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  • in reply to: Info/thoughts on using CBD oil for gambiling addiction/cravings #49709
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    Just an update after 4 days of taking the oil. My mood has improved and pain has died down. It does seem to make a difference and I do feel better. I checked in a vape shop and said the quickest way to ingest is vape but you use more. The woman behind the counter said if you can handle using the oil under the tongue then thats proboably best and tgat she used the spray. It was best for me since their oil is the same strenghth as mine buf I havent ever used vape so I would need to buy the whole kit.

    in reply to: Info/thoughts on using CBD oil for gambiling addiction/cravings #49072
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    I just got the dropper and put few drops under my tongue for a minute. The woman who recommended it had arthritis and says that how she uses it and works great. I only started today though so sed how it goes. Its a max 10 drops a day so gonna start at 3 drops at a time then build it up to 5 in morning and 5 at night

    in reply to: Room 101 what would you put in. #49071
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    The entitled people that phone up shouting at me because the road outside their house isnt perfect and one of the poorer areas got their road done and its not fair since they pay high band of council tax. I do understand but we get like 8% of the council tax income in our budget whuch would maybe let us resurface 1 or 2 roads in the whole council area.  I worked it out once its roughly 2m2 outside your house per year.

    in reply to: Help with gambling. #49068
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    Also it help speaking to peopke on here as they have great advice and it lets you have a rant and get it all off your chest and sometimes that can be enough.

    in reply to: Help with gambling. #49067
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

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    If you only gamble online then set deposit limits and if you want to spend say £500 a month split it between accounts or just one. Then it should help with the urges and if you open a new account set the limit straight away. If you want to stop completely then go for that as it proboably for the best  way to do it. Im struggling the now but as long as I dont put up my deposit limits will be fine its the urge to gamble the messes me up

    in reply to: Which is your most favoured site and why #49066
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    I really like play ojo because of the no wagering. I have been on there since October and long term on Sky Vegaswhich i use more for Sports betting although slots can be good

    in reply to: Anyone know how to fix an Oven? #49062
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    Hi mate

    I changed mine over and it was just a straight swap. Are the connections tight enough and not in contact with anything else. If it cuts off at a certain temperture could it be some sort of heat sensor thats went that regulates the temp. I would time it to see how long it takes to trip if its fairly consistant times then it might not be the elememt. Im not a spark its just what I would do

    in reply to: The lurkers of the gambling world #40842
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    The bookies outside and around Glasgow Central Station are murder for the ones who hang about the machines essentially trying to use your money to play their game their no quick to say zero lost heres your stake back since i suggested you cover it but if you win its i should get few quid for that tip.

    My mums partner drives the hackneys and he says that their a few that go in lose their cash go out n beg for more  then straight back in the bookies. I have seen it it in Renfrew a man and a women doing the same. I feel sorry for them but been told that they have a house and gambiling just got a hold of them so thats why you see them begging sometimes. I havent seen them in ages right enough so hopfully they got help.

    My mums partner thinks that the Glasgow one is a bit of a con by a few of them since they see them clean looking and heading away for the night. But if you are begging just to gamble you must  be spending your money on it as well to stage your skint.

    in reply to: The lurkers of the gambling world #40818
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    Had it a few times but they usually hover about just over your shoulder but its off putting especially ones who watch your balance or bet amount. There was an old guy who would do his bets then basically annoy everyone at the machines with hanging over their shoulders making ohhh noises and comments along the lines of your doing £2 a spin, thats my number and that was close etc I didnt mind it but it did get annoying when you were losing or had a good valance and he is broadcasting it.

    in reply to: Console game gambiling? Loot boxes etc #40294
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    Yeah I take the point about the sticker book collecting and think my opinion is based on more the cost of the packs now. I know my cousins spend a fair bit on Fortnite but I think thats all skins etc so no chance issue involved.

    Talking about Fifa does any one think that scripting/momentum existed? I got Fifa 19 this after a few years of not playing Fifa . To be fair I havent played it for ages but one of the previous versions i made a team of silvers and the odd gold player from a tip online. I felt my team played better in games when I should have got destroyed.

    in reply to: Poor Billy has it bad ! #40276
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    Just finished watching it and other than the set up at the end it is pretty scary to think it is so easy to get drawn in and go down that path.

    There was a documentry a few years ago about FOBT and one guy in it had a mental health problem with his mental age or he had a set way of gambiling and to not do it would make the day out of sync. You could tell when you watched it that maybe the staff should step in when he gambiling because they would have known. They might have and its been edited out but usually what I have seen they only stop you to ask if you want tea or coffee. Has anyone came across staff stepping in?

    in reply to: Am I just Unlucky? #37657
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    Yeah better than usual bonus. It seems to pay just above bonus gaurantee usually. As already mentioned it has potential but it’s that one bonus in a blue moon bonus. I have had load of extra spins in one bonus and get nothing from them which I think is pointless but that’s part of the game.

    in reply to: Wild Swarm… I’m in it’s clutches! #37660
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    I haven’t played this yet but the plan of just a budget for the game rather than getting drawn in and spending to much sounds like a great idea. That’s how these games get you by getting the “It has to be due” mentality noticed a lot of slots do that though with bonus teases.

    in reply to: FOBt restrictions opinions? #37233
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    I remember when I first played on FOBTS. I used to gamble on horses, football and the odd dog race. This was about 12 years ago and I wouldnt consider spending more than £20 the whole time I was there. I then started on the machines no more than 2 quid on the wheel or playing the slots which im sure the max stake was £1 no mega spins or anything.

    Then they introduced £2 stakes then £10 mega spins. After that they kept creeping up the mega games right up to £50. Im pretty sure there was a game you could do £100 mega/fortune spins. This is what done me in playing fotune spins to try and get a decent return so my gambiling got worse then better then really bad when I started working in the City Centre. In Glasgow a bookies on every corner in fact almost a street full outside the train station  most open at 8am. I gambled to pass time more than anything and I was lucky I never got into serious debt/trouble but for awhile most of my disposable income went in the machines.

    They knew the profits they were making and slowly introduced all the higher stakes on slots once they had people hooked. I still gambled but online with monthly limits and it’s made a huge difference.

    I don’t know if they could introduce a member card system to the bookies with limits so you can’t put cash straight into the machine and then can’t go over your limit with similar cool off periods to online. There will be people who use multiple cards etc but getting rid of addiction takes effort on both sides. As people have said they will be thinking of a way round the £2 stake and the government I imagine will make a fair amount in tax under the existing set-up so it makes you think if there is a loophole in the legislation. To be fair though did they not bring the date forward to April rather than next year or the end of this one? I’m hoping the £2 stake makes a difference and in sure they have a set time between spins so they can’t speed up the games to compensate.

    in reply to: Looking for advice (debt) #37242
    Jamie1872 WANTED $6


    If your credit rating isnt looking to good and makes refinancing to a longer term debt consolidation loan not an option just now. If you can I would continue getting help don’t be afraid to ask for more or talk to other people for support if it will help. If you can save a little each month just the say before you get paid stick what’s left away. It will add up and help you lower your debt quicker. If you can’t save just pay the loans.

    Once your credit rating is better then refinancing might become an option or you might decide just to carry on as is till the loans are paid.

    If none of the above is an option then speaking about payment plan might help I don’t know a lot about them but I’m sure it can affect you getting credit in the long term.

    Don’t pressure yourself or beat yourself up about the position your in. Your doing the right things and working your way back out of it and if you are stressing out speak to someone as it’s not good to bottle these things up and could ruin all the work you put in.

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