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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $5
  • Topics Started : 5
  • Replies Created : 6

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
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  • in reply to: Cheltenham acca #146907
    garethc1 WANTED $5

    been betting horses for 40 years and never heard of a super flag lol! think you mean grangeclare west also ! good luck

    in reply to: my Densho journey #141864
    garethc1 WANTED $5

    thank you !

    in reply to: The Bandit’s Pub Takeover… #59639
    garethc1 WANTED $5

    is this your pub mate??

    in reply to: Bandit,can you or anyone help please? #38908
    garethc1 WANTED $5

    yes works fine on phone,just bugging me why it doesnt work on laptop

    in reply to: Bandit,can you or anyone help please? #38812
    garethc1 WANTED $5

    thanks for reply.yeah tried all that.its so weird thats its just this game on any on a laptop.always worked fine before!! ill keep thinking!!

    in reply to: Some nights….. I just can’t sleep… #37141
    garethc1 WANTED $5

    you give me great enjoyment bandit and as you say this forum is about gambling.ive too been through the “lost it all and more” situation and have been a gambler for over 25 years.i used to gamble everything on horses and cards.believe it or not im somewhat of an expert in the horses but could never stop,had to bet in every race mostly in drink and normally ended up even where if id stuck to my guns and just done what id originally planned would have been in regular profit.these days and now with the internet etc i can happily stick to my few select selections and thats it,win lose or draw.its how we mature lets say as we get older and wiser!! what is good for you only you know and if you keep om winning to your strategy then dont stop!! good luck and keep up the excellent work!!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)