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- Town Status : Outlaw
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I’ve not really done any video production in the past, so I’m not the best person to advise on that front.
But as a viewer, definitely! I’d certainly be interested in watching. 🙂
1Oh Mr B… you just can’t let it go can you? I wake up today to find two threads you’ve continued this in.
JB – apologies in advance, not my intention to hijack this thread. Genuinely, really can’t be arsed today, I’m hungover af.
To see a member admit and apologise to one or two people who have had enough but not been involved in the current mess, yet not apologise for the mess they created or helped create is a twisted form of begging to be honest.
At least you JB have the balls to apologise to everyone who you see you may have affected. I’m the same. but I am fucked if I will apologise to the bully. Not that you have. Or should.
So, to be clear, and to everyone reading, it was you that kicked off this debate again. If you choose to deny that, I’ll happily provide the evidence. The moment the debate got too much for you and you couldn’t counter or refute the points I made, you then exited the debate and continued to plaster me as a bully all across the forum. It seems to me like you enjoy targeting me directly, even when others (JB, per this thread, or me, following my posts I made last night) have let it go, you still continue this nonsense. If I’m a bully, then what does this make you?
What exactly do you want me to apologise for? I’m genuinely curious. I’ve asked this several times now, and you are yet to provide an answer. Why? Because you don’t have one.
Also, this post gets even more bizarre, as you say you’re the same, and yet where is your apology, to anyone? You’re the one who keeps piping up and reigniting the whole thing, and yet you’re still yet to apologise to anyone or take accountability for your involvement. I personally am not fussed in the slightest if you apologise about anything, but y’know, pot kettle black.
I learn from when I am wrong
No, you don’t.
1Donuts all round. The food of friendship and reconciliation!
Anyone else out drinking tonight? Certainly helps lighten the mood ?
1Hey, nothing wrong with that ;). Hope you have the best wedding mate! Congrats, if I haven’t said it already!
Huge result on 1p spins mate, enjoy the winnings. Saturday night sorted? ?
How exactly have I lied? I quite clearly said I believed you were being toxic towards Argyl, and there are three quotes there that are directly aimed at him. You’re the one who made those comments, it really doesn’t matter if you consider them to be toxic or not. I believe so, and I’m sure he would also (if he hadn’t already blocked you).
You are a toxic human being. You haven’t learned any lessons from your last ban, and you’ve continued the insults here because you can’t control your temper. Don’t blame me for ‘baiting’ you – you’re in control of your own words. Time to take accountability.
Ok you sneaky little fucker Bio.
The only remotely toxic things what you have quoted……
Are fucking directed at you not Argyl in the last 30 minutes
Oh your a right deviant cunt arent you!
Yeah, you’re right, what was I thinking. You’re not toxic at all.
So, to be clear, I apologised to Andy for my contribution to the debate. And I really think that you should too, or are you exempt from that?
I’m sure it’s mind numbingly tedious, not just for us, but for the other members who have to put up with having the same conversation over and over again.
What is the toxic shit i have said to Argyl?
Cmon… waiting for the toxicity.
Sure. I’m sure there are more, but this was just looking over a couple of pages in that thread alone.
Fuckinell mate. Could that possibly mean that they are breaking even more laws but not being caught?
Jesus your daft. #OwnGoal
Here he goes again….dredging shit up. Yeah i repeatedly abused you didnt i mate! Fking get a grip lad.
All i said was sommat which someone with a dry sense of humor would find funny.
It wasnt homophobic….
And certainly wasnt vile!
And for you to keep bringing it up. Just makes people believe you are playing victim cards every chance you get.
Your pathetic.
I am who i am….your just a contradiction to everything you say u stand for.
Your a child and a fucking massive Prick mate. Your the one that needs banning.
…..your a passive aggressive cunt.
And here….il report my own comment for ya!
Ya fuckin clown. Get fucked.
Lmao! You saddo. Youve obviously read what i wrote. Stop being passive aggressive mate. I honestly thought we were past all that.
Oooops sorry you cant read this can you?
Might aswell call you names then…
Ya silly sausage.
Yawn….Oi argyl can u see this?
JB, I actually agree with you that you have steered clear of insulting me since you’ve got back. And I appreciate that, and yes I have noticed. But I’m not the only member on this forum, and in the thread in question you know you have said some pretty toxic stuff aimed at Argyl. And yes, yes, I know, defending Argyl again, but to be honest it doesn’t matter who it’s aimed at, I’d call it out. It’s not on.
And yes, since calling this out, you have now started back on me. You say it’s all banter, but is it? I just think you have a temper problem.
Mate, what are you on about? ?
This is a meltdown if I’ve ever seen one, grow up, let it go. I’m honestly at the point now where I don’t have a clue what you’re on about, and I’m not even sure that you do… you keep calling me a bully, but providing no evidence to support this? I ask anyone on this forum to go through my posts (there are a lot of them) and make that judgement for themselves. I am a very supportive member of this community, and have offered help and assistance to many. I’ve never laughed at anyone in a position of vulnerability, despite your claim.
I believe the only insult I made was basically calling you an idiot, which I have already acknowledged. So what exactly have I tried to deny? I shouldn’t have said it, it was mean, and I apologise for that. We’re all adults here, I was wrong to say it, but dude, take it on the chin.
In regards to my comment about JB, I fully stand by that. Read his posts in that thread, do you really think that’s appropriate? He clearly can’t control his anger, and is responding as such. Others have also called him out on this. I don’t think that level of toxicity has any place on this forum, but yeah, each to their own. That was my own opinion on the matter.
I should also remind you, that it is you who has targetted me. Not the other way around. You have been making the snide remarks after mine and Argyl’s posts ever since the last debate. You are the one who has created this thread, when actually all I’ve done is try and help and inform on the topics in question. Do I call you out for being a bully? No… because we’re not school children.
This is a bizarre overreaction. I can’t believe I’m actually having to respond to it, but I’m not being slandered over something so petty. Get a grip.
Always. Life’s too short. We give more than we take. You’ll get greater pleasure making someone else smile than someone making you smile. I know people who have a good heart and surprisingly there’s more people like that on here than we realise. Ffs only had 2 pints. ????
100%. There are plenty of members on here with a good heart, that has been shown time and time again!
P.s. I know you asked me a question in one of these threads somewhere mate, sorry, I haven’t ignored it, just haven’t had chance to get to it yet. Get my email off Steve or Dave and I’ll reply via there whatever questions you have, I’ll answer them as best I can! 🙂
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