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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $31
  • Topics Started : 19
  • Replies Created : 93

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Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 93 total)
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  • in reply to: Rocknrolla calling out streamers #69328
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    Ye I didn’t think he would be fake as he is generally always at a quid or 2 stake but then all his bonanza bids have been pulled so just seems a bit odd.


    in reply to: Rocknrolla calling out streamers #69321
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    What’s everyone’s thoughts on Dazza being called out for fake bonanza vids?

    in reply to: Rocknrolla calling out streamers #68923
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    It was an interesting watch. Davo is not someone I’ve really seen much of but rolla has presented some valid points will be interesting to see if davo responds.


    in reply to: Monaco F1 #67265
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    Can see Hamilton running away with it today. Vettel will crash out and leclerc will get up to about 8th.

    in reply to: My Story #56365
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    Hi pal

    Your story is almost exactly like mine I stopped gambling around 8 months ago now.

    What I have found is I now get a buzz from seeing my debt totals go down each month as I chip away at them and the thought of what I’ll be able to do with all the spare cash once I’ve paid everything off.


    Good luck mate.

    in reply to: Some nights….. I just can’t sleep… #39605
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    bandit do you think are riding the luck on this slot?
    or do you think you a genuine way to profit?

    from what we know about your day to day work im sure you have looked into it.

    in reply to: Will you go live? #39602
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    The Bandit wrote:

    <p>Another thing about me is – when i want a bonus on something, i aint going nowhere until it lands and people in streams get bored to fuck if you stay on a game too long lol i wouldn’t want to change the way i play just so i could stream, imagine chasing a Reel King top for 2 hours and being £30k in on a stream, the whole place would either be in melt down or asleep lol</p>

    but we would all watch lol.
    just waiting for the epic top.

    in reply to: Will you go live? #39601
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    just seen the second post i wasnt trying to give grief ive seen you in pauls chat from the start and seen you masked up on the charity stream.
    just wondered if there was any plans lol.

    in reply to: Will you go live? #39599
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    completely get that being a father and having a family should always come first and you have to do whats right for you and them.

    a stream would be awesome though lol.

    in reply to: Appreciation #39595
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    i agree in my eyes bandit is the most entertaining youtuber across all genres. the missus even lets me have his vids on the tv.
    although she hides behind a cushion when hes on the reel king ladder.

    in reply to: Anyone done a payday loan claim? #39586
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    ive got to disagree here i owe a few payday loan companies and have payment plans with them. over the past 12 months ive paid off 6 other companies.
    the thing is when these loans are taken the terms are made clear weather there fair or not its what we agree to when were desperate.
    people need to remember these companies will fuck you over but legally. i have 14 months left to be payday loan debt free and only have myself to blame.
    but i would never claim anything back as they are charging what i agreed to pay.

    in reply to: Some nights….. I just can’t sleep… #39493
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    and hes fucking done it again lol

    in reply to: Seedy’s Christmas Bonus! The Swear Jar! 10% Giveaway! #38178
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    my guess is 1964

    in reply to: Community Poker Tourney? #37575
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    good luck to all involved if a stream happens ill be tuning in.

    in reply to: Where did it start? #36954
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    when is the film out? sounds like 1 hell of a journey hopefully reel king provides the happy ending.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 93 total)