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- Town Status : Sheriff
- Wanted Reward: $1247
- Topics Started : 85
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On typing a post on here there is a little box with what looks to be a mountain and a sun click that then select where pics are stored on your phone as normal to post to the forum. ??
1Hi seedy i have just down loaded 2 screen shots in the bog win section
They are not big wins but could you insert them on to the post (intersting to see that ) as i could not do in there myself
Coz im thick as 2 short planks
Lol they confused the shit outta me when I was going through them yesterday. I didnt see this post lol one got through the ladder picture the other didnt as there was no stake or win so it couldn’t be posted lol. Best in future to post stuff like that in a post on the forum for discussion mate lol made my brain leak out me nose trying figure out the win ??????
1So as to not to keep you all in suspense for to long I had……
Beef and honey roast gammon , roasted potatoes and peas a good helping of gravy and mint sauce no desert but I did have a dark fruits ????
Love that there is a thread about my lunch you people are bonkers. ?
15th February 2020 at 6:43 pm in reply to: Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?! #91148You can come to my door. You can break every bone in my body. You can kill me. But I still wouldn’t give you the £200 to prove the point.. there is fuck all anyone could do.. hence I said, fuck debts off. Only pay if a ccj turns up and in 6 years ull be debt free.. build bridges with friends and family with those who will communicate.. ruthless, cunt, dick. Whatever you would say.. that’s law!!
Ok both you and breen stop the playground I knock you out shit fuck me!
What the fuck are you on about? Please feel free to quote the post I said anything to that effect…
“Nothing anybody can do? I think you’ll find you can do plenty to some shitbag who owes you money.”
He is responding to that breen.
I am nearly saying I dont want it to get childish.
so everyone calm down.
I wasn’t even implying any illegality in my comment. There are loads of options to get back money owed.
i’m not saying that I’d pay a junkie £100 to stab him or anything
He obviously just took it that way hence me saying cut it out mate lol??
15th February 2020 at 6:37 pm in reply to: Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?! #91146You can come to my door. You can break every bone in my body. You can kill me. But I still wouldn’t give you the £200 to prove the point.. there is fuck all anyone could do.. hence I said, fuck debts off. Only pay if a ccj turns up and in 6 years ull be debt free.. build bridges with friends and family with those who will communicate.. ruthless, cunt, dick. Whatever you would say.. that’s law!!
Ok both you and breen stop the playground I knock you out shit fuck me!
What the fuck are you on about? Please feel free to quote the post I said anything to that effect…
“Nothing anybody can do? I think you’ll find you can do plenty to some shitbag who owes you money.”
He is responding to that breen.
I am nearly saying I dont want it to get childish. ??? so everyone calm down.?
15th February 2020 at 6:33 pm in reply to: Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?! #91144You can come to my door. You can break every bone in my body. You can kill me. But I still wouldn’t give you the £200 to prove the point.. there is fuck all anyone could do.. hence I said, fuck debts off. Only pay if a ccj turns up and in 6 years ull be debt free.. build bridges with friends and family with those who will communicate.. ruthless, cunt, dick. Whatever you would say.. that’s law!!
Ok both you and breen stop the playground I knock you out shit fuck me!
15th February 2020 at 6:25 pm in reply to: Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?! #91141And this is a forum for people to discuss things. To share opinions and generally chat. The fact a few of you got your panties in a twist shows how serious you take it.. people will always have a different opinion than you. That’s life. Stop bitching like 12 year olds because you don’t like what someone says. You all did the same when bandit pulled the competition.. your like a bunch if kids.. good luck OP. Go get help from citizens advice. Not some randoms on a gambling forum
No one who has commented back to you got there panties as you say in a twist over the competition in fact all of those who commented to you applauded the money going to charity instead. I would also suggest to stop trying in you’re statement there to rule people up they are not passionately debating about a gambling issue with you in fact it’s a debate now about your use of law to your own ends which is frowned upon.
15th February 2020 at 5:55 pm in reply to: Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?! #91131What if one of his family or friends couldn’t afford their own mortgage lainey87 because they hadn’t been paid to pay the loan off. Still ok not to pay them ?
Fuck them.. that’s how law works. Ruthless all the way
Wow you are stopping to new levels of low that would be his family your just say fuck them.
Listen no one on here agrees with you so I suggest you walk away. You are of course allowed your own thoughts and how you want to handle your own situation. But no one is thinking along the same lines as you.
15th February 2020 at 5:27 pm in reply to: Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?! #91110You are some kind of retarded baboon to suggest that the op should tell their friends and family to suck it up and accept 6 plus years of shredded credit potentially ruining house purchases and remortgages just because it’s the woke thing to do.
Yeah shove it to the man, don’t pay it brother.. When your fixed term mortgage rate ends just pay and extra 4 points for 5 years. It’s free money brah
It’s either that or he kills himself. Which he already will be contemplating!!! He needs to go to citizens advice not sit on a forum full of gambling addicts.
I find it a bit strange that you assume this is a place JUST full of gambling addicts
Let’s be honest he should go get some official advice as this will help him go in the right direction. However why shouldn’t he ask his question on here is you have a drinking problem you go to AA you know to talk about it with people who are the same as yourself not only that in most cases the people running them AA classes are people who came out the other side themselves.
So in short stop being a judgemental shit towards other people.
Your a gambling forum because you gamble. You watch the videos because you enjoy watching gambling.. your a gambling addict. If you wasn’t you would be able to spend the next 5 years away from it. But you can’t. Because your addicted.. you don’t come to a gambling forum because you like cocaine
.. next
So wtf are you here APPARENTLY you dont gamble… move on troll
15th February 2020 at 5:22 pm in reply to: Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?! #91107You are some kind of retarded baboon to suggest that the op should tell their friends and family to suck it up and accept 6 plus years of shredded credit potentially ruining house purchases and remortgages just because it’s the woke thing to do.
Yeah shove it to the man, don’t pay it brother.. When your fixed term mortgage rate ends just pay and extra 4 points for 5 years. It’s free money brah
It’s either that or he kills himself. Which he already will be contemplating!!! He needs to go to citizens advice not sit on a forum full of gambling addicts.
I find it a bit strange that you assume this is a place JUST full of gambling addicts ?♂️
Let’s be honest he should go get some official advice as this will help him go in the right direction. However why shouldn’t he ask his question on here is you have a drinking problem you go to AA you know to talk about it with people who are the same as yourself not only that in most cases the people running them AA classes are people who came out the other side themselves.
So in short stop being a judgemental shit towards other people.
15th February 2020 at 4:20 pm in reply to: Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?! #91088Calm down folks…
Autocorrect issues. Haz has resolved it for me
Ok so we all calm now.
15th February 2020 at 4:09 pm in reply to: Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?! #9108215th February 2020 at 10:29 am in reply to: Where can an ex-gambler borrow money when its urgent?! #91023I ask that people keep there pitchforks at home please.
As for why Op your post dont come through straight away to begin with is you had never posted before and all new posters go to moderation for a while and simply I’m not here 24 hours a day.
Today’s beer day Haz
For me or you mate ? I know it is for me
I’m on a beer free day mate I’m being a good boy ????