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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $675
- Topics Started : 44
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All this negativity towards the game could be cured by simply using cardboard with numbers and envelopes. But why dont they do this? Its fucking Obvious why lol.
I agree with you – it would resolve a lot of negative press for them! However as a large technology company, and the logistics of having a manual process such as this, with a 2 minute turnaround between rounds, I can understand why they do it they way they do. It’s more practical – that’s why they do it.
And even if they were to do a manual process, they could still rig the baseline boxes if they wanted to.
Randomly allocated in sequence…????. Okay. There is simply no reason to have blank screens after the game has started. Every number should be allocated before game starts. Are you seriously trying to defend this?Devil’s advocate. I’ve never played this game myself, nor do I have any affiliation with the gaming industry whatsoever.
I agree – if it was me running it, I cannot think of a reason good enough not to randomly allocate each number before the game begins. However, that doesn’t mean that beyond any doubt that it is rigged. I’m sure that people who work in the industry could comment on their justification.
My main issue with threads like this is that they are too closed minded and stop any debate taking place. You have already made up your mind, even though there actually isn’t any irrefutable evidence to back up your opinion. And that’s what it is – an opinion, not a fact.
My opinion is that it’s not rigged. Could it be? Yes. Do I think it is? No.
It’s important to remember with things like this – just because something can be rigged, doesn’t mean that it is.
Why is anyone surprised that they are screens… Did people genuinely think before now that Noel comes in and manually changes each briefcase before each session? ?
Although I am surprised to see that all boxes aren’t displayed on the screens from the start, it doesn’t mean that it’s rigged. They could be randomly allocated in sequence.
It’s such a shame that one of the best series ever made turned out like this. This last season has been awful as whole.
Underwhelming, unsatisfying, ridiculous situations and terrible ends to character’s story arcs.
One of?..let me know ones you think are better incase i have not seen them:),need something decent to watch again.
Everyone has their own tastes, but for me… GoT, Breaking Bad, Lost, Walking Dead and Westworld are all great.
Westworld season one was phenomenal, went downhill in season two, but still good.
It’s such a shame that one of the best series ever made turned out like this. This last season has been awful as whole.
Underwhelming, unsatisfying, ridiculous situations and terrible ends to character’s story arcs.
my biggest win on my very last spin cant believe it dropped line of top man on 10x [ src=”/wp-content/uploads/hm_bbpui/66364/yhzrjith8banlik9s18aikwt41sxw1ol.jpg” alt=””]
You’ve barely even had time to collect that money and the tinder matches are already piling in!
It’s honestly not a put down mate, the opposite, if anything.
I wouldn’t have included the 2nd part of my post if I wanted to put you down. I’m genuinely trying to pick you up. It’s not personal between us, and I agree we have got on better over the last few weeks or so. But I don’t like seeing some of the abusive posts that you make, whether targeted at me or not. Granted, a lot of these are in retaliation to comments about yourself, but some aren’t.
The best way to prove that you’re a good guy is to not respond directly with the criticism, and rather display the nicer side in your future posts. People aren’t always going to agree on a forum, but sometimes we need to handle how we respond to that better.
One thing I really respect about you is that you’re impartial in your posts and opinions. You’re not afraid to challenge people like Bandit if you don’t agree, for example. It’s great that you’re opinionated, perfect for a forum, but I just think there is a right way of getting your message across.
1Alright good sir! No Sunday sesh this week?
Lol. Read the posts above yours. ^^^
Nice oneeee! Imagine if that last book landed just one notch up haha! We always want more don’t we.
Still, great hit, 100x for the line, then whatever the five scatters pays?
Thanks Biohazard for the link. I don’t use Twitter so would never have seen that.
wonder why no videos on this site though.
have a good holiday Bandit
I’m sort of the same, I’ve got twitter but never really use it! I just keep on eye out on the feed at the bottom of the page in case there are any updates that I’ve missed.
No videos on the site I think because of platform issues – they have to be hosted somewhere. Although I agree it would probably be worthwhile having that 2min update video here on the homepage to stop these questions!
For me it varies a lot, depending on the session, how I’m feeling at the time, and if I have any financial targets based on upcoming purchases etc.
As a general rule of thumb, if I double my opening balance, I’d withdraw half and then start again from scratch with the same balance.
Hi guys,
He’s posted a video about it on his twitter.
Take a look!