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- Town Status : Outlaw
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So you believe dealers on minimum wage can spin sections at will?
I’ve been told by more than one source at the nearest casino to me which is only a small not very busy casino within 3 weeks they can spin a section if required. I trust my source completely.
Well your source is a moron. I argue with so many dealers who believe they can spin sections because most truly believe that if they are “stuck” in a section they can get out of it. It’s old school thinking. Remember GREED is the problem with this world so why would any dealer work the shit conditions they do for the shit money they do it for when they could make a really quick buck dealing to a friend? I’m not gonna bother anymore because the moment people believe minimum wage dealers can spin sections or numbers it’s already over.
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This is pretty strong evidence that it can be easily rigged
Did you hear the difference in the sound of the balls? Have you ever heard that sound when you’ve played live or online roulette? Btw both spins look normal. Sometimes balls just die and other times that just keep on rolling.
Roulette isnt rigged. Only thing I have experience in so only thing I’ll speak on. When you fling a ball around a wheel 30 times that drops and hits metal objects that are moving in the opposite direction you will get results that look different. Can I ask do you believe dealers on roulette are able to spin numbers or spin certain sections?
So, I’ve never bothered playing video poker. So I decided to give it a bash on casumo.
i’m only fucking about 15 hands in when I get AKJ10 clubs – and a dud… so I hold the flush hoping for my shit flush… only goes and drops in a fucking royal. 800x – £1.25 is now £1000… pretty good from a £20 deposit that’s now up to 1100 haha.
big win submitted.
Nice win mate. I hate them. You can basically put them on auto mode and they play perfect strategy for you no enjoyment. It’s the same as blackjack for me, I can’t stand it because I know basic strategy and its boring as I can’t deviate from it so I don’t bother playing. When I was in Vegas everywhere you went they had the poker machines and it’s so hard to not just put a $10 in try and hit that royal but it’s just so bloody hard.
Maybe I’m not clued up on the holocaust as much as some. But what I do know is that war teachings have been historically manipulated, exadurated and lied about to cover up political and elite corruption.
Many of the historic teachings about war have already debunked as lies and mass manipulation eg IRAQ
eg Afghanistan
eg Vietnam
All built on lies, propaganda, manipulation, money and in the end POWER
again I accept I don’t know a lot about the holocaust. And maybe I’m wrong. I just go on what’s already been debunked as cancerous lies.
And maybe the holocaust is one more big lie. “Maybe”
Got to say, I actually do think it’s good to question things because if we don’t, we are fucked. And to be fair, you ask more than most which is in no way a bad thing.
However,once those questions have been asked and credible (ie backed with firm evidence) answers provided, there needs to be acceptance based on balance. Yes, there will always be a doubt about most things (rigged gambling, holocaust, twin towers, flat earth etc etc etc) but on BALANCE, the evidence is usually overwhelming in support of the accepted way of thinking.
You stated that the roulette wheel was 100% using magnets. I know its a figure of speech, but 100% is a statement of undisputed fact. This is never the case with anything and I think things like that get people’s backs up and initiates the type of responses you get.
This isn’t a criticism and hope its not taken as such. Keep asking questions but most of the time, its the answers we already have that are the most likely the correct ones.
Put it perfectly. Agreed.
2please don’t forget to reinstate my 1st Artificial Intelligence thread. Just lock it thx
After going through it all I decided it still went completely off topic you now have 2 threads on topic it can stay deleted
Well i think you should take your hammer over to every single fucking thread in here then. Cos nearly every single one has gone off topic at some point.
listen Seedy, you asked why I thought your hammer is always aimed at me? This is exactly the reason why.
You have deleted my thread. Probably the biggest thread besides the Reel King threads because of what? There was no name calling, no call outs, no warnings from yourself for us to calm down and it basically was a conspiracy thread so anything went. The only reason I can think of is because of the holocaust reply’s. Which now “Today” have been said all over again! Why haven’t you deleted that one?
for fucks sake it’s fucking ridiculous!
Your thread was about A.I it clearly wasnt so stop yah whining about it my word on this is final..
As I said there is now this thread which is ment to be about A.I although reading it I’m still trying to see where A.I comes into it. And there is another thread about the holocaust.
Fuckin delete this one too then!
im passed giving a fuck anymore.
