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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $486
- Topics Started : 33
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10th August 2019 at 2:02 pm in reply to: Wayne Rooney being given No 32 at Derby as part of sponsorship deal with 32Red #77164
Yes but where are you getting this from as this is not in the study you have been referring too?
According to this graph from the same study it shows that over a longer period of time that it is actually on the decrease despite more adverts these days (assuming there is more adverts)
Also from your evidence
So yes i have done some homework and using the same source as you and showing how you are not using everything in the study and picking bits out that suits you and making stuff up to go with it
110th August 2019 at 1:51 pm in reply to: Wayne Rooney being given No 32 at Derby as part of sponsorship deal with 32Red #77150No need to copy and paste more from the study, I have skimmed through it myself. Not once does it mention anything about casino games/roulette/blackjack or slots that i can see only references the likes of loot boxes and app-based games
10th August 2019 at 1:29 pm in reply to: Wayne Rooney being given No 32 at Derby as part of sponsorship deal with 32Red #77139So you brush off the fact that you couldn’t deposit money into the sega games as irrelevant which is true, now can people under the age of 16 deposit to 32red? Or does that not fit the arguement…
210th August 2019 at 12:40 pm in reply to: Wayne Rooney being given No 32 at Derby as part of sponsorship deal with 32Red #77108So if a kid makes a bet with a friend, for example he bets his friend he wont ask a girl at school out on a date. He is now a gambler and would be included in these stats? Its not like they are hanging around the back off bike sheds having a spin on a rogue roulette wheels. Don’t be consumed by useless number and stats and think about what you read
My 1st thought during the game was if it finishes 1-0 with that own goal you would of been loving it after your comment yesterday haha
Can’t complain was a max of £10 free bet so 5 goals was perfect, was expecting 5x£2 bets but quite like how they have used it on the same market as my last bet just not the game i prob would have chosen 😀
Boom!!! Did you ditch the car there and then and off to buy a new 1? haha
10th August 2019 at 12:08 pm in reply to: Wayne Rooney being given No 32 at Derby as part of sponsorship deal with 32Red #77097When you make statements like ‘if you don’t know this, please don’t comment’
Yes you are being a dick, you read a study and think you know better than others.No i don’t think underage gambling is a problem regardless of what you think
1st bet was a winner returning £8.90, it also landed 5 goals so gained the max free surprise bet of £10
Open bets for today
£5 Bournemouth to win against Sheffield United returning £9
£10 free surprise bet Burnley v Southampton over 3.5 goals returning £36
£8.90 Watford to win against Brighton returning £16.91
Still in the game lets gooo
10th August 2019 at 11:51 am in reply to: Wayne Rooney being given No 32 at Derby as part of sponsorship deal with 32Red #77094Had a look at the article, states players should use their influence to reject such adverts and think about young fans. How can someone in his position even say that giving that he promotes the biggest fraud going. How that has even made the paper nevermind the front page is baffling to me and as for young fans like someone already said its totally irrelevant as they can’t gamble anyway
The Gambling Commission study suggests that 450,000 children aged 11 to 16 bet regularly, more than those who have taken drugs, smoked or drunk alcohol. Bets with friends, slot machines, and scratch cards are most popular.
Please stop making false statements about child gamblers, You know there is a problem in society with this issue…if you don’t know this. please don’t comment.
Oh sorry if I don’t know everything no need to be a dick about it
Leicester v Watford and they don’t even play them.
been a long week. I’ll come back when I’m coherent and yes i am sober.
you sure? what you on about haha
What odds are you getting for the correct score acca? would imagine you only need to hit 1 of those in your lifetime
United v Chelsea I think will be 0-0 but nobody likes betting on a 0-0 .
You should never bet on a 0 0 but on no first goal scorer. That way if a team wins 1 0 with a player scoring an own goal you still win.
you been reading some trading books haz?
Yeah can’t complain £500 out and playing with the change already had another bonus on legacy of ra paid 20 quid so sitting at 58 so time to rise on a novo lol
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