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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $70
  • Topics Started : 16
  • Replies Created : 370

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  • in reply to: Super white army! #67253
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    Carling?  Ditch that, along with Carlsberg and Fosters.  I pigeon-hole those together as the 3 worst beers.

    Get some craft beer down you e.g. Brewdog 😀  I know it’s not on tap everywhere but still 🙂

    in reply to: A gamblers mind #67221
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    I had the same mindset albeit on a smaller scale.  I would split my grocery shopping, buying toiletries somewhere cheaper and find 3-for-2 deals elsewhere etc, and yet I was happy to gamble £50 away in the arcades every week.  Now that I’ve cut that oxygen supply off, I’m happy to leave it to just £50 per month for Video Slots and occasionally Royal Panda too.  Then I have money for other things i.e. a new Samsung phone which I bought yesterday 🙂

    in reply to: It’s all gone pete tong #66954
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    I’ve only ever been that £50 guy, but my £50 is someone else’s £500 so it’s all relative.  I had to do what some of the others here advised which was to bar myself from the local arcades because the slots RTP have been ripped a new one.  I don’t know why because Theresa May was only meant to be targeting the bookies table games (roulette etc) but for some reason it affected the arcade machines too so I just had to stop.

    Online gambling’s not so bad for me.  Again it’s £50 per month self-imposed limit.  Plus, I’m not tempted to increase that limit as it’s been set to £50 for 18 months now.

    in reply to: Thanks Bob #66814
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    I saw the thread title and I thought it was going to be about that new slot called Caveman Bob 🙂

    in reply to: Has the bandit killed his channel? #66589
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    I did ask about Twitch, Daily Motion and dedicated alternatives such as but it went unanswered.

    @JB – I don’t do social media.  I find forums more personal

    in reply to: Someone’s unhappy! #66381
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    I paid more attention to the top third of that image – Chipmonkz.  I quite like his channel, my 2nd favourite for slots after the Bandit.

    in reply to: bandits videos are gone #66363
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    Is Twitch blocked as well?  I seem to remember that you used Twitch when YouTube was down and you linked it to the BIAM homepage.

    Is Daily Motion an option?

    The only other option is to make BIAM a dedicated site like or

    in reply to: I fear the end is nigh! #66183
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    Who the fuck reports YouTube videos? Queer fucking people around.

    probably that cunt that used to report my posts here ??

    – Conservative, right-leaning Christians who are offended by gambling videos

    – a.k.a middle-aged white males who are top 10% earners, and are obese with high blood pressure

    – a.k.a people who are non-progressive and hate change

    – a.k.a gammon

    in reply to: My mate made a channel… #66003
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    Don’t forget the 3-digit CCV 😛

    in reply to: Support after I was attacked… #65987
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    I think posting on Money Saving Export forum would be a better bet than on a gambling forum.  Don’t go begging though, just ask for some advice on your current unexpected expense.  For example people quite often post about their boiler going kaput and they need a way how to find £1500 somewhere.  They also have a student section.

    in reply to: My mate made a channel… #66004
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    Don’t forget the 3-digit security number on the back of the card 😛

    in reply to: My mate made a channel… #65991
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    Plot twist: kjl412’s mate is actually the Bandit himself and he created his slots channel was created on 15th July 2016.

    in reply to: Support after I was attacked… #65988
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    Hi Jonny.  I think that posting on Money Saving Expert’s forum would be better for you than on a gambling forum.  Don’t go begging on there though.  You need to ask for advice on how to lay your hands on a large sum of money for your current unexpected situation.  E.g. people quite often post about their broken boiler and how to get money for that, then how to pay it off if borrowed.  They also have a section specifically for students.

    Hope you get it sorted and sorry to read about what happened to you.

    in reply to: Slot Request – Doctor Electro #65943
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    There’s a video trailer from the supplier’s YouTube channel, the same supplier as Machina Megaways.

    This slot looks very similar to Phoenix Sun with the 6×3 ways with tiles removed to expand to 6×6 ways.

    in reply to: What are your TOP 3 SLOTS so far 2019??!!!! And why? :P #65941
    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    I like your choices Biohazard.

    My top 3 answers were based on how much I was playing in 2019 so far.  If I was going to give an all-time top 3, then White Rabbit remains at the top and Laser Fruit would be a good 2nd place for me since you mentioned it!

Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 371 total)