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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $114
  • Topics Started : 28
  • Replies Created : 321

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  • in reply to: You all need to stop #23163
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Scatterpain wrote:

    I know won’t get my point, I was not expecting you to get it. I do agree that some people may do what you have said, but why would you go on and post about it? To assume that everyone is on doing that, is very small minded. Anyway, not wasting any more of my life on this. Conversation is over.

    Of course I appreciate gambling destroys lives, I just know when people are genuine and when they aren’t.

    Also, reading your comments it seems like you love acting the hard man over the internet, I don’t want a discussion with anybody on the matter, because it’s so obvious what people are doing.

    No more needs to be said, correct. People need to read the post and know that we’re on to them. All you need to do is look at threads prior to the video dropping, those are genuine. In the space of an hour after the video drops all of a sudden people are sinking x amount of cash on y stakes on z games, it’s so obviously BS.

    And I’d just like to reiterate that I’ve never ‘acted’ a hardman on the internet, I can only apologise if my intelligence intimidated you ?

    in reply to: You all need to stop #23152
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Where on earth have I acted like a hard man hahaha, all I’ve said is after the video has dropped the forum has turned to dropping not so subtle hints hoping Steve buys them a bonus, it’s so obvious lmao


    dont get the hardman comment, I really don’t. It’s such shit patter and smacks of guilt.

    Scatterpain wrote:

    There may be people trying to chance it, but I am sure Steve is not an idiot. But to tar everyone with the same brush is sad as fuck, and could be damaging to some people. But, you act like a hard man behind a monitor and keyboard, which you would 100% not do face to face. But as long as it makes you happy eh.

    in reply to: You all need to stop #23150
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    I thought it was clearly tongue in cheek but I guess not! ?

    in reply to: You all need to stop #23129
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Look at the current trend of threads, do you not see a recurring theme of beggars?

    Dont take offence to it pal, I hope he falls for your fable!

    The bandits done a genuinely nice thing, and the people who received their bonuses genuinely did not expect it.


    Now the forums turned into a give give me money site, pathetic.

    in reply to: You all need to stop #23117
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    And while I’m here thought I’d mention:

    Never topped Reel King gamble ladder on £16 stake

    Never had a bonanza bonus on £2 spins after over 16 million spins

    Never had a wild line on DOA man I wish I could get one


    in reply to: Bonanza is killing me!! #23112
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Of coooooourse you don’t

    in reply to: Bonanza is killing me!! #23102
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Here we goooooooo


    now everyone has suddenly never had a bonus on high stakes lol

    in reply to: Sunday Slots Bonus Donations! #23093
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    I’m just here to collect my Spinal Tap bonus buy bandit ????

    in reply to: Spinal Tap #22768
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    I think with bonus buys you’re guaranteed to get stung on higher stakes, with Spinal Tap and Buffalo, for me at least, £15 and £10 tend to reap much better rewards or at least longer playability than if I was to feel lucky and try £30 etc,.

    Youre always better off doing a £10/15/20 bonus buy IMO, because I dare bet you wouldn’t see a bonus from £10 on 10p stakes, but you can buy one for that.

    in reply to: Book Of Dead Non Payout #22579
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    What the hell are superspins? ?

    in reply to: Looks a big win but it aint #22578
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Disgusting, normally wildlines are a fiver on 20p, I’d never play that game again hahaha

    in reply to: Lucky Halloween slot #21807
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Usually the case with daily jackpot games, they’re all wank!

    i agree with the point about banning teases, they’re there to tilt but I just can’t be arsed after 2/3 and move on, it’s bollocks.

    in reply to: The doors were blown off right here. #21642
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Yeah it was more of a message to people watching, I did post my comment before I watched the last 5 mins so you pretty much said what my comment said, but you can scroll down this forum and see there are a lot of people that, no matter how much you advise or warn people, they are addicts and gamblers and they will do it.


    I know it’s no fault of your own but I just wouldn’t want someone to go 19k deep and not win anything! It’s hard to put into words but that’s a years wage for some people, and I don’t think many people here will recognise the risk that’s been taken as you sort of don’t see it as a massive risk in your videos, if that makes sense?


    Im rambling hahaha

    in reply to: The doors were blown off right here. #21518
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    I know you aren’t responsible for what people do with their money etc but I do hope people on here acknowledge the fact that these wins are taking an astronomical amount of wagering before they’re dropping, which even still hold no guarantees of any wins.

    There are obviously a lot of addicts and a lot of gullible people on here who will see these videos and assume it’s a get rich quick scheme.

    Fair play to you as you are in a position where you can part with 19k knowing that it’s not going to harm you in any way, it’s your money and you can do with it as you please, I just don’t want idiots to follow suit and potentially ruin there lives as a result of seeing things like this!

    Im not having a go at you Ste I just like to reiterate that this is not a normal occurrence for people that see this and assume it will happen after so much money has been spent, because I have no doubt you know this is what people think like on here lol


    in reply to: A Fresh Start Maybe? #21190
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    To be fair, I think the thing you certainly do NOT do when you’re in a debate on the internet is make another account and have your own back.


    That should tell tell you enough about your argument/POV, don’t even know why I’m bothered really I’m here for the bandit and nothing more. Couldn’t give a toss about What casinos do/don’t do, I think everybody knows deep down there are shady things that go on though 😛

Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 321 total)