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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $486
- Topics Started : 33
- Replies Created : 1622
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Just when you thought Raging rhino couldn’t get any worse they bring out a megaways haha
11Yes definitely worth a go, not sure if the offer is still the same but when i done it was £500 risk free so you got the week to trade on players and if you were in loss you contacted them and the refunded what you had loss so back to your £500 balance. Although with most of the football now finished the trade prices might not really move as much
The 1 that comes to mind would be when he got 10p on deal or no deal, blowing the doors off haha
11Thats amazing, of course a little annoying but only cost you afew quid right and if it was a loser am sure they wouldn’t have minded 1 bit. Hope they had a great day a lovely little bonus with a story to tell in the years to come 😀
Well today was the day and of course it pissed it down near enough the whole time lol
So close to the 2h mark but not quite, most of the other photo are all blurry or my tongue is hanging oot so i wont bother with those haha
Time for a bath and a nap 😛 😀
I’ve been in enough seedy bars and clubs in my time. This could be where your name seedy comes from ?
it’s not the first time that’s been suggested lol but unfortunately it is not the origin of my nickname
i believe you. Millions wouldn’t but i do.
Hmmmm you are going to have to explain the nickname then. Or you will remain the seedy guy in the corner licking a lemon with a straw in your drink 😀
1Well… are you going to contact them and hand them back your winnings as like you said they shouldn’t have let you play?
Yeah just a bad mindset to get into, Perhaps next time have that pint go for a steak, have afew drinks with friends you will have change with £300 then do with that as you wish 😀
11Yeah pretty shit and the womans world cup just ain’t going to cut it. Golf=snooze feast. Go karts=snooze feast
Will just have to go outside for a change 😛
Im still a virgin
Ive taken a vow of celibacy until i get a fucking bonus on Bonanza!
Best get yourself down for a haircut lad
31That game where u flick your coin nearest to the wall . Used to play it at school . Winner keeps the money . That prob my 1st introduction to gambling
HAHA a simple ol game of heads or tails . When tossing someone for sumfin meant a plain ol flipping of a coin
We used to call it pitchy at our school, I used to roll the coin so it hit the wall and landed 80% of the time near enough touching. People wouldn’t play with me they said i was cheating 😀 If your not cheating are you even trying?
1I was about 15 at the time and she was 17, I was a big shot back then swaggering around in my aquascutum or burberry thinking i was the man. It was a usual weekend people from nearby villages and towns would meet up and drink down the park as teenagers used to do. 3 litres of cider between 2/3 some with some juice to mix and some chick always brought some cups like an american movie. Anyway fast forward, the drink had now been consumed and this chick took a liking to me god only knows why, we end up in a little hut in the middle of nowhere which i can only guess is where someone used to store there motorbike. A’l leave out the little details to save myself from embarrassment but with my aquascutum jacket on the floor to cover her from the oil it was that day i did it for the 1st time. Looking back now i think she took advantage of me i think i may have been abused, did i mind? Hell no i had bragging rights from that day forward.. better yet i seen her again when i was 24 am not even sure she remembered but i did have a very fun evening this time round haha…. oh sorry wrong thread
Ha ha ha ha ha.
. Knew someone would make a post like that on this thread lol.
I kept that oil stained jacket for afew years after…true story haha
1I was about 15 at the time and she was 17, I was a big shot back then swaggering around in my aquascutum or burberry thinking i was the man. It was a usual weekend people from nearby villages and towns would meet up and drink down the park as teenagers used to do. 3 litres of cider between 2/3 some with some juice to mix and some chick always brought some cups like an american movie. Anyway fast forward, the drink had now been consumed and this chick took a liking to me god only knows why, we end up in a little hut in the middle of nowhere which i can only guess is where someone used to store there motorbike. A’l leave out the little details to save myself from embarrassment but with my aquascutum jacket on the floor to cover her from the oil it was that day i did it for the 1st time. Looking back now i think she took advantage of me i think i may have been abused, did i mind? Hell no i had bragging rights from that day forward.. better yet i seen her again when i was 24 am not even sure she remembered but i did have a very fun evening this time round haha…. oh sorry wrong thread 😛
3I no longer get promotions on there but they were good while they lasted. Wasn’t a huge fan of the £2 max spin but for playtime if thats what you are after where pretty good. Never had no trouble with them but i did follow the terms 😀
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