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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $149
- Topics Started : 16
- Replies Created : 406
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Happy new year guys!
May the bew year bring wealth, health and happiness to you all!
I see it as purely entertainment, I’m not one for going out boozing or gallivanting so i pay for my entertainment via slots.
On the other hand I do believe I have an addictive personality when it comes to most things I take interest in, the key is excess, everything to excess is baaad!
174015 is mine but I dont actively collect achievements anymore.
When I have the time I do like to hunt them to be honest but it takes fucking ages for some of them
Oh yea tell me about it, thats mainly why I dont try for them anymore, when I do have time to play Id rather be playing MP with the lads.
What games do you play?
I am T2 HotMode on there i think lol although i never really actually get on it! Seedy is your man, he lives on it lol
Yea did tag him in other thread, ignorant bastard never replied haha
How is everyone getting these bloody bonuses on Jammin Jars! Still not had one! Needless to say tho, top lad bandit and may there be many more big wins in the new year!
I drink rum and play my Xbox
after the kids go bed.
Whats your GT laddy and what games you play?
Well hopefully gonna try and watch that BirdBox film everyone is on about but you know the score, cant have a peaceful night with kids involved haha
Watch a film iv never seen ,take her out somewhere,enjoy your life with out gambling for a weekend
Easier said than done when youve got two kiddies lad!
Jeez, won 560 last week and she’s locked the purse! Need to trade her in
Haha yea she’s a stickler with the purse strings but obv for the best!
Usually between 50-100£, last weeks withdrawal was 560£ but my biggest score was a £2 spin on queen of riches for 1350x
@quazzi – maybe so, but any video which is purely out of context is there purely to influence sign ups. Posting a succession of 3 minute big win videos creates a perception to a newbie that this is the norm. The slots have to be viewed in the context of bandits one hour sessions, which show the level of expenditure required to actually sit it out for a big win
Oh yea definitely, im not disagreeing with you, just saying. Anyone who doesnt realise that long term slots are going to be a loss should seek help.
You can’t take the blame for other people’s actions, it is a personal choice they are making.
As long as people see both sides of the issue they can make up their own minds. If like some streamers (not bandit) you continually post short clips of big wins to encourage sign ups (nickslots) in the interests of affiliate income you are just promoting gambling and are pure scum in my personal opinion.
Not taking sides, my opinions on streamers are kept to myself but Nickslots does also post a little series of fail videos.