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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $23
  • Topics Started : 35
  • Replies Created : 140

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  • farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Yea Stevie, where the feck is The Bandit’s Slot Advent Calendar – Day 17 ?

    in reply to: Gamstop #118004
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    The devil wrote:

    Just to clear up you can ask gamstop to remove you and they will did with me after 3 years of the 5 I was on but good luck finding a casino that 1 will take you back and 2 if they do take you back you have to jump through every hoop they have, I’ve been trying for nearly a year to re open my bet 365 account and it’s still not done even though I’ve been off Gamstop a lot of months now.

    BTW this isn’t me giving people advice to leave GameStop this is just stating a fact you can actually leave Gamstop if they let you before your 5 years is up but you do also have to go through phonecalls with Gamstop and casinos to get an account back and be took off the register anyway basically once you sign up to gamstop regardless of how long your gambling life is pretty much over but there’s a reason people sign up in the first place so hey ho

    I remember reading the opposite that they do not cut an exclusion short. The fact still remains true on their site FAQ.



    GAMSTOP – REMOVING MY EXCLUSION –  Minimum Exclusion Period
    1 year ago – Updated
    Can I cancel my exclusion early?• No, we cannot remove anyone’s exclusion early. This is so that we can make sure the GAMSTOP scheme offers the best possible protection to vulnerable people.

    Have more questions? Ask a question

    in reply to: Gamstop #117990
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    There’s  no way around the gamstop, and even if there were I’d hope for the sake of others who are using it and part of our community here they wouldn’t announce it or suggest a way

    However if someone does find a way around it, do let the right people know and keep how between relevant parties.

    in reply to: And he disappeared again #117967
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    The Bandit wrote:

    I haven’t disappeared, i am just really busy as the time of year dictates – unexpected shit pops up especially now plus i go to the bar. I have set aside tomorrow (Friday) to make a video but it will depend on how long it takes whether or not it gets published tomorrow. These videos when they aren’t a bonus buy video can take 6/7/8 hours to just gather the footage, i’m not sure people quite get that even now – switch your YouTube notifications on and then when one goes up, you will know.

    excuses excuses (someone might take my reply seriously, even though I have added this in brackets)

    merry christmas nobhead

    in reply to: Can we expect a Bandit and Chip stream ? #117965
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    Xbobmad wrote:

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    Did you watch the new Top Gun flim ?

    Watch it ? I starred in it !

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    you just made that up, didn’t you ?

    As if I would do anything like that 🙂

    Well get yer threepenny bits out Maverick, you’ve pulled


    and they said i was a bit odd.

    in reply to: And he disappeared again #117844
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    enduserBC wrote:

    drugs are bad, mmkay

    why yes they are, I thank you for educating the world.

    Quite the judgmental response against an imagination trying to have a laugh at no ones expense. At least one person kind of got it.

    Fcukin hell folks, snap out of it.

    in reply to: And he disappeared again #117830
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Eightblack wrote:

    You’re odd.

    Maybe someone carved an undeserving judgmental comment on a 3m cubed piece of granite and threw it at him putting him in intensive care while doctors decide if they could make new kitchen counters from the mess.

    Lighten up ya tosser.

    in reply to: Can we expect a Bandit and Chip stream ? #117776
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Something wrong with the quoting system on this site. Turned out quite funny tho. haha

    in reply to: Can we expect a Bandit and Chip stream ? #117774
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Seyahkram1977 wrote:

    zandralapoi wrote:

    Would love to see Rolla back with him though!

    ohhhh it’s not a category on porn hub …. Damn


    in reply to: Can we expect a Bandit and Chip stream ? #117681
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    TJTom wrote:

    Are you that Lou bird in disguise? Not heard from her for a while, she was always on here dropping fake money Chips name in.

    Do women wear farah trousers ? I honestly have no idea they do.

    in reply to: Can we expect a Bandit and Chip stream ? #117650
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Smoothoperator wrote:

    All I’ve taken from that spiel is that you’re a liar and two faced!!?? Correct me if I’m wrong,,??

    isnt that how you become popular on slot forums ? I’m wearing farah trousers ffs.

    in reply to: Can we expect a Bandit and Chip stream ? #117635
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    The devil wrote:

    It would be so far from what you call epic, I would go the other way and say it’s the abyss of all dual streams and bandit wouldn’t dent his credibility by even entertaining an utter clown and disgrace of the community like chip so mr trousers kindly never mention that bloke again in this forum nobody on here likes him or wants to hear his name thanks and goodbye

    Just to be abundantly clear and no I am not going down the road pursuant to ‘freedom of expression’ protests while fondly reminding myself that I will speak as I find as say wtf I like, now may be a good time to alert you to two facts that you may not have thought about in this here pact of bandit audience voices :

    I have zero problems with the thread title although I can see some may not want to risk that creating what Bandit might think of as “a brillyant idea” but secondly, the line in post one was probably the most difficult lie I ever wrote. I absolutely abhor the knuckle dragging dunce.

    Since we’re not mincing words.

    in reply to: Notification bell(end) #117634
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    It’s a great time to be alive.
    no, that wasn’t it.
    It’s a great time to eat mince pies.
    that wasn’t it either.
    It’s a great time to trust the postal services.

    in reply to: Notification bell(end) #117529
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    Eightblack wrote:

    but I think YouTube need a bollocking man

    well that’s youtube worried

    google, like facebook, don’t give a flying f*ck about anything

    in reply to: Who really misses the bandit? #117504
    farahtrousers WANTED $23

    I voted no. I’m glad he’s ok but he’s not enjoying it as naturally as he used to. That of course is affecting my enjoyment. First few were good and I could go into more detail but it’s upto Stevie. He knows what he enjoys most and why this return isn’t the same as before.

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 141 total)