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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $114
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  • in reply to: Mental health #57691
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Slotter wrote:

    Michael why the pic. Are u meaning I wanted a fight or something. This is whats wrong wi people who all stick together they only see what they wanna see.


    Well said biohazard its hurting noone to mention it so I dunno why all this shit storm has happened

    I was the first to reply and didn’t agree, so to say we all stick together and see what we want to see is ridiculous. I don’t even know anybody off the forums, and let’s not be daft that’s obviously what you meant.

    in reply to: Mental health #57675
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114


    Slotter wrote:

    Morons do stick together. One starts they all go…. look back at the replys and look how its went. You say ” we” haz. So yous are all mates or is your friendships over a computer? If yous are trying to look good and all stick up for each other why dont yous all meet up and discuss it or even meet with me and ill get my point across ??


    Love that ending hahahaha

    in reply to: Mental health #57571
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Slotter wrote:

    Ah ok geezawin so people are weak and needing something to blame. Listen yous are all right am wrong….carry on

    I think you’ve taken what he’s said out of context but a lot of mental health cases I’ve come across over the years at school and on social media were feeble minded and looking for attention.

    I think the problem is that mental health has become an umbrella term for everything, being anxious before a big event is now a disorder, being jobless for a few months then experiencing nerves on the first day is a disorder.

    I totally understand that people are suffering, but I don’t think having a colloquial term helps. It seems as though 80% of the world is mentally ill.


    in reply to: Removal of magic mirror on video slots #57548
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Malfunction voids pay ???

    in reply to: Mental health #57546
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Slotter wrote:

    I knew I would get that rbreen thats why I wrote it because there seems to be a denial here. I like all the videos ppl put out but I can see why ppl hate on these casino youtubers because you come on a site like this , ask a question and get shot down. Its like if its no positive about your fav ppl on youtube its a case of fuk off

    The problem is that people blame streamers for their own downfall 90% of the time, so for them to take responsibility for mental health awareness just wouldn’t happen.

    The bandit already does more for people than he needs to for addiction help and awareness, and I can acknowledge that you may not be targeting it at the bandit (I don’t know what other streamers or content creators do, I don’t watch anyone else!)

    But of course it’s a controversial topic, you can literally link any mental health disorder (and there are thousands) to anything in the world.

    in reply to: Mental health #57526
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Rbreen91 wrote:

    First post is massively ridiculous…

    Let’s make it their responsibility to remind people to get their flu jabs while we’re at it eh

    in reply to: Mental health #57512
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    I think you’ve chosen your words wrong here mate to be honest.

    Warn them about mental health? Warn them about what?

    It should be their responsibility to warn people about what of mental health?

    in reply to: Viking Megaways Unleased #57249
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    It’s a blueprint so it’s predetermined and IMO will largely be restricted to barely ever paying out reel king money

    in reply to: Joe Rogan & Alex Jones Podcast #56670
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    in reply to: WTH who wants to be a millionaire #55443
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Just look at the stake man… devastated.

    The game is the most rigged pile of toss ever. If I’d have walked away you can bet anything you like it’s have been A.

    Definitely needs revising, it’s not true odds at all, said this since day 1.

    in reply to: The Final Countdown launched today, my verdict is… #55226
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    appleman91 wrote:

    I think people labeling it as DHV 2 has killed it, the expectations are too high.

    I never particularly liked DHV, played it a few year ago and it was nothing special, barely ever bonuses and when it does it was never over 100x (A high benchmark but supposedly realistic with BTG!)

    Its just too uninspiring, nothing happens, there’s a tease, sometimes a big wild drops in and doesn’t connect.

    I’m guessing the bonus is the be all and end all of the game, I suppose I’ll try again one day but not anytime soon it’s just too boring. I enjoyed Holy Diver much more because there was an element of surprise and suspense whenever a chest was opened, I just found myself rolling my eyes more often than not!

    in reply to: The Final Countdown launched today, my verdict is… #55222
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Green2711 wrote:

    Probably down to Bayern’s impressive home form.

    I’m tempted to give this one a go although I might wait for  Steve’s stand-alone video on it first.

    Let’s be honest though the first leg told us all we needed to know. If a team plays as cagey as they did away from home then you know you can get at them in the return leg!

    in reply to: The Final Countdown launched today, my verdict is… #55207
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Stevie25 wrote:

    Yeah unlucky Michael but who the fuck is bayern? ?

    I can’t believe skybet has us as a 2/1 outsider man it’s crazy.

    Altior and Liverpool to win was a 9/2 price boost yesterday, literally printing money hahaha

    in reply to: little guess the slots fun #54473
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    The face is DHV?

    The hand is Hellboy

    no idea what the arrow and feathers are hahaha

    in reply to: enough #54456
    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    Stevie25 wrote:

    MichaelLFC96 wrote:

    Dublinmark wrote:

    I lost enjoyment when I saw the money being staked. It went from losing a few pints down the pub and the chippie on the way home to risking a nice 5 series BMW.. Just does not relate to a huge amount of Bandit Viewers.

    I don’t get this relatability argument. Is depositing £1k every few days relatable to you?

    It ain’t to me bro & I have a pretty good job. ???

    Well that’s what I’m saying, people bang on about relatability no one complains when he deposits a grand and plays, I know fine well most don’t find it relatable but no one complains about it.

    The whole argument is toss IMO ???‍♂️

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 321 total)