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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $492
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That game where u flick your coin nearest to the wall . Used to play it at school . Winner keeps the money . That prob my 1st introduction to gambling
Pidgeon toss or that’s what they called it during my school days. That was a game of skill though! ?
For me it was the arcades as a kid which has no effect really it wasn’t till I started working in retail selling scratch cards that I started my gambling journey… I used to spend a chunk on them before I found Roulette in the bookies and then online poker after that and eventually slots.
Sorry to hear that Winningbird, it’s probably for the best that you got declined on those loans taking them out becomes a nasty cycle even though I’m sure it would come in handy right now, loan companies won’t even give me the time of day anymore my credit scores that bad that an automated middle finger appears when I try Google search loan companies ?.
21I can relate more than most as my gambling addiction has been spiralling out of control lately, literally got paid on the 15th and had around £500 spare after paying bills and I’ve blown through the lot in less than a week, had a slight recovery on Venture which I proceeded to go through (£320) the same day I received it. Ive also been smoking weed like its going out of fashion. So now I’m broke till next month but I’ve got my bills paid and food in the cupboard just nothing left for having fun with. But that’s my doing I can deal with that.
I went through a bad break up over a year ago and that’s when things started to get out of control the more I think about it the more I try to numb myself with marijuana and booze and then almost like I’m trying to punish myself ill go and blow a wad on gambling. Its got to the point now where I’ve alienated myself from my all my friends and sadly gambling has become my life, when I don’t have money I’m constantly checking for free spins and getting agitated knowing I can’t gamble till next pay day. I’ve also borrowed money off my folks and my brother giving some bullshit reason so I can have another flutter which makes me feel like an utter cunt and then means I have less next month so the cycle of borrowing and paying back continues… I always pay them back mind you but that’s besides the point.
On top of that after the break up last year I was at my actual worst: in a state of deep depression and not caring about life I took out 6k worth of payday loans and I still haven’t paid them back yet. I’m not in the best place at the moment and really don’t care what happens to me so Ive stopped my DMP plan months ago and have been ignoring the loan companies ever since.
I know the best thing for me is to sign up to gamban but it’s so hard given that my life has been nothing but gambling for the past year. When I’m feeling low its like the rush from a gamble is the only thing that brings me excitement and a bit of joy anymore and I realise how pathetic that sounds.
But I’ve had an addictive personality since I was young it’s always been one thing or another but nothing has come close to the grip gambling has over me.
I hope you manage to conquer your demons and stay strong, brother. I probably wouldn’t have posted this if you hadn’t opened up in this post.
11180 spins bloody hell haha, i don’t think i have had a decent retrigger for months now on bob the bastard!
Im still waiting for you to hit a good one on high stakes! ??
Cheers Geeza, just need a few decent wins and sadly they haven’t been coming getting a bonus on any slot feels neigh impossible atm. I got 20 spins on a legacy of Egypt bonus today and it paid 20x and not a single retrigger.
That’s a hard one mate. As someone going through a gambling addiction I can say there is not much you can say or do that will get her to stop, that will only happen when she actually wants to stop. Even if she excludes from the arcades and the bingo halls I can tell you that even with those blocks in place if it was me I would still find a way around it whether it was asking a friend to use their account or just finding a place I haven’t excluded from….maybe that’s just me but I doubt it.
If you can have a chat and get her to stop or at least get it under control then that’s great but the main thing would be to not be an enabler, perhaps don’t go to the arcades with her just make up an excuse if you have too like your too tired and don’t put your own money in which I know might be hard for you as I know you like a flutter as well.
I hope she manages to stick to her limits though matey. All the best to yourself and let us know how you get on.
I was actually going to make a thread about relationships and gambling a few weeks back but that was when almost every thread was call outs and everyone was at each others throats so I never bothered.
11And to hold out on the pies with a geordie playing it too scandalous ??
It’s such a shame that one of the best series ever made turned out like this. This last season has been awful as whole.
Underwhelming, unsatisfying, ridiculous situations and terrible ends to character’s story arcs.
One of?..let me know ones you think are better incase i have not seen them:),need something decent to watch again.
Breaking Bad is just as good as GoT and the ending is actually worth watching..
Bloody hell its not like you to agree with the majority Haz!
Jk x
Who started this thread. ?. The majority wants you on the forum ya wally. ?
There goes Haz fire starting again! 😛 No wonder he gets those massive hits in Flame Busters ^^
Just ignore the haters JB you know what they are trying to do and I can see your point; seems like there’s a lot of easily offended folk on the forums nowadays. I’ve had my very first post reported for inappropriate content because a guy was saying he is starting to believe you can make a living off slots after watching The Bandit’s reel king run and I replied basically saying you can’t and that there’s a high chance Bandit will eventually lose it all if he continues playing the way he does although I hope the run continues. That wasn’t supposed to be an attack on Steve as I’ve been a fan for a lot longer than most on these forums more so a warning to not try it for people who believe they can copy what he has done and it got reported by some pole riding fan boy/girl, does make ya laugh.
1This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.
Yeah… They are designed to make a profit. They are designed to extract as much money as possible. They are designed to tilt you.
Rigged is a word you could use but not in a conspiracy theory sense. They are ‘rigged’ against the player on average but it’s right there in black and white with the rtp.
Totally agree. All bookies / casino gambling is “rigged” and as if it wasn’t the bookies would go out of business. The odds you get by even spinning a roulette wheel are slightly in the favour of the house. That’s why I have never and will never gamble. I recognise that even though I may get lucky and hit a big win, over the long term I am definitely going to lose.
The Bandit’s Reel King play has made me think though. It’s possible, that if you have the funds, a “high roller” may be able to tilt the odds of certain slots in their favour. It seems to be an ultra risky strategy though and a bit early to say that Steve has found a long term winning strategy.
There are professional punters out there who do make money. Unfortunately I’m in the 99% who don’t. ?
Yeah but not on slots. Steve is the only person I know of who is making a fortune on slots and it’s too early to say if it will continue; he’s had a few near misses over the months on Reel King there may come a time when the come back doesn’t come..I don’t want to see him lose nor any other punter but you’ve got to imagine a big loss will eventually come which will wipe quite a bit of his profit with the way he plays the game depending on if he continues which he’s shown the tendency to do before.
Nice win! I gave it a try doing £1 on 4 rolls and 2 rolls and I managed to hit the 2 rolls but it didn’t really pay much. I’ve gotta say I wouldn’t want to be the person hosting that game since while I was playing the amount of abuse the fella spinning the wheel was getting was unreal…he looked a bit eccentric shall we say but loads of people were saying they wasn’t sure if he was a woman or a guy and calling him all sorts of names under the sun, no need for it really… and loads whining that 4 rolls hadn’t landed in 100 spins and the game was rigged. I’m just wondering what are the odds of 4 rolls actually landing?
He’s a good lad, at least he will concede when he is out of order and realises it and will apologise unlike some who think they are never at fault. 🙂
1What slots was you playing? Shocking that you only got 1 bonus at £400 on 60p spins
Its a pain to bonus at the best of times and then it loves to give you 2 left on the countdown then drop a scatter in for 1 on the final spin, almost feels like it’s been designed to tilt you the amount of times I’ve been teased with a retrigger and it’s been 1 away so many times..
Rtp 92.09%
Highest rtp game: Magic Mirror deluxe 2 – 476.84%
Lowest RTP – Lost Relics – 25%