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  • Town Status : Sheriff
  • Wanted Reward: $1247
  • Topics Started : 85
  • Replies Created : 1946

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  • in reply to: Owt Gud on Netflix? #68972
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    I’m looking forward to dark crystal this August

    And I really enjoyed


    Doom patrol

    Dunno if they are on Netflix though

    in reply to: Nintendo E3 Direct – Watching @seedy? #68921
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Xbobmad wrote:

    So Mr Seeds, will it convince you to buy a Switch this year? Mobile Rocket League while on the train convinced me to get one last year ?

    I’m very tempted by the purple Xbox One S, it’s very pretty and the fortnite dark vortex code is selling for about £50. I’m sure Mrs Xbob will find something else to scupper that thought ?

    Might get one mate but I will prob be playing tonight rather than watching. watched Bethesda, Microsoft, ubisoft and square enix past 2 nights so should really get on and game tonight ??

    And noticed you subbed to my game channel lol thanks ??

    in reply to: The abuse we dont see. #68898
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    awesomex wrote:

    Chdl1990 wrote:

    Couldn’t agree more, don’t understand why people can’t appreciate a good thing. Luckily the bandit is pretty thick skinned and keeps putting out the videos, most people would sack it in after all the abuse and threats.

    The one thing I don’t like is how his YouTube comments are disabled. I would also recommend him to start using other sites. I heard PewDiePie is broadcasting his live streams on another platform these days. I’ve not checked it yet, but there are relatively new sites out there that are starting to draw in huge crowds due to all the banning and censorship on YouTube/Facebook/Twitter etc, and these sites will be growing a lot cus they will let you publish just about anything, without any silicone valley PC bullshit restrictions.

    Comments being disabled is purely because it was decided it was easier to have one central place to chat which is here.

    in reply to: The abuse we dont see. #68897
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Fatsteve1 wrote:

    You guys are entitled to your opinion as I’m entitled to my opinion, and my opinion on the Bandit is that he has a arrogance towards his followers which I think is very unfair, as a percentage of these people enter a casino through his link and that can make him a very decent living which I have no problem with, but his rude attitude of going in the huff and not speaking to anyone for weeks is wrong in my opinion

    He posts on Twitter and here in the forum. And in your daily life you had to deal with threats against your family and general trolls sometime you would just want to walk away take a breather for a day. Again if that’s your opinion fair enough but I’m just hear pointing out that you saying he isn’t around just is not true.

    in reply to: The abuse we dont see. #68798
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Winningbird wrote:

    @seedy you might want to check the comment section on the videos again. Just a heads up.

    Thanks for the heads up ? tried again dunno why it didnt block them. Btw the Kyle and cully are the same person backing himself up actually makes me chuckle and shows he is a troll and a very sad individual.

    in reply to: The abuse we dont see. #68753
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    They are banned lol seems to me they was just trolls. ??

    in reply to: Life’s too short #68591
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    @Haz sounds like a plan dude ??

    in reply to: Life’s too short #68587
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    When is my @Haz pint day ??

    in reply to: First time writing #68578
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    @Yozzer1 he is on holiday atm mate. Also he has had a upload timeout not a channel ban for a video from back in 2016 as to why its anyones guess ??

    in reply to: Sane or insane #68376
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    I’m sure I was sane before I started modding this forum…

    Now I’m not sure anymore also thanks @Haz for believing in my sanity ?????

    in reply to: The Leftists Are Mad #68287
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Weird topic not got anything to add to it so i will stay out lol.


    But… keep it civilised people disagree etc show your prof etc but do me as favour and keep it civil towards each other even in disagreement 😀

    in reply to: picture upload ? seedy #68242
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    I will keep an eye on it mate as the next batch of big wins should be going up today ??

    in reply to: Roshtein Review #68109
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    @Haz you wouldn’t be talking about yourself now would you sir??? xD

    in reply to: Roshtein Review #68101
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    i like the fence lol 🙂

    in reply to: Roshtein Review #68094
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    yes please give it a break lol i feel sorry for Snail as his topic has been completely derailed into the same old dispute over which side of the fence people sit on and after reading it all as judge and jury in the forum im going to settle this as no one has given any proof or evidence that casinos are rigged and to quote i think think it was JB “its way above our pay grade to really know what happens at the top!” Jesus i cant believe i just quoted JB and the sentence didn’t contain the word c**t  xD pahahah

    There has been good arguments on either side and acceptance from both side about code and theories etc and I do tip my hat that it was had with a good amount of decent communication and not just a swearing match while just throwing shit at each other honestly i do wanna dish out the cookies lol 😀

    So in summary i rule this conversation a



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