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  • Wanted Reward: $74
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  • in reply to: MEGA WIN on Big Bamboo Bonus Buys! (ULTRA RARE) #112635
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    It’s not 3000x at all, can do without seeing any of clickbaits pish on here too, has he not got his own site to post that on?

    in reply to: Is this I HATE CHIP or bandits channels.. #110934
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Loulou1994x wrote:

    Wow a lot of jealous people on this forum. So jealous to see someone doing so well. Or maybe they lost all their money signing up through his links that they have some sort of vendetta against him. Either way this is sad and pathetic. To sit and slate someone you dislike on someone else’s forum, get a life.


    Aware of what Seedy has said so this is my last comment on the topic; the op has raised a topic that is very relevant, I will apologise for the Buckfast comment, not constructive.

    Commenting about jealousy is equally as stupid, there are hundreds of streamers and the streamer who gets the most negative feedback is chip, there is clearly a reason for this, I have never and will never join up thru his links so that negates that comment too.

    It is a very dangerous environment so people have every right to question the ambiguity surrounding sites and deposits.

    The instant dismissal of him of anything he doesn’t like the sound of as negativity adds to the dislike of the guy, have said it before jord and gave seem OK, jordbhas done well to get away from him before the cash cow dries up.

    in reply to: Is this I HATE CHIP or bandits channels.. #110924
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    As an example of the robbing c*nt chip promotes 57 different slots on his page, there is no need logical reason for it other than wanting to rinse as many folk as possible, not only that but they are mainly dodgy as fuck sites, to put it in perspective there are 8 on bandits page, all well known casinos, that alone tells u the difference in the 2 kind of people they are.

    in reply to: Is this I HATE CHIP or bandits channels.. #110922
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Kelvie wrote:

    What a shit attempt to a racist insult, I drink stella (its Belgium) and the pitiful sweetheart comment oh let me lay down while you stand all over me.

    Ive not heard wow in while but please tell me cause it sounds like you watch him more me.

    Vulgar comment please  elaborate? few examples please (you clearly watch)

    Whats the dodges sites? and why did you sign up?





    Let me educate you a little…..

    Racism is discrimination against a racial or ethnic group, what you would maybe be meaning is xenophobia, however, that doesn’t fit the bill as I’m Scottish too.

    I have never signed up for any link to his but several people have complained about the lack of transparency regarding his sign up terms, bonus funds etc, his go to reply is to either ignore them or ban them.

    I’m not trudging through his pish to find the vulgarities but, again, several people have commented on it.

    Not sure why u are stirring nonsense here but il put it down to a sherbert too many, cute how u try stick up for him tho, more balls than he does.


    in reply to: Chipmonk gets arrested ? #110920
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Kelvie wrote:

    bandit loses 70k relatable chip loses 2k scum affiliate XD


    Bandit doesn’t constantly beg for subs and likes like your parasite mate, every 10 minutes he has a new casino, generally some random shit one, so he can rinse people for all they have, guys an arsehole, pure and simple

    in reply to: Is this I HATE CHIP or bandits channels.. #110919
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Lay off the Buckfast sweetheart, any hate chip gets he brings on himself, he’s a lying weasel only interested in ripping off people.

    His manufactured streams are beyond tedious; wow this,wow that, this would be lovely, anymore for anymore, jack me, so much repetitive pish sayings.

    His constant vulgar comments and pish attempt at humour are purely unacceptable, you have said u don’t find it offensive but I’m sure your bloke doesn’t like it.

    He cant take the slightest bit of criticism,won’t answer any issues his sign ups have if they have issues and  whores himself out to dodgy casino after dodgy casino, the list goes on.

    Jordan has clearly seen the light, he seems a decent lad, the boy gav seems OK too in fairness, be interesting what happens when it all comes crashing down on chip though.


    in reply to: Be careful who you follow! #110310
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    thunderball6 wrote:

    Jord and chip are good mates , so the thing with jords girlfriend , is just banter between mates .


