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- Town Status : Blocked
- Wanted Reward: $395
- Topics Started : 125
- Replies Created : 778
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Does that mean we can shove plastic flowers and cheap chocolate where the £1 coins and notes go ?
I have never really been taking notice of the game makers, just the slots as individuals but since the announcement of DHV2 the final cunts down… I did notice their latest news is how excited they are about wanking ladsbroke having a megaways tab on their menu system.
I do see, like the post above mine (no offence to the member) that it’s another way of labeling and misrepresenting slots individually. We do know many (all?) BTG can pay handsomely and there’s an argument for volatility yet I agree, maybe that volatility is gruesome when you have to put 14trillion spins thru to get a 3.5x bonus if you are lucky followed by a next press express bonus of (thank fuck for that) 18x resulting in Hello my name is His Royal Highness Seriously Guttedness, let me kill the wife or slam the cat up the wall.
I say this in tongue and cheek but you can figure out which parts I mean and which I jester. The industry is playing a very fucking dangerous game. 5 minutes before I wrote this post, I gave up on Garga the three eyed twat and went back to jousting wilds and hit a 60p stake 484.5x which has pretty much ended a truly lengthy 30 minute session.
isn’t he the guy who had domestic violence charges filed against him by his cat ?
Lady Green Eyes, if you read all of my post, I actually am 😀
I found another one without a redline under it, woohooyou lot are fucking beautiful. I mean, ugly as fuck but your hearts are golden. I have no idea what you look like but if I judge you all based on my and bandits looks, god help you all.
I’m now a bit concerned about my latest two posts. When you see them, you will know.
Don’t be embarrassed mate, even I am humbled to see these guys offering help. It’s a real blessing you should make use of. It’s from the heart, rest assured.
1Do btg’s do this on a feature gamble? Bandit mentioned in his video you are essentially gambling one bonus for another not upgrading your current one. Would be awesome on say chilli to see the feature you have or what you are gambling for etc??
That would be considered abuse I think even though I doubt it is possible, because I think the server wouldn’t relinquish that information, the same as it won’t tell you if you are going to win or lose the gamble.
for those that missed them because they ran out, note the time :
Hi, you’ve got 15 free spins to collect
From:Videoslots News —– 2/12/2019 at 5:36 AM
Needy, please accept and go find the place. These guys are amazing for wanting to help. I spent a long time homeless and it really isn’t good. Tomorrow is a new day and things can change again.
In reality we don’t know if he is fake. He could also be a very good actor. I found him annoying to watch. But I am not saying he is fake. There are other streamers who I think are fake simply because they are very bad actors.
Can this be trusted ? I assume you are going to say yes. How can people prove they are safe ?
Chrome extensions can carry exploits, malware, virus etc.
A friend of mine, is drink and drug free and lives in a shared house where the tenant in the next room openly smokes weed which my friend has no issues with but told me they are openly smoking crack with the door open. I don’t know what to tell him but it’s certainly not a situation I would want to live around.
@Eightblack is right but I would really seek legal advice first so you have a solid legal backbone which means the police and landlord have to act accordingly. I say this since the police have acted already, making you homeless.
Does this apply to live-in landlords?
You really should seek expert legal advice but if I were to guess, since you have a room with a lock then you have a guaranteed right to privacy which means, no matter where the landlord lives, as long as it isn’t IN your room, they have to provide 24 hours notice, by law.
The police were wrong to make you homeless since you have a tenancy agreement. But the live in landlord issue must make this something like a domestic violence situation so I guess someone has to leave.
Seriously, as much as we all mean well for you, if we are not qualified, which I am not, you should talk to a solicitor. You should be able to do so, free of charge, initially. Of course, Shelter or other qualified organisations may be able to help.
Hope it all sorts out for you. Bad tenants suck for landlords and bad landlords suck for tenants. The worst landlord is the government (council).
It is exactly illegal for her to enter the property without permission, yes.
Justifiable reasons for your landlord to access your property are:
In case of an emergency such as a flood, a fire, the smell of gas, serious structural damage or raised suspicions of criminal activity
For maintenance and repairs to the property
For scheduled or requested inspections of the property
When moving in or moving out inventory
For the annual gas safety check carried out by a certified gas safe engineer
For any other health and safety checks
Unjustifiable Behaviour from your Landlord
It would not be acceptable if your landlord:Carries out an inspection when you are not home and when you have not given your permission for the landlord to enter your property. This is an infringement of the ‘quiet enjoyment’ covenant and your landlord should be aware of this
Frequently overstays their welcome by staying in your home when it is no longer required for any of the earlier stated justifiable reasons
Visits early in the morning or late at night when this is not agreed with you. These unsociable hours could cause irritation and damage the relationship with your landlord
Visits regularly without good cause or without reason
Landlord Harassment
These are all means of harassment and your landlord can be charged under the Housing Act of 1988 for landlord harassment.As a result of this type of behaviour your landlord could receive a fine and can even be ordered to stay away from your home.
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