Xbob ma man?
P.s. how’s the family?
Things are good Bio, thanks for asking ? not many weeks to go now till I get the joy of being outnumbered by women at home ?
I took the decision last month to self exclude for the year, I was getting frustrated at having low limits so felt it was best to just take the whole thing away for now. I’ll be back next year for more Donut action ??
Hope you’re good, less active on the forums nowadays I see ?
Awesome, glad to hear mate. Haven’t seen you around here much over the past few months so assumed you’d been busy with life. 🙂
Haha I was thinking it had to be soon right! Unlucky, make sure to get your own way as much as possible before never again. 😉
Good lad, right thing to do. I’m all good thanks!
At one point the dog the cat even the hamster as well as missus and step daughter. So outnumbered 5 to 1 female to male. I know what your in for. ??
I feel for you Haz ?
1I suppose that if the number was visible throughout the game and that number was someones jackpot number, they would know how much of the game they can play through before hitting deal.I didn’t even consider that! Seems like a pretty solid contingency to me in case the case is opened ahead of time.
1So u do not believe it’s rigged..but by the video is not completely random?The video does not show this. The video shows that the screen, visually, doesn’t update all at once at the start of the game.
The boxes are not selected before the game starts, so it leaves it open to manipulation.I agree it does, but as I said above, just because something can be rigged, doesn’t mean that it is. Most things in life can be rigged.
Like u said..there is no reason whatsoever to have this.I said that I personally couldn’t see a reason behind doing it this way, but I’m no expert, and I don’t work for them. I am genuinely interested myself in why they do it this way, so I would like them to comment.
My opinion..It is a controlled game. I do not agree with your opinion.And that’s fine bud – I respect that! We’ve both got an opinion on this, and that’s what forums are there for, to discuss them and expand our knowledge on the subject. 🙂