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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $31
  • Topics Started : 19
  • Replies Created : 93

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  • in reply to: Gambling adverts on tv #35866
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    I tried to post but think it had logged me out.

    anyway the just of it was adverts should be after the watershed with a 1:1 ratio of adverts vs support.

    and I doubt there is anything bandit can do but his videos can be watched by anyone of any age without logging into to youtube.

    Not a dig just what it is.


    in reply to: Gambling adverts on tv #35833
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    the Mrs just pointed out something that had passed me by look at how many things are sponsored by gambling sites.

    Jeremy Kyle is utter shite but it is one of the most watched programmes on tv and it is sponsored by foxy bingo.

    you can’t say that is only aimed at adults

    in reply to: Gambling adverts on tv #35831
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    I no longer gamble at all due to gamban but have as I gamble less I notice the adverts more.

    I very rarely see any day time tv but from what I have seen it’s not too bad but fuck me when there is sports on its on another level. sat down to watch the footie at weekend and my 4 year old was asking what the bookies adverts were. just because he likes numbers and every few minutes there was someone shouting numbers at him. he thought it was some sort of game but just shows you how young it’s gets attention.

    and then evenings there’s a lot i mean how many people play fucking bingo online it’s constant I am very surprised they get as much tv time as they do.

    in reply to: have i found a fake streamer #35489
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    quite a few sites say play for real when you are playing for real but it is misleading that streamer has been around a while and I always thought he was legit although his get paid saying can get pretty annoying lol.

    in reply to: Question For The Bandit. #35164
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    Bandits current goals.

    1. sort some decent internet.

    2. top the reel king ladder.

    in reply to: Things you never said until you watched the bandit… #34316
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    Horsehead dogface is the one that gets stuck with me.

    in reply to: Shit joke thread! #34014
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    I always carry a picture of my wife and children in my wallet.

    It reminds me why there’s no fucking money in there

    in reply to: Do Slots have a memory? #33968
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    I think this has been touched on before my understanding is no nothing is tracked every spin is random.


    in reply to: Best slot to play on a small stake? #33964
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    I always liked moon princess on small stake.

    Found it easy to hit bonus and had good potential.

    in reply to: Shit joke thread! #33963
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    I just watched a DVD called Bald and Barely Legal,so there was I sitting…
    dick in hand only to realise it was a Bridgestone documentary about minimum fucking tyre tread depths

    in reply to: Shit joke thread! #33962
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    Some local yobs stole 20 crates of Red Bull from our local corner shop.

    I don’t know how these people sleep at night.

    in reply to: Fertility? #33960
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    Cheers for all the replies.

    I did stop smoking for around 18 months a couple of years ago using a vape but found my way back to them currently just started the champix.

    Drinking wise I was going to do dry Jan but fuck that! I am cutting down though I think I started drinking more when I stopped gambling.

    My thought process was more I know all these things are bad and we are told they hurt fertility but doc didn’t give a shit?

    in reply to: Shit joke thread! #33837
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    Jose Mourinho has said he is thinking of returning to Portugal, never to be seen again
    He’s currently taking advice from the Mccanns.

    in reply to: Shit joke thread! #33836
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    I had a phone call from my son’s school today.

    Hello, is that Mr Jenkins?

    Yes, how can I help you?

    Hi, This is little Billy’s music teacher calling

    Oh, hi

    Yeah, hi. I just wanted to let you know it looks like you have a little Elvis Presley on your hands!

    Really? Wow! That’s..

    Yeah, we just found him dead on the toilet

    in reply to: Shit joke thread! #33834
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    I went to a new nighlub last week.
    They played the twist so I did the twist.
    They played jump around so I jumped around.
    They played come on Eileen and I was dragged out by the bouncers.

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 93 total)