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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $27
  • Topics Started : 15
  • Replies Created : 87

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  • in reply to: Gambling – unlikely occurrences #83371
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    Have to agree here,I have never been asked for source of wealth.i don’t play in the same league as bandit but my total losses have just broken through the 40k barrier which is a shit lot of money to spunk away,but I accept its the nature of the beast playing online slots.i have never been asked to verify my account with any online casino or bookmaker before I have deposited either.the way I see it is these so called regulations are there so casinos don’t get a fine by ukgc apart from that they are dirty fuckers that use obvious tactics to delay paying out.the only positive thing the ukgc done was lowering fobt roulette stakes.loved watching the high street bookies squealing like little bitches when their cash cow ended.the fact that they then bleated about all the shops having to close down and jobs lost was a absolute joke.what I want to know is where does this source of wealth information end up,are casinos legally obligated to hand it over to the uk goverment?im sure someone here can answer this one.

    in reply to: Video slots #83294
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    degenerate gambler Aka mr b,if I told you I had a black cat would you tell me you had a blacker one?

    in reply to: Gambling – unlikely occurrences #83217
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    17 pence balance got it to over a grand.16 bonuses in one bonanza session.twenty quid deposit to four grand.worst ones were spaffing eight grand in a week(still painful now) and watching thirty seconds of roshtein(still painful now)

    in reply to: Good deed efforts #78993
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    A few years ago I was approached by a young lad with his outstretched hand asking in a stuttering almost whispering tone if I could spare some money so he could by some chicken.i declined but followed him down the road,next victim came out of a shop and proceeded to empty his pocket of change into the lads hand.would it be Kentucky or the Golden Arches or maybe he actually was going to buy the whole bird,so i kept my distance and carried on tailing him.the cheeky bastard went into a William hill and I watched him dump it into a fobt.

    in reply to: Roshtein fake money, need your opinion? #78842
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    I suppose we all have are own idea what entertainment is.personally looking at a bearded bell end dressed like a Eurovision Song Contest entrant  aping around the room when he hits another monster fake bonus, sucking donations from the gullible is vomit inducing.id rather clamp my balls in a rusty vice and let someone stub out cigarettes on them.more worrying is a trend that the casinos will start signing up the well known  gamers as streamers ,they have a huge following amongst the teenage age group and they are ripe for the next generation of online gamblers.surely a casino wouldn’t stoop this low would they?




    in reply to: Did Dazza Gee from Youtube got burned as well ? #78841
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    Well well dazza,you are worse than I originally thought.if anyone is in doubt Google “fast paying casinos .com” that’s his own website.mr affiliate is dazza .also had the gall to put up a video on tube slating affiliates who put up casinos who aren’t on GameStop preying on the weak willed etc.actually called them c**nts and went into a diatribe about how it’s morally wrong and all things holy.always wondered how he got so many bonuses lol.

    in reply to: Chipmonk Slots #74528
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    Seems to be a natural progression with streamers,as their fan base grows the Rev share income increases enabling them to increase their bet size.affiliate earnings are taxable unlike winnings from gambling,it’s all great that streamers donate to charity. But let’s face it they do so for tax incentives not from the goodness of their heart.good old chippys tone of voice changes when challenged about his earnings when he does a stream,also seems to be in bed with nickslots lately which should set the alarm bells ringing.

    in reply to: Rolla Vs Davo #72070
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    So Davo gets caught today playing in demo mode takes the video down,must have been another one of those glitches going around.surely he can’t be working for the casino,after all he (they) have donated two grand.lol

    in reply to: Ante post gambles #71642
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    Forgot to mention each bet will be £10 and any successful bet I will split with the member who puts it up if it comes in.decent odds only please.

    in reply to: BIAM, Is This Possible to do? #69641
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    Seems like dazza has scarpered rather quickly after the recent revelations,all gambling content removed,comments disabled etc.talked about orchestrated campaigns on the forums and likened it to witches being burned at the stake lol.hes been caught with s pants down and done a runner basically,he has to much to lose with his website and affiliate earnings.

    in reply to: Rocknrolla calling out streamers #69533
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    If you are going to play 50 euro spins you need half a million bankroll at the minimum,personally I reckon a million would still be tight.theres been a lot of discussion here whether he fake or not,my opinion is he gets paid a basic salary and gets a Brucey bonus on top.odds of him being fake 2/5 not fake 7/4 anyone fancy a wager?

    in reply to: YouTube strikes again #69373
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    Pretty sure dazzas own website is called fastpayingcasinos.com.basically he is a affiliate whore the amount of sites he promotes.he had all his videos removed a good few months back as well,there is a video of him doing a interview about it in a darkened room so not to reveal his identity(twat).hes obviously entrenched deep into the online slotting world to be able to test all the new games before they are officially released.he seems to have his tongue firmly jammed up btg ceo ass as well.

    in reply to: Rocknrolla calling out streamers #69229
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    Multilotto have a ukgc liscence

    in reply to: Rocknrolla calling out streamers #69228
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    <span style=”-webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);”> This</span>

    in reply to: Rocknrolla calling out streamers #69154
    Oldmoon WANTED $27

    argyl53 wrote:

    There’s been proof of casinos cheating in every single live casino game

    As they say on Wikipedia, citation needed.

    Live casinos do use tactics to keep you playing and definitely keep their best croupiers on a double shift if  they can spin out a big hitter but blatant cheating is pretty much non existent nowadays.one thing for sure though every live casino game ever invented there has been punters trying to cheat the casinos lol.regarding this Aussie turd who blatantly is on the payroll Its nothing new is it,personally I’d like to see the closer to home streamers come clean and fess up to their deceptions.recieving a salary from the casinos and accepting donations from mug punters is a disgrace.if anyone genuinely donates to this rabble then they need their head testing.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 87 total)



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