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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $45
- Topics Started : 5
- Replies Created : 94
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You will have to proof it was your friend. Like someone has said you want them just to take you’re word of it ?! The way to proof is usually a police reference number.
And what a pal ?5 years ouch, that must sting.
Get him to set up an gambling account that you can play at.
If none of these are an option looks like you’re waiting out 5 years. Think of all the money you’ll save ?
1Your deposit should be in a TDP scheme, and you them if you’re landlord ain’t paid you out in 10 days. I think I read.
Sorry to hear about your mum. I’m in Edinbugh if you need a hand with anything over this side.
Good to see ya back. It’s a good job I just read and rarely comment cause if people think you’re a dick then Jesus I’m going to hell for sure? (Good a job I like being hot)
Stay true to yourself JB, I read alot on here and never seen you say anything wrong. Xx
This frustrated virgin pj xd wants all women to get raped and acid in the face (but love buzz) is the titled. I don’t think his brain develop right. Some lass defo pissed on his cornfalkes. Look at how he messages that girl on the dating app and he wonders why he can’t get a lass! He has a serious obsession with chip as well. They pop up in chat all the time, there’s another guy ‘Ronnie’ too, they are in most chat streams, talking absolute tripe!
I tried to kill myself last year, people don’t talk.. people that wanna go, go. cause you want it over, I made arragenments for people in my life, cleaned the house and took as shit loads of pills. I failed and Im glad, cause it made me the cxxt I am today xD , I realised, my fuck usp are mine and I shoulded own them. Don’t go to the internet to look for 100% smypathy xD Its never happenin. But I hope people do have somewhere to go, for something that stops them, if they can hold a website they are reaching out, Go on ya. Don’t hate on them especailly when their issue is gambling.
Lol il easy tell u how much i earned the last 6 months whoever asked that, what i wont do is make a video pretending i love my customers and im thousands down, i dont see why if u are clarifying if u are real or not how hard it is to give a ballpark figure of how much u earn. How hard would it be to say “ok on my combined slots losses im x amount down but overall i make x amount a year! I dont grudge them a penny, their line of work but dont make out u are losing thousands when u are earning well!
Get it done then.
No problem, may 3.5k, april 4.3k, march 2.8k, feb 3.1k, jan 2.4k dec 3.2k……easy game really
Well that ain’t actaul evidence is it ?? I earn 100k last month 60k the month before. I mean let’s drive around in our shitty cars and say it so it has some clarification.
I also earn about 20k a year and drive a Renault Clio ??
Ah that’s nice self righteous prick! Am I not allowed opinion because I don’t use the links? Its the lines about oh I’m down trying to gain false sympathy that irk me
Who said you weren’t allowed an opinion ?? I said It wasn’t any of your buniness, going though their accounts! They are gamblers like many here, No one is feeling sorry for you cause your down ? it’s a casino…. imagine if the paid everyone. What a shite business.
Where the fuck has this day gone?
Jesus I coulda sworn it was 4oclock
Man I need to get out more!
?? the day flew by.. well 6am to 11 dragged then its flew in. Stella helped. And now I am in every chat ???
I’m watching chip now ??? I’ll blame him now… but I don’t think he’ll know what I’m on about
Jb wanker- you asked to be called. I barely post cause well I’m a cunt and my words are harsh (even if true) lately (not on here) but was called every name, bully, troll, bitch bla bla bla cause someone had a go at a streamer and the person had lost everything and called the streamer a thief
and was the streamers fault he has a gambling addiction.! I couldn’t help myself. But reply. Anyway nice to meet ya all, Kellie Crazy scot with no empathy. People should take responsibility for themself
JB is right, you’re gettin’ pumped.
Don’t know if I interpreted this reply correctly….but from what I can gather….Rbreen is offering some kind of BowChikaWowWow
Is this with my consent or will I just say yes then moan on here I Actaully meant No ?! Biwchikawowowow ?
2Naa he went for a drive with davo in his expense car to say all is fine showed no proof and all is cool .Drama close ?