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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $2
  • Topics Started : 2
  • Replies Created : 2

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  • in reply to: Crypto wins and tax #141960
    JonnyBongo WANTED $2

    Oh I just started a thread on this topic..

    I thought the same gambling wins not being taxed but because of crypto being asset class it’s now liable for capital gains,

    I have been insanely lucky and have a decent balance in my wallet which is obviously fluctuating with the market but not sure how to get it out legitimately whilst keeping as much as possible away from the tax man?

    in reply to: Bandit YouTube Videos #141824
    JonnyBongo WANTED $2

    I to loved the old style video where it seemed more hobby than job.

    but people’s attention span now days want instant satisfaction hence needing to bonus buy. I guess that coupled with <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>time constraints makes the style convenient .</span>

    But I will say Bandits commentary can’t be beaten I’ve seen other streams (won’t name them on bandits site) that either feel they need catch phrases or OTT reaction for views. At least Bandit gives what is in my opinion  genuine dry responses which are top bants at times.


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