Dude calm down. We are having a reasonable discussion which I believe is about AI as for magnets to be feasible you would need AI for sure but I’ve tried to refute your points and given you logical reasons why your video proof ISNT proof.
I don’t know why the other thread was deleted but somehow it got onto Nazis and the Holocaust after being titled AI. So it being deleted was more than likely the logical move. Argyl. Yeah exactly. Online casinos more so as they can have 100 plus players at any one time. So your telling me the magnets or the controller’s of the magnets need to work out the best number to land on that pays the least amount of money as every single number is going to be covered with 100 players playing on the table. But in addition to that you wnat to know who is winning. Is it the guy playing a system or someone who is playing big on 2-3 numbers because if they were to rig the spins they would want the people who cover 60-70% of the layout so the customers profit per spin is way lower. There is way too much information needed to make it feasible. They could do all that or just have the house edge they have and just slowly grind out a tidy profit.
ive posted a fucking video…of a fucking roulette wheel that is 100% magnetised and 100% regulated by the UKGC
Where are the magnets in the video? On what basis have you been able to conclusively rule out all other possible explanations for what you’re seeing? And why do the kind of spins shown in that compilation video make up only a tiny fraction of the spins which happen in that exact roulette game from that exact casino, as shown in the unedited video stream I posted in your last thread? Do you accept it’s possible for a normal spin on that particular style of roulette wheel to land the ball in such a way that it slides across divots? If not, why not? How do you reconcile that with people including myself and others who’ve seen it happen on live roulette wheels in land based casinos?
Divots. Damn I’m a moron. Wondered why it kept trying to autocorrect it.
You brought up magnets alongside AI. You don’t need the exact wheel. I’m telling you as someone who has span on all.different kinds of wheels all you need is a full roulette sized wheel. If you wnat one similar to this get one with shallow divits but I guarantee ones that are deeper will show similar results. You aren’t willing to see something from another perspective. If I saw the video and had no casino experience I would call bs aswell but I’ve got the experience so know that there isn’t any foul play in this video. Once your business starts making bank even rent a roulette wheel learn to spin which will take you 30 minutes to become adequate and then do 100 spins. I’ll bet all the money I have to my name at least 1 spin will look like magnets are being used. I’ve seen some horrendous things on roulette wheels that look rigged asf. A ball hitting the wheel and going round the rim for 1 minute plus before it slows down enough and trickles in. I’ve see a ball bounce out the wheel hit the screen that shows previous numbers and land back in the wheel. I’ve seen a ball somehow balance on the diamond dividers you see on the wheels (incredible). Casinos don’t need to cheat on roulette, simple maths wins them huge amounts of money.
Everytime I try and reply with quote it doesn’t do it correctly on Huawei. So frustrating.
I disagree. That’s not how discussions work. The video shows spins that “look” magnetised and nobody can say otherwise. That I agree with you on BUT I’ve span a ball on a roulette wheel maybe 100 thousand times and things like this are normal. I’ve seen even worse things happen. If you look at the immersive roulette wheel compared to the one in the video you can see a difference but it’s not until you are standing next to them that you see the huge difference. The metal divits are sometimes so flat the ball will land in a number and settle and 2 seconds later roll over to the next number depending on how fast the wheel is. Most casinos use the heavier better made deep divit roulette wheels which means less unusual spins but way more no spins. (Ball jumps out the wheel as croupier has span wheel too quick)
Leave the Nazis out of this because the moment you try and win a arguement involving them then you’ve already lost. JB. I did post a response but was logged in. Cba to do the whole thing again so In short. You don’t need an exact replica roulette wheel, buy one that’s got shallow divits where the numbers are and spin a ball around 100 times. I guarantee 1 spin will look magnetised. Once you’ve done this you can finally backtrack and say ok roulette isn’t rigged with magnets and if in them 100 spins you don’t get a dodgy looking spin then I’ll record myself eating 5 Carolina reapers? Seems like a good deal for you.
It happened. Did it happen exactly the way it’s been portrayed? No. Did they gas 6million Jews? Highly unlikely but they did kill them so does it matter how they were killed? We know for a fact concentration camps existed and we know for a fact people died in them, many from starvation and disease so does that mean the Nazis are innocent for all the ones that died from natural causes? No becusee they are the ones who put them in squalid conditions and didn’t feed them enough food. You literally can’t deny the Holocaust as a whole, yes you can debate certain things that happened during them but the simple fact still remains the Holocaust did happen.