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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $675
  • Topics Started : 44
  • Replies Created : 1654

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  • in reply to: A lil rollercoaster! #29678
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Stevie25 wrote:

    There’s a good site for phones bro called Gear Best but you wait 3/4 weeks for them to arrive from china. Some great deals there.

    I like a gamble on the casino slots mostly, feels more real somehow for me. A better buzz haha. Not bashing the sites thou. :)))


    Thanks bud, I’ll take a look! Almost tempted to hold off until early next year when the S10 comes out… I mean, the cracked screen isn’t that bad…

    in reply to: Merry Christmas forum ?? #29677
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Merry Christmas guys! I’ll be spending it with my family at my parents house. 🙂

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    in reply to: Crazy To See….. #29672
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Trowblerone wrote:

    Not too bad though Biohazard. Hell of a turnover in general.

    Oh for sure, I can’t complain 😀

    I think prior to July I was down about £7k, so to bring it back to this I was buzzing! Had probably the best run of my life in August.

    in reply to: Wanna see something that will break your heart? #29671
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Urgh grim mate! Similar to Bandit’s bonus on that egg game on his last video! Full screen reels 2 to 5 and a blank on reel 1. Dirty!

    in reply to: Goonies one eyed willie #29670
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Had it twice on freeplay, both went for about 150x. 800x is huge for this style of slot, nice one!

    in reply to: Poker #29669
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    Not seen that will have a look though as I’m round that area on friday

    Pretty decent seasonal comp. Two day event (day two falls on the Sunday in Walsall for the Midlands leg). £115 (£100 + £15), deepstack I believe.

    I entered the summer version, Summer Sizzler, and it was a pretty solid tournament.

    Let me know if you decide to enter!

    in reply to: Crazy To See….. #29666
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Shame to end the year on a loss, summer went really well for me!

    in reply to: Do you have a slot goal in mind? #29657
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    I never really have a fixed goal in mind, it all depends on the session. A lot of the time my target will be to cover a purchase that I’m considering, or perhaps next month’s bills, just as a little bonus for myself (obviously I’m not reliant on gambling to pay for them, but it’s just a way of me deriving a suitable withdrawal point!).

    If the session has been going on a while, I might just say to myself “if I reach £500 I’ll collect” or “once I get down to £400 I’ll collect”.

    Others have a good way of thinking, once they double their deposit, they withdraw the deposit then continue with the remaining balance and so on. I like that, but rarely apply it!

    in reply to: Fat Santa Xmas Knockout #29656
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    tyti1000 wrote:

    tyti1000 wrote:

    Random.shit almost half of the numbers were 3K something .

    TheBandit wrote: This kind of post can be potentially damaging for me you know – like some folk may read it and think ah yeah, he must have fixed that draw. When you post something along these lines you kind of have to make sure it is correct before hitting that submit button, interestingly, you aren’t the only person to say this but the proof is right there in the video, so there’s no reason for you to be incorrect right? Well, out of 80 teams picked, 80 numbers, there were 20 numbers that came from the 3,000’s. Does that surprise you? I can’t quite get my head round how people thought it was 3,000 number heavy but the fact of the matter is, it wasn’t.

    I know its real. Its not ur fault, just saying about, taking the piss sometimes. I know everyone is using it. Dont worry probably just frustation, I never get lucky. Sorry for the post. is probably one of the most reputable random number generator sites out there. Unlike others, it uses atmospheric noise to determine a random out, rather than just relying on a basic pseudo-random algorithm.

    All 80 numbers could come out in the 3000s (technically), of course the laws of averages indicate that this would almost never happen!


    in reply to: Poker #29651
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Poker is probably my #1 hobby! I run pub league games all around Wolverhampton, and play at the casino and online fairly regularly.

    Anyone entering Grosvenor’s Christmas Cracker this year? Got my entry on Friday night in Birmingham!

    in reply to: Time for some Bandit challenges? #29649
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    +1 for Paint, @Seedy !

    As for Scruffy Duck, one of my biggest ever wins was on this! Double Feature – colossal wild and random wilds! Managed a full screen wild on one of the spins. Huge!

    in reply to: CASINO DNA (RANT) #29648
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    I see this topic crop up time and time again and it baffles me every time. Although I agree many casinos these days have very detailed, and sometimes obscure, KYC checks, it is to keep within the law. Just a quick Google search will tell you how many casinos in recent months have been handed heavy fines for not doing enough.

    But that’s not normally the complaint. The complaint is because this tends to happen at withdrawal stage – this is what baffles me. If you had to do these same checks upon depositing instead of withdrawing, then what is the difference? The only difference is, a large % of customers won’t ever have to submit themselves through these painful checks as they won’t ever withdraw. And for those that do end up withdrawing, the outcome is exactly the same as if you were to do these checks when you deposited?

    I know for me, I much prefer these checks to take place at the withdrawal stage, because quite frankly, I couldn’t be arsed to undertake these checks every time I sign up to a new casino – what a ballache! At least if I’m lucky enough to win then I’m more motivated to go through these checks on withdrawal.

    in reply to: Fat Santa Xmas Knockout #29516
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    @Dharma – are you a Lost fan by any chance?

    in reply to: Fat Santa Xmas Knockout #29504
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Dharma wrote:

    I love this challengs you do Steve ? but next time you should draw only  two teams per video. That way we want to watch all of the videos because we can be in any of them… the way that you did it this time we know on the first video if we are in the  challange or not. If we’re not, most likelly, we won’t watch the challange videos. I would prefer to watch each video wondering if i would be in the challange. It’s just a suggestion ?

    Ah, see, I disagree with this! I haven’t been drawn, but I’m loving watching each round so far, just as I did with the White Rabbit World Cup!

    in reply to: Reel King Challenge #29502
    Biohazard WANTED $675

    Boooooosh! Better run than last night though, right?

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