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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $74
  • Topics Started : 27
  • Replies Created : 138

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Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 139 total)
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  • in reply to: A lot of hate for streamers! #74448
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    I have been a strong hater of chipmunks for a while and finally it seems people are agreeing, its unsustainable what he does, say he pays his daughter 10%, jordan 10%, whoever edits his videos 10% that leaves him 70%, he never wins huge because he instantly withdraws any form of profit and does seem to lose more often than not, more i think of it more it seems loke casino funds him or he gets a stupid affiliation deal, eother way something doesnt add up!

    in reply to: Chipmonk Slots #74443
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    I have said for long enough chipmunks is a total wanker, lazy as well, gets that gormless chap jordan to stream for him now, never listens to the feedback, joins rogue casinos, cant take any form of criticism, cringe as fuck with his love you all statements etc, bout time he was found out ! People go on about fake reactions but his is up there with the worst of them!

    in reply to: All this steamer “transparencies” #70084
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    Dc39 wrote:

    Lol il easy tell u how much i earned the last 6 months whoever asked that, what i wont do is make a video pretending i love my customers and im thousands down, i dont see why if u are clarifying if u are real or not  how hard it is to give a ballpark figure of how much u earn. How hard would it be to say “ok on my combined slots losses im x amount down but overall i make x amount a year! I dont grudge them a penny, their line of work but dont make out u are losing thousands when u are earning well!

    Get it done then.

    No problem, may 3.5k, april 4.3k, march 2.8k, feb 3.1k, jan 2.4k dec 3.2k……easy game really

    in reply to: All this steamer “transparencies” #69938
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Lol il easy tell u how much i earned the last 6 months whoever asked that, what i wont do is make a video pretending i love my customers and im thousands down, i dont see why if u are clarifying if u are real or not  how hard it is to give a ballpark figure of how much u earn. How hard would it be to say “ok on my combined slots losses im x amount down but overall i make x amount a year! I dont grudge them a penny, their line of work but dont make out u are losing thousands when u are earning well!

    in reply to: All this steamer “transparencies” #69583
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    I have no issue with how much the good streamers make, like u say, they provide entertainment, bandit is def high quality, rolla too but more sporadic appearances from them both of late for various reasons.

    The like of nick and chip who come out with this “i love you all” pish boils my blood! Fake as fuck reactions grind my gears too, chip is the worst, has no idea about the offers he promotes, blatantly obvious hes on the rob

    in reply to: Engagement Ring Loan #68548
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    I asked the question in good faith, u reply with a terrible example of maths, then state your girl is disabled, now im not for a minute saying ur lying but i have a disabled cousin, i know how she takes life, she appreciates every day as she can, for you to say she expects this ring an it would make her delighted really leaves a sour taste with me. Also u make good money apparently? As the dragons would say……im out!!

    in reply to: Engagement Ring Loan #68217
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    What sort of guarantees can u offer about paying money back? Also, with the risk involved there needs to be something pretty incentivised, i mean if u borrow 750 what would ur proposed repayments be?

    in reply to: Your Favourite Streamers/Youtubers #68200
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    1. Bandit

    2. Rolla

    Few others are ok but i dont follow them

    Add on to the dishonorable list

    Chipmonkz……. absolute clown, comfortably the most immature mid 40s man i have ever had the misfortune to stumble across, soo many irritating features…..1. He cant pronoune the number 3. 2. His slot battle when he is winning or thinking he is winning he acts like a child singing playground songs 3. His pathetic forfeits and 4. His leech mate Jordan, who chip once desribed as 2k being life changing money for hahaha!

    in reply to: anyone else a vip on redbet #67075
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Utter scum site, they will find any loophole not to pay out, the dirty bastards dont even reply to u once u present them with good reason and proofs!

    in reply to: Horse Racing Competition #54608
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    130 al dancer 10 points

    210 hardline 10 points

    250 crucial role 10 points

    330 apples jade 20 points

    410 benie des deux 20 points

    450 good man pat 10 points

    530 ok corral 10 points

    in reply to: enough #54443
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    I can’t be doing with this comment, the video is called ultra high stakes, he tells u to skip if u dont like Reel King on YouTube and always explains the reasoning behind the videos and why he can justify playing at these stakes….not that he needs to justify it in the first place!

    Some people spoil everything, why comment asking to be deleted? Just dont go on the page!!

    in reply to: Fun games #52984
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Dc39 wrote:

    Electric six …….

    Lol no idea why i said that! If there was a dislike button i would press it for myself haha…..

    in reply to: Fun games #52974
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Electric six …….

    in reply to: Chipmomkz slots #52608
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Been quite vocal about chip before so be as well add to this, out of the streamers I watch or watched he is comfortably the worst, he is soo irritating, has his stupid little “you’ll never get this” saying, his appalling impressions and worst of all constantly plays same games. He reads out YouTube comments but only if they are good ones, for all the hate nickslots get, a lot I do not understand, i have no idea how chip doesnt get more. Just a very poor quality streamer, i dont know if hes trying to be funny or just really immature, either way he is one I wont watch anymore.


    in reply to: Horse Racing Competition #51372
    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Boost! Lets hammer this lot of pretenders haha!! #teambandit

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 139 total)