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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $5
  • Topics Started : 0
  • Replies Created : 2

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  • in reply to: I think theres a lot of fake entrys #85703
    Crasherz142 WANTED $5

    Bandit did say in his video that he would be disqualifying people who just entered multiple emails from the same people (cheats that is) . Have a little faith , i am sure its as fair as can be. There are alot more entries because not everyone who is a member here actually play online , I personally don’t as its not a risk i can afford or trust myself to set boundies , i would go broke real fast!

    Thats why i watch the Bandit and enjoy all the highs and lows without the risk , no matter what steak he plays you can hear the excitement or pain in his voice and its almost like playing it myself , but as i said there are alot of people who have entered this for that reason , who the heck doesn’t want a shit ton of cash for nothing!  , best of luck everyone .

    Merry Christmas Bandit + family , and all who read this!

    in reply to: Merry Christmas #85702
    Crasherz142 WANTED $5

    Merry Christmas, lol , in my house we are all having enough egg nog, and hot chocolate laced with rum to have a seriously sozzled let alone merry Christmas, and i quote “Hic!”

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