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- Town Status : Sheriff
- Wanted Reward: $1247
- Topics Started : 85
- Replies Created : 1946
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Just a win in general Pahahaha 🙂
Yeah nothing to do with the game choices cough cough paint cough cough
Haha they not all been that bad but paint was pretty horrendous 😅
For me the slot games seem to have got a bit stale for the past year like there has been much less innovation I think no limit has done well but no other developers seems to releasing stuff atm that is not a simple remake of a old game or a new engine altogether.
Calm down all of you… play nice please. 👍
Fine, I’ve deleted my end, but what I responded too was morally not on… anyway hope your boiled eggs are hard 😂😂😂
Ouchy destroying my dreams and hopes of a runny yolk 🤣😂🤣😂
And thank you for your understanding and removing your post.
Calm down all of you… play nice please. 👍
You locked one of my threads and gave no reason why, whilst the only bad interaction on it, was from xbob, as pointed out.
The only person trying to ruin things is xbob. So I can only ascertain the “all of you” part is only directed to xbob.
I love being a calm person.
I can lock any thread I want if it goes out of control or off topic. And no “all of you” is aimed at all who participate in playground stupidity.
Let’s try have a decent conversation folk’s and have a good weekend.
Seyah, take a look at my big win on Donuts and Millionaire when Seedy approves them on Monday, donuts was on 5p stake from a free £3 from Mr Green
It’s not DOA kind of win, but fuck me its donuts it must be broken
Fuck me here we go…. I’ll be in twating click bashing donuts now till next year…( that sounded like some new sex lingo )
Bashing donuts
That’s a sweet multiplier, the minus has never hit for me, but I did get a £1000ish roll in the base game on a £1, it was just boxes of purples …. It just landed I was like “ oh …oh…. Oh ok….. cool… wait what “
Did you see this? Gems hit during a max megaways for £640
That’s a nice win! I hope it was quickly inserted into the bank Mr Bob 🙂
Are you guys sure he’s alive and kicking? These days or times with covid it could hit one and another. You never know.
He is alive and well otherwise i have the ability to speak to the far beyond! 😀
In regards to taking away quick spins that’s just a silly move you will still lose at the same pace as before regardless. Removing bonus buy at least I can understand this. In regards to not restricting table games this is a good point it seems like they have only targeted slots for some reason.
Haven’t been on here in a little while, how’s everyone doing?
Sorry if this has been asked recently, where is bandit? Haven’t seen him active on twitter (unless I missed it) and obviously haven’t seen a video in a while. Is he doing ok?
He’s fine been having a break because he has other things making him busy atm then its been Xmas etc nice to see you again Dynamik.
Haha 😄 hope you all had a great Xmas day and going forwards a happy new year to you all.
Shit dude, I’ve got two kids and a Mrs ….I spent most of it in the garage … was amazing ….
🤣😂🤣😂 sounds like you had a blast! I unfortunately have no where that I can escape to the kids always find me. 🤪
Haha 😄 hope you all had a great Xmas day and going forwards a happy new year to you all.
I think it was in the pipeline anyway bonus buys are a great way to get a bonus without all the spinning but it’s easy to see how some people wouldn’t be able to control themselves with such a feature available.
Maybe we might be lucky enough to hear from the Bandit himself, this is supposed to be his website after all. Perhaps he has tried to make another video and done his bollocks with 2 mins of footage? Or maybe he is not enjoying the slots atm and just can’t be arsed to play? Or perhaps he is just genuinely really busy or has stuff going on in his personal life? It is even possible that he is broke and can’t afford to gamble and is currently signed up with Gamstop and Gamblers Anonymous? Who knows because he doesn’t bother to tell anyone. Some clarity would certainly put a stop to most of this thread.
He has stated that he his busy mate on his twitter and still is i haven’t even seen him for a month now. He has said he will be back as soon as possible.