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  • in reply to: Bonanza #26934
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    In Bonanza (and all BTG games for that matter), the bonuses are not predetermined so a separate server request is sent for every spin. If the random number generator brings back 12 dud results, you’ll get a dud bonus. That’s why every bonus is different. Equally though the RNG could pull out 6 or 7 massive wins – that’s why BTG slots are so exciting.

    in reply to: That last video…. #26772
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    Steve your latest video was brilliant mate, had all the reasons I started watching your vids in the first place. Please keep up vids like that.

    in reply to: Bandit and Reel King. #26073
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    Relative to your 200k win and coupled with how a gambler’s mind works it’s a tickle, yes. Obviously as you say in your video if it’s a straight deposit from evens that kind of loss is horrendous but you were playing from a pot and you knocked about 13% off it didn’t you.

    And I’m not worried. 🙂

    in reply to: Bandit and Reel King. #26070
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    The Bandit wrote:

    Chair Slots wrote:

    I haven’t watched the whole vid yet but I’ve got as far as how much you have lost in the session. Firstly hats off to you for letting everyone know and keeping it real, but I don’t think you’ve fully done your bollocks in quite yet, another larger more painful one has to come along that will burst your bubble completely. I hope it doesn’t but they are my thoughts.

    Trying to second guess someones thoughts as to what constitutes a big enough loss to reset the way they are playing and the level at which they are playing is always an impossibility isn’t it. If i have another mega loss – i’l post about it. I don’t foresee it myself, i won’t put myself in that position.

    I’m not second guessing, I’m just predicting that’s what needs to happen for your bubble to be burst. Let’s be honest if you’re 200k up then losing 28k is a tickle in the bollocks, you’ve not done them in have you.

    in reply to: Bandit and Reel King. #26063
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    I haven’t watched the whole vid yet but I’ve got as far as how much you have lost in the session. Firstly hats off to you for letting everyone know and keeping it real, but I don’t think you’ve fully done your bollocks in quite yet, another larger more painful one has to come along that will burst your bubble completely. I hope it doesn’t but they are my thoughts.

    in reply to: Bandit and Reel King. #25521
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    You’re right, but going back to my original point if that’s the case why spend 10 minutes giving them an explanation?

    in reply to: Bandit and Reel King. #25515
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    Thing is though mate he’s disabled the comments on YouTube which means he doesn’t think they deserve an opinion, so if that’s the case why give them an explanation??

    in reply to: Bandit and Reel King. #25495
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    I skipped through Reel King roughly 1 min at a time to see if there was going to be a top. Watched the top bit then skipped through the 10 minutes of what I would assume is Bandit justifying himself and explaining why he can do/ does do it (heard it before many times zzz).

    To be honest I was looking forward to a classic Sunday Slots session at sensible stakes but that soon changed as often seems to be the case these days. Starting to feel a bit disfranchised with what the channel has turned into tbh.*

    *yeah yeah if you don’t like it don’t watch it, blah!

    in reply to: Fruity slots new low. #22404
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    They are running a business. They are doing it to make money. I don’t like it any more than you do but sometimes you just have to understand something for what it is.

    in reply to: Book Of Dead Non Payout #22388
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    They will have a reference of that particular number that was generated from the RNG. All they need to do is check that number and they will see what the prize would have been.

    Go back and ask them exactly that. Don’t accept that they don’t have a record of the result. Also check your play history, it should all be itemised and there may be a reference for you to use there.

    in reply to: Fruity slots new low. #22381
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    I’m not the biggest fan of Fruity Slots either, especially since they branched out and have a load of new random people streaming from their bedrooms with poor quality green screens to cover their background.

    but let’s get one thing out there in the open (if it isn’t already by now!) They are casino affiliates. They stream to make money. If they weren’;t affiliates they wouldn’t be streaming. Ok? Good, let’s put that to one side now that’s sorted.

    The charity thing. You say they started off with a £1500 pot. You’re probably right, it’s pretty likely they donated that themselves to get the ball rolling. You checked back later and they had a further £200 of viewer donations. That’s good isn’t it? Hopefully that grows and they give a nice chunk to the organisation they’re supporting.

    So MurciPete what is your point? They’re going to be streaming anyway so what’s the harm in giving a bit to charity? And please don’t just repeat your previous post, put new points.

    in reply to: Reactoonz question #22207
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    Pretty sure I answered this in the TGC forum. Are you looking for a different answer?

    in reply to: Latest Video. #21961
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    Best video you’ve done in ages Bandit, because it was pure fun, no stress. When I see you gambling thousands on the flip of a coin I start to feel what I feel when I lose, which is not a nice feeling so therefore I don’t enjoy watching it. What I would say is I’d like to see a lot less Reel King, it is a little bit boring mate. I understand that’s largely what got you through the wagering but that’s just how I feel.

    The question now is after hitting the dizzy heights of £40 spins and 20k gambles, can you CONSISTENTLY go back down to sensible stakes and actually enjoy it? If not you’ve got a problem with the longevity of your channel because presumably you gamble largely for your own enjoyment as well as others. If you knock out 2 vids a week at £2 stakes I personally think you will get bored and that will come across in your overall enthusiasm.

    in reply to: The doors were blown off right here. #21791
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    To be honest I just prefer watching videos featuring a wide range of slots at stakes I can relate to.

    It’s very impressive winning 32k but what good is it really doing anyone?

    It’s doing Bandit no good because firstly it’s going to be harder to go back to sensible stakes after going so crazy, and secondly it will end it an inevitable crash. One much larger than the “25k” he suggests it will be.

    And it’s doing viewers no good because despite all the warnings he puts out on the videos (and there are a lot!!), some people are very impressionable and will try to imitate it. Especially the ones who are not ‘seasoned’ gamblers and may be a little wet behind the ears. Let’s face it even at a tenth of those stakes it could be devastating to many people by trying that stuff out.

    Steve just stick to the good old fashioned vids mate!

    in reply to: Sunday Slots (16/09/18) – Discussion Thread #19009
    Chair Slots WANTED $7

    Just bet how you want Bandit. You know you have a certain level of responsibility with you doing these vids but you handle it well and couldn’t be more clear that it’s not normal after you get a big win and that the casino always wins in the long run.

    What you mustn’t think though is that you’ve found a ‘cheat’ or a ‘loophole’ for this game. The programmers know what they’re doing and the game will get its percentage overall. I’d be absolutely amazed if it got nerfed in any way.

    The very interesting thing will be what you do AFTER you get the big sting – cos it will happen eventually. If you carry on after you’ve lost your profit and have another big loss then that could spell trouble so be careful!

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