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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $181
- Topics Started : 19
- Replies Created : 367
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I’d like to have free reign in a nonce wing of a prison armed with a samurai sword, I’m sure it would be put to good use.
2Hi mate I can’t really offer anymore advice than you have been given but I do wish you all the luck in the world on your quest, take each day as it comes, all the best??
1The most important question is though who is organising and paying for the strippers?
You dirty bastard
Ha ha
. The only thing I’m surprised about is that no one said it before me lol.
Tbh mate I thought you’d got enough fish in your life??? oh me bad
So, i am considering putting on a free bar at a local pub of mine, darts, pool, juke box and alcohol is the plan – semi problem is it is going to have to be on a “School Night” as i can only get the pub on one of it’s quieter evenings, a Monday or a Tuesday. Would anyone be up for this sort of thing? Perhaps we could actually get some face to face poker on the go too? It would be in Wrexham of course.
I’ve been a fan for couple of yrs now and would definitely be interested, how would you pick who’s coming though? Raffle, bids, winning bids go to charity or into a pot for you to play with????
Just who wanted to come could come i would guess, i wouldn’t imagine there would be a stampede lol
I don’t know mate……might be worth having some sort of guest list or something. As soon as people hear that there is a pub with a grand behind the counter I think it will attract quite a few people.
I suppose it depends on what type of night it will be e.g. will the pub be open for normal trade as well or would you be getting it as a private pub for the night? I think that there’s a couple of things to think about mate. I know what your doing is a gesture for the supporters etc but you know yourself that there are some funny fucker around (the one who wanted to meet you at Cheshire oaks, reelwhiskers wanting to get a train to yours etc.). Just things to be mindful of.
Andy I’m not a massive drinker mate so I’m going drive down and come back the same night, I’m only down the road from you so if you want you can jump in with me and enjoy your night.
The most important question is though who is organising and paying for the strippers?
You dirty bastard ??????????????????
It’s simple really if you don’t like someone’s begging post then simply move on to another decent post with genuine content and don’t give it the time of day, too much time and effort is going into these types of posts.
people can vent their frustrations no probs but if it doesn’t interest me I just move on to the next simples
1Nobody knows shit, were spoon fed utter bollocks from the age of 5, I don’t believe anything until I have seen it with my own eyes, I’m a very open minded person and willing to listen to both sides of a debate/topic and from that I will make my own investigations and make my own decisions relevant to my findings.
Now we’re led to believe that we’ve touched down on the moon had a little walk and came home again.
were led to believe that we have navigated a unmanned rocket for a number of years through the solar system avoiding all the dangers that that entails, landed a drone on planet mars and this drone has took photos and jings sent them back for us to look at wow brilliant.
What a load of dogs cock, if there’s anybody out there that believes this shit then bah bah bah bah bah bah
@Hacko1 – do you actually believe the Earth is flat, or are you just having banter?
Well I do love a good old conspiracy theory bio lol
Firstly do you believe in the moon landings
Phaw I’ve got you covered pal so it’s me tattie scones,me two servings of square sausage and me 1983 copy of the broons ?
I’ll see your refresher bar and raise you an iron bru bar and an ice cold glass of Cumnocks red cola yum yum yum
I’ll call u wae a monster bar and a gless o irn bru
Clickbait i was here hoping to win myself a drumstick lolly
no chance u can hav a refresher and only if u donate ur stake on the pars the morra
lets face it its better than gien it tae wullie hill
Right the buckfasts on the table now lads, stand well clear lol
I’ll see your refresher bar and raise you an iron bru bar and an ice cold glass of Cumnocks red cola yum yum yum
I know which one it is pal and I am going to fund it, it’s absolutely gut wrenching.
Chrers bud i know its not in keeping with the gambling aspect of the forum and there is stories like this all around us but it really tugged at my heart and this is genuine
I googled it mate and read about it WTF so tragic and yeah it’s certainly tugged mine, what an utter piece of scum, I hope there is a hell for people like him
1Clickbait i was here hoping to win myself a drumstick lolly
Ah the good old Drumstick lolly, however if I tried to put one in my mouth now it would come back out covered in mercury ?