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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $16
- Topics Started : 1
- Replies Created : 25
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Hold the phone there 1 min pal, this game is simple to work out after a little time, and fuck me its a banger, I’ve had 500x 200x 609x in the last day or so, I’ve posted in the big wins, the key to a big win on it is to get more than the normal 2 spins for the bonus, the standard bonus is quite crappy with not much potential of a retrigger, all my big wins came from a 6 spin start, which makes the retrigger almost certain. I’ve posted in the big wins section so go have a look. ??????
Don’t carry on pal. It’s not like the more u plough on to it the more u win, it’ll just be a standard crap bonus and prob pay around 30-40x which will piss you off even more and most prob lead to tilting even more cash on some other crap slot
This won’t be the last time your in this predicament if you don’t follow this advice; stop gambling, self exclude from any and everywhere you can gamble, find some new hobby. I know lots of people on here love the videos and say that it helps them not gamble, for me this is utter shit!!! For me, these are promo vids for “what could happen to you” win win win, the cold harsh reality of slots is that the big wins are few and far between, when they come they erase all memory of losses and so the spiral continues. So, stop watching slot vids cos 99% of them are big wins or “close calls” where streamers/content makers come close to a massive loss and seem to pull a massive win out of the bag at the last moment. I hope you get past this life hurdle but please stop and self exclude it’s the only way. Good luck ?
We’re all in the same boat mate! Chill and change your life, after all this is done we will be better people, with better coping skills ?
Stop and Step or NickSlots?
I was going to say, both are in a burning building and you can only save one, but that’s a bit too dramatic so I’ll word it differently
If one were to have his computer break and never be able to make another video again, who are you choosing?
Personally not very keen on either, but I’ve watched a few of Stop and Step’s vids in the absence of Bandit footage so I suppose he gets the nod from me. I find Nickslots unbearable personally
Couldn’t agree more, nick slots isn’t my cup of tea, I’ve found the Scottish version of the bandit, the channel is called “nozza slots” and he’s as funny as the bandit, if definitely fills the gap ??
1Bang on! Couldn’t have worded that first paragraph better ? I’m not bitter or a hater but people need to realise that it’s a business not a friendship relationship
Is this how the site now treats free speech????? By banning? Seedy?
31Same here mate! Can’t count how many times I’ve fallen asleep watching stop n step! I can’t work out how he’s got almost 80k subs
forced To watch stopnstep for my Sunday fix. What a twat! That voice. 0 passion
2The next slot coming out from bgt is called “royal mint” a cross between bonanza and lil devil, it’s just in testing right now so should be out mid April…… so what’s the sound track????
I’m interested in how much you spunked up the wall? And what games? ?
Why haven’t you got restrictions on your accounts? I was In A similar position as many of us have been, until I restricted my accounts to monthly and weekly limits. Basically when it’s gone it’s gone!
Can I get a straight answer? Is there a vid today. Can’t watch stop n step don’t need to fall asleep.
I have cashed out 4k from roulette fobt when drunk. Basically stacked two numbers (number 2 and 26). Without a lie..hit number 2 back to back..then 26 three times on the trot. Both jackpot numbers..that was a few years back. Of course i have went on to lose so much more. Dont touch them anymore. Anyone had insane loss and wins on repeating numbers? Ps..i dont think online live roulette is random either. Just my opinion though.
Without a doubt! Elec roulette is not random, as a novice I was trying different strats trying to come up with a fool proof way of winning consistently, using the cover everything but 2 numbers strat I started winning, then it came…… number 36 five times in a row!!!! Every time it landed I would say to myself “it’ll never land again right after” but it did and carried on till I was skint!
bandit how about you offering people some slots coaching as a first prize?
or maybe an hours 1-1 slots coaching for 5 lucky winners?
i need it for sure
I’ll be honest and say I’ll be happy with a hand job! Lube optional