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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $18
- Topics Started : 3
- Replies Created : 58
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Ducking instead of fucking used to happen on my autocorrect quite a lot
I know but it blew my mind when I remembered ducking is an actual word and not just somethibg to do with ducks
i accidentally ended up paying like 60 notes for a haircut once. Should’ve checked the prices hahaha.
I hope you got a fucking happy ending for that price!!
While I do believe it is a good thing the machine stakes have been reduced and thankfully at this moment in time my job is secure I do feel for my colleagues who’s jobs are at risk.
I don’t think the blame can be solely put on the bookmakers though, they operated within the constraints of the law at that time, like any company would do to maximise profits. They applied for and were granted gambling premises and operating licences from local councils. These councils that were happy for these shops to open and reap the rewards of rent etc. So like I said I don’t think you can blame the bookies completly. You don’t blame supermarkets that put on drink deals that could potentially target alcoholics. Everyone has a choice in life with what route they go down. If someone has developed a gambling problem that’s thier own fault and they need take responsibility for that. There are tools out there to support these people from entering stores, the same way there are tools online to prevent people from gambling.
I assume you have phoned the police regarding the person saying they were going to kill themselves? As that is your duty to report such matters to the relevant authorities.
Untill you can provide the evidence then maybe stop creating these threads as it isn’t a debate unless someone is open to the other persons point of view and clearly that Is not the case, rendering these posts completly pointless.
They arnt adding anything to the forum, they just cause aggro.
As has been said, you ask for this inrefutable evidence that they are not rigged, how about you provide the evidence that they are?
Thought not.
Yesterday i thought was going to be a very expensive day. In the morning i was at the dentist. Absolutely hate the place. I had a tooth removed and was previously told it would cost about £160. It turned out it was £126 so bit better than previously thought. So anyway i travel 130 miles to liverpool for work feeling like shit and get dropped off at the pub. I notice the bandit in the corner is not the usual dond for once it’s one of them multi game cabinets. I decide to stick my change in on wish upon a Jackpot and first spin griffin arrives to then disappear
. I hate that. Anyway about 5 or 6 spins later he arrives again and stays giving me the puss in boots landing both on reels 2 and 4 giving £28. Happy days but as a gambler i pie gamble it to 40 then 60 then £90. Get it I’m £85 up in literally 2 mins. By this point it’s 3pm I’m self employed and not earnt a pay. For those of you who don’t know i knock on doors taking orders for fish. So still in a bit of pain i decide to go out for a couple of hours. To my amazement the first 8 people i speak to all order earning me approx £16 per order. I work till about half 5.30 and get 2 more. I’m thinking what a lucky day after thinking the dentist would rinse me and i was probably going to do very little if no work i end up nearly getting my dentist bill back and earning a decent whack in 2 and half hours.
“knock on doors taking orders for fish” is that what pimps are upto these days? And only 16 quid per order!?! Your poor wife…
Why are you getting so caught up on “rules”. In the grand scheme of things it’s really not that big a deal. If you are genuinly sitting there weeping into your pillow every night becuase someone dared to have a differing opinion of yours and called you a muppet (and has since apologised for) then I don’t think the Internet is really the place for you to be.
In my opinion it’s as if you are desperately trying to have certain individuals banned so that their voice can’t be heard on certain subjects that you feel strongly about and wish to debate, becuase you can’t handle the logical information that’s being served up, as it doesn’t fit your agenda.
I assume… We are all adults here, so why can’t you just start acting like one without trying to play the victim all the time. It’s honestly embarrassing and posters that were frequently backing you up are starting to turn on you becuase you fail to notice your own shortcomings. They are offering you friendly advice to reign it in a bit and even then you hit back at these people aswell.
You obviously read @seedy post becuase you referenced a quote used. So did you completly miss the part about cresting threads and calling people out?
Beggars belief this place sometimes honestly.
Bank holidays should be dragged outside and shot and then murdered.
Bit harsh.
Good if your a worker and get them off!!
I suppose they just can’t believe how much of a sexy bastard you are and want some more proof hahaha
izattm, JoeHoldway and Smokingbeagle thanks for your input gents. I had no idea that existed and most definitely going to give it a call.
Kinda highlights the fucks given by the woman i spoke to since im sure she knew about this.
Anyway, cheers again. Enjoy your weekends.
Your welcome mate.
100% she would have known about this option. May I ask what company it was? At William Hill it’s just a case of taking a picture on the shop tablet now, whole process takes about 10 mins max.
As per above post,
Self exclusion helpline.
0800 294 2060
Open Mon – sun 0800 – 23.59pm
That’s not me having a go by the way that is just me trying to solve why the fuck it does it and that is all i have left, i have asked a couple of times but you must have missed those ones
Logs me out all the time aswell, even after clicking the “keep me logged in” box, not sure if it’s to do with using a mobile or whatnot.