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- Town Status : Outlaw
- Wanted Reward: $149
- Topics Started : 16
- Replies Created : 406
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Also by the look of your account age, you signed up specifically for this giveaway. What’s that say about you?
That I like free giveaways? He promoted it as one and people entered. It’s not that hard to understand.
This is quote of the day. Its piss funny. I honestly love it.
People never fail to amaze.
This guy is oblivious to life EJ. Laughable really.
Exactly my thoughts. Some of you are so deep in bandits ass that you can’t see the light. Yeah, he’s entertaining to watch, but he’s playing with your money lol. All those free giveaways are promotional tools and if you’re too stupid to realize that then that’s your problem.
Didn’t you join oh wise one ???????? He must have some blinding tactics if he convinced captain waw here of joining …… listen it’s a long fucking year to listen to you prat on about shit that ain’t real or tin hat conspiracy ….. so just fuck off and we can call it square and move on, you dont like bandit we prob won’t like you …..all right precious ….
Yes, I joined and don’t regret it. I’m having a good time here arguing with fools.
I don’t mind bandit. I’m a fan as far as his gambling videos are concerned. He’s also a great businessman to create such delusional followers that will sponsor all his gambling activities.
I’ve only ever entered two affiliate prize draws in the few years I’ve been watching the bandit. Obviously my very few deposits to his sites fund his 1000’s of deposits.
It’s you that’s delusional.
Also by the look of your account age, you signed up specifically for this giveaway. What’s that say about you?
That I like free giveaways? He promoted it as one and people entered. It’s not that hard to understand.
This is quote of the day. Its piss funny. I honestly love it.
People never fail to amaze.
This guy is oblivious to life EJ. Laughable really.
1I might get on tonight if Iam not knackered lol it wont be on horses though I need to shoot people or something
so maybe some COD.
I’ll be on at 10 if you need a just as shitty as you cod partner
Also by the look of your account age, you signed up specifically for this giveaway. What’s that say about you?
Signing up to this website categorically does not add you to a spamlist.
@seedy can confirm this.
You’d all be screaming just as much if there was no giveaway! Complaining it’s Christmas and that Steve shouldn’t be such a Scrooge.
It just so happened there was a giveaway which required no financial commitment to enter and it was completely Steve perogative to run it how he saw fit.. including cancelling it due to cheaters.
As for the people saying he only did it to amass more followers.. do you honestly think he cares about his social stats? Any genuine follower will know he doesn’t give two shits about the numbers. He does it for fun.. the numbers are a by product.
I had my usual Christmas Eve gambling last night, deposited £50 and had a bash on Rise of Olympus at 60p first spin lands the bonus and pays £613. It’s hard not to believe RTP changes over the Xmas period to reel in new punters. Tin foil hat syndrome I know.
But then again we all know how hard Bonanza is to bonus and a few weeks ago I hit the bonus +5 on the first spin for £942 on 80p and I shit you not when the bonus complete I knocked it upto £1.20 and the next spin landed the bonus +5 which paid £266.
It’s fucking crazy.
Hard to get away from this sort of thing. People will always be greedy bastard’s.
Do what has been suggested and give the lot to charity and fuck the idiots off.
Were here for you and your content, not your money.
Get a beer down your neck and have a fucking fantastic Christmas. Fuck us off for a week or two ?
Thanks to all that dropped in last night was good fun
Just saying…
Another year another rigged event.