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I’ve just watched the latest video, and fair play, it’s right up there with the best. Phenomenal comeback and the emotion in Bandits voice actually let you know what it meant.
I hate to say this though, and it’s totally my point of view and absolutely not a criticism, but it actually gave me the urge to have a crack myself. I’ve not gambled for about 6 weeks now (massive achievement for me), and the last 2 videos have been the stuff of gamblers dreams…… Down on yours knees and then a fuckin huge run to end up in profit. I’ve loved watching every minute, but it’s also just planted and watered the seed that I didn’t want to grow.
Like I say, Steve is doing exactly what he does best, and long may it continue…. And I know these are freak outcomes that happen once in a blue moon, but fuck me it’s tempting.
So far so good, not cracked yet as I’ve got a good system in place to deal with such things but it’s tough as I’d never wish a losing session on anyone, yet videos like the last 2 certainly put that little devil shithouse on your shoulder
Rock and a hard place, guess if I resist, it’s a great sign that these videos actually do help you stop.
Don’t ever stop what your doing Bandit, as you’re by far the best out there, and please just take this post as intended, just my point of view.
Hi mate like urself i to have not had a single gamble on any slot in a while ,and yes i agre its still hard , and i still watch not only bandits vids (which i enjoy the most ) but everybody else’s streams and i too get the yearning , jeeezzuuuus i would luv to have a go on doa 1 or 2 on 9p stakes for a £5r, but i am honest with myself and i know where that would take me amd i dont want to go back there. try do what i do in these instances ask urself why u have stopped and stevie hasn’t ? me and u and people like us just dont have the luck nor the control is my answer ???? ffs he even had £10.000 on lowry to win the open at 5/1 . Dont be daft mate stay strong ??
113 different threads talking about the video.
Me thinx the peeps liked it Bandit!
Really was an epic video though!
Haha my bad . there was no threads up when i started typing .and can only use one finger .
Takes forever ??
Defo one of the best . bish bash bosh , ? take some of that murrafkr . superb . Video had everything .
I have a question
Will start by saying the spins in the video don’t look normal and the ball does appear to look like its being dragged round that little extra bit.
Let’s say there is magnets in place, how is it that these magnets are working? On the underside of the wheel on 1 number or even a section? If magnets were in place surely it would be noticeable on every single spin right… or does it just work if the ball hits on that section of the wheel?
Dunno but watch centipede’s link on an earlier page . mad russian with a car key or sumfin
Ah ok so its more a funky ball than a tampered table.
U can defo see that the ball was manipulated, and ive gotta say jb,s vid looks as if sumfin similar was happenin , under table or on top , no matter how improbable it seems to some .
I have a question
Will start by saying the spins in the video don’t look normal and the ball does appear to look like its being dragged round that little extra bit.
Let’s say there is magnets in place, how is it that these magnets are working? On the underside of the wheel on 1 number or even a section? If magnets were in place surely it would be noticeable on every single spin right… or does it just work if the ball hits on that section of the wheel?
Dunno but watch centipede’s link on an earlier page . mad russian with a car key or sumfin ?
Unsure about pragmatics , but most slots that claim to pay big and do , will be posted on the big wins section , on here , eg jammin , bod , genie, primal , doa 1+2 to name the ones of the top of my head , or as jb said fruity or wee ginger , and dare i mention d@¥@??
wee ginger baws had a big win on it (no suprise i know) ?? cant excactiy remember , but it went of its nut. sumfin like 30-40 x with re trigs £2.000 + for £2 spins
If u havn’t already watched him jb go and give crimebodge on utube a watch . of topic but think u will like.
1NIGHTMARE . but u should get out there and enjoy ure holliday .sure people would like to know that ure ok after that kind of experience . being a good parent isnt a crime. Enjoy the rest of ure holls and dont be silly????☉☉
Ha ha seen a pic on fb of a defensive wall set up , with the wo men protecting ther balls with their hands .
Yeah a seen that theres also 1 of them bobbing up and down to put the taker off
not sure if it was from the world cup, ridiculous all the same
Seems a bt fishy to me . or NOT ???
Ha ha seen a pic on fb of a defensive wall set up , with the wo men protecting ther balls with their hands . ?????
Well done haz . uve done this b4 for the most part . so im confident that u will smash this, ure wee 10r on poker on a sat nite, will be for fun ,and in the grand scheme of things that is all it is ,an enjoyable nite with mates down the pub .
My last gamble was on the 22nd of may , and yes it is really hard , but its getting alot easier as i go on. I still get the urge now and then , but it is so easy now to chase that feeling away .
To look at my bank account now and not see any casino deposits , is just amazing , b4 it was horrific . pages on pages of deposits and some w/drawals but now im clean except from a wee nite at the bingo with the wifey ,where i walk past the casino all the time to get the toilet without any urge whatsoever . Gtfit haz u da man ?
11After all the negativity from all the haters in the last thread , i would lock the thread and email all the positive members the key for it , if for nothing else just to annoy the fuck out of them , and plus the other threads created would be a laugh , after all it was the shite posted on the original thread that led to it being removed ????