    Banter with mates? It’s vulgar some of the things chips says about her and u can tell by Jordans face he isn’t happy about it! I certainly wouldn’t speak about any woman like that and I can’t imagine she sees it as banter between mates

    in reply to: Breaking the rules. #110228
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Fernando wrote:

    aaronafc . Chips a prick. But fuck me. Grassing on him is as low as it gets.


    Not at all, I have been the victim of the bullshit rules and flimsy terms and conditions for a hefty amount, how is it fair that chip can do what he wants, bend the rules, break the rules and get away with it? He may have some deal with one of his many shady casinos he uses but say someone signs up thru the parasites link and falls foul of the bullshit ts and Cs and doesn’t get paid out? Chips go to response or way to deal with it is to call them trolls or delete them, hea as rogue a streamer as u get and deserves all he gets, I say good on the op for reporting him, sooner pricks like chip get dealt with the better!!

    in reply to: what a week #109252
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Chipmunks is spunking thousands a day over in Ireland now, he has 2 dullard sidekicks now, so he is renting a place in Dublin, paying them 2, losing thousands a day, where exactly or how even is he making the money to afford this bullshit?

    Bearing in mind he is thick as mince and his background is full of dead beat jobs, I can’t see any other feasible reason that it’s not real money and he is basically getting given unlimited money to effectively promote the casinos.

    Shows how much of an arse he is as well, Jordan has just had a kid with someone, who chip regularly speaks filth about with his lewd suggestive comments btw, and makes jordan fuck off to Ireland for a week, the man is a c*nt of the highest level and should be banned from streaming.

    in reply to: Chipmonkz #107821
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    In one of his videos the other day someone in the chat said the bandit had lost 900k, that attention seeking prick chip picked up on the comment and mentioned it, he had no need to do it at all, his viewers or the regulars in chat are all morons too, horrific sense of humour, the way he speaks to Jordans bird as well is disgusting, id knock him out instantly if he said that kinda thing, calls it banter but is it fuck! Absolute dreg of society !!

    in reply to: Cherry pop #105532
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Ah that makes sense, same with these huge win videos, they just show the start if the bonus and not the numerous catastrophes leading to getting there haha

    in reply to: Bandit dead or alive #104692
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    GameRoom wrote:

    Epicdaz wrote:

    hey big man you can go and get that illusive wild line on doa2 now with a feature buy, youll just have to move house down the road over the water and a bit more

    you cant buy bonus on UK

    Haha im pretty sure thats what the op was suggesting…..

    in reply to: Kickbacks for Affiliation #104506
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Xbobmad wrote:

    Dc39 wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    I see that anyone who wants to  watch his videos has to sign in now.

    Well according to chip u can only watch his videos if u subscribe, complete lies as usual from him, dodgy casinos, blocks any negative comment, lies about his deposits and losses, epitomises everything that gives streamers a bad name!!

    Agegated. If it’s a video of an affiliated casino its got to be agegated 18+ now.

    You’re ripping the guy for doing it right by the latest rules

    No im ripping him for lying and being a dodgy bastard, he quite clearly says time and time again the only way u can watch his video is if you subscribe which is not true, just search for the clown and u can watch, another pathetic attempt to feed his ego and get his sub count up, vile human, how jord hasn’t leathered him yet for the way he speaks to him or about his bird is beyond me!

    in reply to: Kickbacks for Affiliation #104504
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Steller wrote:

    I see that anyone who wants to  watch his videos has to sign in now.

    Well according to chip u can only watch his videos if u subscribe, complete lies as usual from him, dodgy casinos, blocks any negative comment, lies about his deposits and losses, epitomises everything that gives streamers a bad name!!

    in reply to: Kickbacks for Affiliation #103774
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    I have always been vocal of my utter contempt i have for chip, absolute bellend of a human, if jord had any form of backbone about him he would just knock the fat prick out, been said here before its basically bullying, if its attempted  banter then he fails miserably at it but if he spoke about my missus like that he would be out cold…..he’s a huffy fuck too, no idea why people keep watching him……


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