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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $2
  • Topics Started : 0
  • Replies Created : 4

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  • in reply to: I did not read the T&C’s but that’s not my fault! #99636
    Deane881 WANTED $2

    The mind boggles, another case of someone who has lost and needs someone to blame.

    in reply to: Bandits Bonus Game #86972
    Deane881 WANTED $2

    Don’t get me wrong , maybe it’s me but I assume in ours you mean your a load of students or live in a house share ? ???

    in reply to: Most Ridiculous Tilt of my life #32726
    Deane881 WANTED $2

    To be fair I know you from fruity slots. It was around 6 to 8 months ago you exspelled yourself from the telegram group saying that was it. You were done maybe the tilt your on about . I’ve soon seen you in the chatting about the big hits on chillie your having you clearly haven’t learned your lesson.

    in reply to: Lost Everything #30663
    Deane881 WANTED $2

    Your not the only one and definitely won’t be the last . Did the same thing  got paid Thursday I thought I could drum up a little extra cash for Xmas , and yeah didn’t end well . It makes you feel sick to the stomach. It’s not the first time I’ve done my brains in and had to confess to family what’s going on a while back . Its hard to explain to people that don’t gamble what’s going on , as they don’t fully understand, saying that I don’t fully understand myself . Why do I gamble? I think it’s greed many time I’ve been up but just want that little bit more so reversed pending withdrawal . This should not be allowed ?. I think in the next 10 years shit will hit the fan regarding gambling and those people taking backhanders to promote gambling will be none existent. Keep your chin up and hopefully it will work out for you.

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