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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $82
- Topics Started : 21
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Have to put it out there but IQ results and tests are completely irrelevant and just because someone scores high or low doesn’t fully encapsulate intelligence. Anyone who believes they are of a higher standard because they score a high result should use said brilliance and look into the major flaws of IQ tests as a whole and anyone who is belittled because they scored low shouldn’t worry about a meaningless test that didn’t ask you personally the correct questions. If anyone does fully read the research I provided in my last post (Google the name as didn’t want to leave a link) let me know your opinions and thoughts on it and if it did make you change your thoughts on the subject. Would be interesting to hear.
I hesitate to write this as it’s such an emotive topic, so be careful in reading this so not to get the wrong idea.
I think paedophilia probably is a sexual orientation, and must be a terrible burden for those afflicted. An illness can in theory be cured and I suspect these people can’t be cured. Now this is the clincher for me.
I suspect many paedophiles keep their feelings a secret and don’t act on them, but those who do (pederasts), will always be a threat, until they are no longer capable of acting on their urges. Locking them up for 10 years won’t change that. They cannot be cured, rehabilitated or re-educated. And besides, a big part of me thinks “why take the risk?”. For me a bullet would be the best “cure” and I would be happy to administer it. But maybe that would be a bit radical :).
It’s easy to think they are ill, as we find it hard to accept that anyone could be like this “naturally”. But sexuality is a broad multi-dimensional spectrum. So why should paedophilia be different? Just because it’s abhorrent? Go down that road and some will say that being gay is an illness, and thankfully most of us have overcome such ignorance.
I have an open mind and would be pleased to be corrected on what I have said if anyone has any evidence to the contrary. Please don’t flame me for this. I am in no way defending them, and don’t think the world could ever get so mad as to consider them part of the norm.
Totally agree with you. I bet many people have these sick thoughts but never act them. It’s the people that do act on them knowing full well that’s it’s illegal and simply wrong that need to be shot. I’m sure I watched a louis theroux documentary about pedophilia and there is a guy in America who admits to being one but has never acted upon his feelings and he actively tries to help others who have both acted and not acted on these urges. It may not have been Louis theroux so don’t quote me. Also a good read is
The Neurobiology and Psychology of Pedophilia: Recent Advances and Challenges
it for sure changed my views on pedophilia in general. To finish I don’t agree with pedophilia and I am not sympathiser but I thoroughly enjoy psychology and I do believe there needs to be more research on the matter, as in this day and age if one single child is sexually abused then enough isn’t being done imo.
I’ve had this situation when I bought a ring online. The money 100% came out my account then 6 weeks later once the ring had been made and sent to the seller they tried to take the money again but there wasn’t enough in my account so it got cancelled. I spoke to PayPal who I went through and they had nothing on their end and I spoke to my bank and they couldn’t see any transaction or money coming from my account so somehow £500 got misplaced and it was my fault. Different scenario for you so hopefully they can sort it out. Not sure what actually happened to my money but I think someone either had PayPal or my bank had done something untoward.
Thanks. Probate was applied for around may 1st. How long until the will becomes public? Or is it asking how long a piece of string is?. The issue we have is we don’t trust the executors as multiple lies have already been told plus my nan was very ill and on heavy opioids when we believe the will was made also we live 300 miles away from where my nan lived so we are being told very little information. If and when I’ll give you a message on this thread and I’ll give you my information so we can chat privately.
There is a potential for me to take up your offer. There is a big chance that there could be some issues with my nans will once it becomes public record as the executors won’t let me and my brother and sisters see it. I’ll ask again when the times comes but it does look likely that we will need to speak to a solicitor about it. If that’s ok?
Absolutely terrible. Unbelievable series until the final season. I think I agree with GRRM that they should have had another season after this one. This one to build up and deal with the night king and then a final season to finish on king’s landing. So much of this season was rushed and I believe that the writers just didnt have the ability to create the content. Remember HBO did offer the writers more seasons and offered them 10 episodes for this season but they said they could do it in 6. Never been so disappointed in my life.
TED and Casper for me bandit. Next week’s video if possible. Love your tilt comments on ted.
JB banned. Ummmmmm. Not a fan of him but seems harsh. Maybe it was because he said “retarded” which is completely deplorable but not ban worthy imo.
If I could chip in I would but got a 10month old baby and my girlfriend is a student nurse and I’ve had to reduce my hours to 30 per week as childcare is beyond expensive. In addition my working tax credit and child benefit got reduced as I reduced my hours not sure how that works but apparently it’s correct.
Bio put it perfect. Something was missing. Just can’t put my finger on what it was.
ive been to malta twice once in march and also in january and i love it there. and ive been thinking about moving and working abroad and malta would be good. dont want to hijack your offer but what would the job be doing and where abouts in malta is it located
Hey, no problem, happy to help.
I know of many CS jobs here I can help with, not with my company but i have very good relationships with a lot of people on the island. So just let me know. You would have to interview, but being here and being british helps for english CS.
Starter jobs in gaming, depending on your background – Junior sales (25-30k), Junior Acc.Management (25k), CS (20-28k depending on hours company and language). Tech roles you need qualificaitons for, as with finance and legal.
Location – Most of gaming is within the major areas, Sliema and St Julians are the main sites, with Swieqi/Gzira/TaxBiex and Msida hosting the others. Valletta is too expensive (And beautiful) for many places to be there.
Hi eejit. My best friend as recently been made redundant from his casino job as a pit boss. He has worked as a dealer and an inspector aswell. He has started at the casino I work at as a dealer but feels like he has more to give but there is no progression in the casino. Could I maybe get your email so he could contact you regarding jobs in Malta? No worries if you don’t want too but I know he wants out of our casino so thought I would ask.
Absolutely disgusting that genting casino offer this bet stake. Like others have said this is not responsible gambling. Unless you are a multimillionaire then you shouldn’t be allowed to play a slot at this level. Please bandit don’t play at this level. The owners are Chinese billionaires so £600 a spin to them is pittance but they need to understand the responsibility they have to users.
One of my favourite movies alongside stand by me and Shawshank. I hope that they don’t remake it. watching the original on the big screen would for sure be a good experience. Gonna look out for it at the cinemas in Newcastle.