What sort of lunatic’s stake is £7.25
Best of luck
Init, that extra 0.25p is not responsible at all
absolute mad lad
£7 ok fine its a rounded number, even £7.50 as its 3/4 of a tenner but £7.25 something is not right 😀
Shouldn’t even respond to the guy, clearly has loads of hate towards him. Ignore and proceed 😀
Wish this mob would send me some offers, ladbrokes is kak for offers ?
Aldo your 1st 1 for you JB although if its shit bets it will be your last ???
Just to see who can do it in least amount of bets? Would need some kinda rules or some would prob just do it in 1 bet and job done lol
Something like singles only bet size max 40% of pot
£10 to £100 doesn’t sound like much of a challenge 😛
Along the lines of what some of the tipster guys do? A’l do it anyway why not 😀
Another BS post,again why rig it when the rtp of things like monopoly sucks,and why not rig it the times its hit 10x then 4 spins then mayfair and everyone wins massive?
taken from the monopoly live thread have a watch
In the base game sometimes it can shake drop in 2 wilds and pay x5 not sure if that was in the original
EXTREME!!!!!!! 🙁
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imagine if you had bet on 4 rolls on this!!!!!!!!! Unreal!!!!!!
<iframe src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/RO0DYk_asBw?feature=oembed” width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>
Haha wtf…. just spin again no-one seen it lol
I had alot of problems getting my deposit back from my 1st ever flat. A Mr Signe after a visit to his house I had my money that night
sucked him off ?
Was more of a blow him off…
In a blow torch his eyeballs out kinda way ?
I had alot of problems getting my deposit back from my 1st ever flat. A Mr Signe after a visit to his house I had my money that night ?
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