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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $70
- Topics Started : 16
- Replies Created : 370
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+1 on Eye of Horus. I’ve only bonused the fecker once and it went for 10x. This is the offline (cat B3) version though. I haven’t played it online.
I think this is known as gambler’s fallacy. Near-misses are programmed into slot machines, both online and offline, and also fruit machines. The software is telling your brain to subconsciously register this as a ‘near win’ instead of a loss, which keeps you playing for more. The same goes with small wins. If your stake is £1 and you win 60p, the slot plays a visual and sound cue to imply that you have ‘won’, egging you on.
1Not sure if this is the right section to post video comments, but I will say that the 40p/60p video posted today is the most relatable video I’ve seen yet. The Bandit was asking for feedback on this. I tend to deposit £50 on Videoslots and stick with 40p or 50p, then possibly 60p if I’m doing well. The only thing I don’t do is the Wild Swarm chasing and the Reel King ladder.
11Not me personally, but I know a friend who got a £70 Big Deal. It’s similar to the Crazy Chair in that it has the matrix of 12 boxes which can turn red. Then the board game is a bit different as it has inner and outer boards and you land on arrows to go inside by 1 layer or go out by 1 layer. He knows his way around electronics and DIY and has looked after his machine really well. Plus, he has flashed the firmwares so that the coin mech can take the new £1 coin and the plastic notes.
I played a cat C £1/£100 Reel King in Wetherspoons earlier this year. When I collected a £41 balance, it paid out the first £30 in notes then it errored out on the rest. A bar staff took my number and told me to wait for a call. 5 days later, I got the call asking me to come back, which I did and I collected the £11 no probs. I thought that was pretty helpful.
Then on the unhelpful side, you have the “Quickshots” arcade in Manchester’s Piccadilly train station. One of their Deal or No Deal machines displayed an IOU £15 (I owe you £15). When I called a staff member around, I was asked for ID. I was 34 years old at the time!! Didn’t have my passport on me and I can’t driver, so left me no option but to leave and I don’t live local to Manchester. So the issue I have with Quickshots then was that it was no problem me losing money on their machines. No ID when I lose, but they want ID when I win.
NewTube? Seeing that you like Reel King and Venture, you ought to name it GreenTube 😀
Is there a political spin behind all of this? The trolls’ involvement in the banning of streamers? I get the impression that there are 2 types of trolls:
1. The right-leaning conservative (and possibly religious) types with traditional values. They use their moral compass to discourage gambling. They think that people should be back in their houses by 10PM (curfew). These types are pro-establishment and everyone must obey and conform to the law. They use their “goody two shoes” status to go around banning the streamers.
2. The left-leaning SJW’s (social justice warriors). Don’t confuse liberals with the left, as SJW’s aren’t liberals. They are the exact opposite – authoritarian. They use their nanny-state 1984 agenda to go around social networks, stifling out freedom of speech. This includes the banning of streamers.
Both troll types set a dangerous precedent.
Would like to see you play napoleon ?
Good call 🙂 I’ve seen numerous clips where a couple of wilds in the base game can go huge even if it’s only 4-of-a-kind wins. Mental stuff.
Peking Luck – I think you’ve played this already Bandit. Please give it another bash though. Bit of an all or nothing slot with the 8 – 38 multiplier range.
A lot of the channels I watch are affy. Some are gaming, some are DIY some are music. They all have their own affiliations with the likes of Audible and Patreon. Some are products in their own right so they advertise their own stuff.
The only different with gambling is that it’s an 18+ activity and I don’t have a problem with affy gambling channels. If you are 18+ yourself and you have mental capacity, then by clicking on these gambling videos means that you have consented to watch that video. You need to take ownership on the fact that you are watching gambling videos.
To the butthurt / offended – stop being such a victim!
What about other adult content?
E.g. Top 10 death scenes compilation from horror films.
Sex scenes from films like the Xenia Onatopp kill from GoldenEye.
Music videos with swearing in them.
Videos containing joy-riding and road rage.
References to drugs.
People making dry ice bombs.
Clips from South Park and Family Guy.
Should all of these be banned too? I think that we are pandering too much to the terminally offended. People should choose what to watch on TV and on the internet. Outlets should be allowed to keep their 15+ and 18+ content online without being persecuted by the PC police. If you’ve watched something that has scared or offended you, then at the end of the day, it was you who searched for it and clicked on the results.
Xbobmad is right. Wish Upon a Jackpot is available in pubs and arcades, along with most of the other Blueprints.
Kojak – agreed with you on Battle-Axe and Revolution!! Around 2002/3 era if memory serves. I also liked Fireball and Dosh & Pecks which were related in terms of the big roulette-style wheel, except that some numbers were lit up in red instead of white. These were quite strategic as well. I think the big wheel had 16 segments, and if 8 of the segments were red, then it was a silent invincible – a cue for the player to keep playing up to the top feature or jackpot without losing.
1I’m mainly an offline gambler i.e. I play category B3 arcade machines, but I enjoy the Bandit videos as the slots that he plays does overlap arcade machines. Plus, I will admit that I am guilty of signing up to VideoSlots via the Bandit and I self-enforce a limit of £50 per month via the site’s responsibly gambling facility where you can set limits.
What I don’t like is people playing the victim card and then go hating on the Bandit and other streamers. Fact is, that it is YOU that actively searched for gambling content on the internet. If you gamble and you want to carry on gambling, then fine. If you want to stop gambling, then it is YOU that has to make that descision. Not the nanny state, not the internet trolls and not the precious snowflakes for being such a victim. It’s YOU to decide.
Those with Apple devices – could you try using a different browser? I wonder if it’s a CPU usage issue.
Slightly different issue for me as I’m using a Windows laptop, but it would run hot and slow down on Blueprint games. It’s the bit where King Kong Cash does the mystery barrels and the equivalent on other Blueprints e.g. the mystery TV screens in Top Cat. When 86-odd barrels / TVs rolls around everywhere, that’s when the laptop got hot. Turns out that my browser (Firefox) was only utilising the on-board Intel HD Graphics 4600. Once I changed it to use the dedicated Geforce GTX 960M instead, the Blueprint slots performed fine and no heat issue any more.
So in summary, try changing the web browser, and if you have more than 1 graphics card, set your browser to use the higher spec one.