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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $1
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  • Replies Created : 3

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  • in reply to: The Reel King Session after Holiday #77928
    jakemill WANTED $1

    This regards today’s session which YouTube removed. The fukers lol. But yerr I enjoyed it. My only criticism was at your greediness bandit. Now don’t get meĀ  wrong I’d probly do it too if I could play those stales but u do not always have to hit the top of that ladder to get a decent win or feel it’s always b the highlight of the video. I mean there’s no harm in collecting the occasional 5_10k just to keep your bankroll high or to prevent making more deposits. End of the day tho. It’s ur choice. N I hope ur future sessions go better. PS still lo<span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>ve your honesty Mann.</span>

    in reply to: Forum giveaway open to every member. #77924
    jakemill WANTED $1

    Sept 26th at 6.55am

    in reply to: Bandits best bits video #74816
    jakemill WANTED $1

    hi ya bandit


    my names jacob and im from new zealand


    im kindve a baby when it comes to gambling online

    but i have been a gambler since i was about 7


    starting out with poker-pokies-casinos and slots.

    i have only just discovered streaming pokies the last couple of months and have watched numerous videos on youtube.

    today i discovered who my favorite is.


    you are by far the best streamer because

    you arent afraid to double up (although i wouldve stopped at the 5k mark unless i was uppp)

    you are not afraid to speak how you feel

    and also you deposit raw money and still bet big

    plus when you celebrate a huge win its not done with any fakeness just to sound good to the viewers.

    then i see you also have many big giveaways


    i wish you the best of luck every time you play slots

    and the games you streamed this sunday gone are exactly all of the games i would haVE PLayed aswell


    thouroughly enjoyed it all


    thanks very much bandit for everything

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