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- Town Status : Sheriff
- Wanted Reward: $1247
- Topics Started : 85
- Replies Created : 1946
Forum Replies Created
Can you name one of the horses “Nags like the missus”
I’ll be in work until 10 but if your still streaming I’ll watch afterwards. ?
i will prob be on till 1 am ish mate 😀
Dont go JB… Please dont go!!! DONT GO AWAY!!!!! ok i dunno why but it was funny in my head lol stay chill out be happy xD
1Had to be done to save themselves from …. themselves lol anyways stop hijacking my thread fuckers :p pahahahah
11I won’t be able to catch a stream tonight @seedy but can I put forward the name Donut McDonutface for the vote ?
All Good mate 😀 trust you mate to name it after a donut 🙂
I’m waiting for you to stream Supermarket Shriek ??
i tried that last night mate lol omg thats a nuts game i will give it a go aswell tonight if people want me to 🙂
11Just had the nod from bandit lol so here is my mixer channel folks
Just found with gamepass ultimate i can download Football Manager 2019 for free lol OMG my life may now just be me sat managing horses and footballers lol xD
Few images of the game in question
Maybe get a few beers in tonight for while streaming xD
added you on mixer seedy
Great mate did notice someone had followed thank you xD
I am hoping to be starting around 7:30 to 8 pm depending if the little man wants to go to bed on time lol
will make sure the stream is running properly etc then get into it 🙂
So i’m thinking tonight you guys can help name my horses etc i’m hoping we can change there names lol and help make decisions on breeding and training to make it as fun for you guys as possible to watch hahha xD
Just had the nod from bandit lol so here is my mixer channel folks
Just found with gamepass ultimate i can download Football Manager 2019 for free lol OMG my life may now just be me sat managing horses and footballers lol xD
Few images of the game in question
Maybe get a few beers in tonight for while streaming xD
Just read a review for the game the person in question gave it 5 stars lol but this was what he typed. I’m more sure now I might be losing my marbles playing this lol.
I signed up to a one year ban! Part of me is a little gutted, but i also feel amazing at the same time. Already noticed having more spare time, soon I’ll have more savings per month and bandits back soon anyways. Thanks to everyone for your opinions and advice
It is just the first step to a more relaxed less stressed you mate. Stick with it dont crack and you will have more funds to spend on nice things holidays days out etc. Why not keep us updated on how you are getting on with it there are a few on here that do use gamban and gamstop with great success ??
1As a bonus you get the pleasure of seeing my ugly mug on screen lol
I will most likely stream on mixer I will ask ste first if I can post my channel link on here ??
Yeah this looks fun if your interested in watching just let me know might crack on it tonight lol
@xbobmad the games I pick are truly amazing I have no idea what you are on about ???
Wow this is still going strong I see lol takes me a hour just to catch up and all I’ve done is go sleep. ???
On the plus side no people calling names I dont think this morning lol
First my mod bit keep it grown up please no need to call each other names christ I dont understand why I have to keep saying this..
Does this Davo guy play in a real casino like a brick and mortar land casino and video it or does he play online at live tables?
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