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  • Town Status : Outlaw
  • Wanted Reward: $149
  • Topics Started : 16
  • Replies Created : 406

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  • in reply to: Looking for married men! #81807
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    PsychicSnail wrote:

    The speech is a big issue if you hate public speaking. Even though you know everyone wishes the best for you, you can still dry up and look a total tool. I fully understand.

    Don’t do what I did the first time and go in unprepared, thinking I would wing it on the day. That’s a disaster. There is nothing wrong with preparing a speech beforehand and reading it off a bit of paper. So long as you can read you’ll be fine ?

    As for the speech itself there’s a load of stuff you can put down. First and foremost say that you feel the luckiest man on earth and you intend to devote the rest of you life to making you new wife as happy as you can. Thank everyone. Say how chuffed you are at having the great parents you have, great brothers / sisters and great friends, and how you are looking forward to being closer to your new in-laws. People love all that sort of stuff at a wedding and it’s even better if you can mean it.

    You don’t need to be funny in your speech, that’s usually the best man’s job. It also doesn’t have to be very long. Mine (second time around) was a heartfelt page of A4, which went down very well. That’s enough. Keep it short and meaningful.

    This is massively helpful! Thanks alot dude!


    in reply to: Looking for married men! #81784
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    8 days to go Folks!

    I’ve overcome the fact that I’m going to my own funeral but I’m just gunna go through the process anyways.

    Still haven’t written my speech! Haven’t the first clue of what to say haha!

    Hope you guys/gals haven’t forgot about me..

    Peace & Carrots!

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Still yet to hit a single bonus on DOA2 after about 700+ spins. I know its not alot of spins but to not see a single bonus 🙁

    Congrats Bio!

    in reply to: Raging rhino megaways now live #71911
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Yesterday Nickslots had two 100x base game hit and a 200x base hit. He was frequently getting bonuses but I think the most he had was 25x and couldn’t get it past 8x in the bonus.

    Don’t think I’d have the patience for this game and it plays so slow!

    in reply to: Tonights just for fun game stream! #71864
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Might pop my head in if Seedy gives me a shout-out 🙂

    in reply to: It’s good to be back.. #65236
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Happy birthday for tomorrow and welcome back 🙂

    in reply to: New Laws Regarding Verification #65186
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    FreeStyle wrote:

    <p>Another big thing that this doesn’t really spell out is..</p><p>If your compulsive, like I used to be. You may have deposit limits, and when these are all used, you might want to sign up to other casinos to get your fix.</p><p>This in theory should give you a ‘cool off’ as verification won’t be instant?</p>

    You could still be verified at multiple casinos and be impulsive at them when youve reached your deposit limit on one.

    in reply to: 300 Shields Extreme #65182
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    FreeStyle wrote:

    <p>Quazzi wrote:</p>

    <p>FreeStyle wrote:</p>

    <p>Had a few spins on this. Just reminded me of DoA’s remake. Like DoA it was a  decentslot and it looks like they gave it to someone who doesn’t play slots to ‘improve’ it. All graphics, no thrill.</p><p> </p>

    <p>I heard Nickslots slots say on his stream one day last week that CasinoGrounds had a massive influence in the construction of DOA2 ??</p>

    <p>That makes it worse? ?</p>

    Not at all. Just letting you know that Nick and crew had a part in the making of it and maybe thats why your opinion of it was what it was.

    Probably completed unrelated that its rubbish. Just sharing with you what I heard.

    in reply to: New Laws Regarding Verification #65180
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Xbobmad wrote:

    <p>https://www.gamblingcommission.gov.uk/PDF/AV-CI-Consultation-responses-Feb-2019.pdf</p><p> </p><p>Full doc is here if you need it, MrUKHackz over on TGC posted it a couple of months ago</p>

    Must of slipped through my net. Id heard what I thought were rumours of it but with it taking effect today then happy days.

    in reply to: New Laws Regarding Verification #65179
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Pretty good stuff by the sounds of it.

    If the casinos follow these changes to the letter and “promtly” allow us to withdraw our winnings then I can see only good.

    It should have been an industry standard to verify age of player at account creation looong ago.

    Top stuff. Thanks for posting.

    in reply to: New Laws Regarding Verification #65174
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Thanks Argyl.

    in reply to: 300 Shields Extreme #65172
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    FreeStyle wrote:

    <p>Had a few spins on this. Just reminded me of DoA’s remake. Like DoA it was a  decentslot and it looks like they gave it to someone who doesn’t play slots to ‘improve’ it. All graphics, no thrill.</p><p> </p>

    I heard Nickslots slots say on his stream one day last week that CasinoGrounds had a massive influence in the construction of DOA2 ??

    in reply to: New Laws Regarding Verification #65170
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Its a step in the right direction, If what you say is true.

    Is there any documentation floating around that you could link me to please?

    Thanks in advance.

    in reply to: Place your bets folks #65073
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Ill give 100/1 that the bandit disappears into oblivion along with the forum, never to be seen again and we all have to take our bitching over to Nickslots live streams.

    in reply to: Dune2000 blocked? #64891
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Eightblack wrote:

    <p>Just Basics wrote:</p>

    <p>Fuckin hell…just realises Mr B is perma banned too. Jesus.</p>

    <p>That certainly ain’t a bad thing in my opinion lol</p>

    Mr B was someone who definately deserved a ban. As for Dune, nothing but great reads from him but it is The Bandits website and he gets to do what he wants.

    If people dont like it then nobody forces yoy to consume it.

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 408 total)